一. 感想
第一章伊始,作者 Zinsser (vocation) 从他和 Dr. Brock (avocation) 同时出席的一场写作座谈会切入主题。两位作家面对同样的问题,几乎全部给出了截然相反的答案,例如:
Dr. Brock:特别有意思(tremendous fun)!
Dr. Brock:完全不需要!
Dr. Brock:那就停下来,干点别的。等有灵感了,再动笔就好。
Dr. Brock:我会去钓钓鱼,散散步。
所以,一篇优秀的作品绝不是第一遍写完就大功告成,反复修改就变得格外重要。写作者在这个过程中需要不断地问自己:我已经把我想表达的内容清晰阐述了吗?能否让读者在第一遍阅读的时候就能够理解它们呢?而这一切的前提是,写作者自己的思维是清晰的。正如Zinsser所说,"Clear thinking becomes clear writing; one can't exist without the other."
Writing is hard work. A clear sentence is no accident. Very few sentences come out right the first time, or even the third time. Remember this in moments of despair. If you find that writing is hard, it’s because it is hard.
二. 字词
1. cadence
(1) 原文:I had long considered him my model as a writer. His was the seemingly effortless style—achieved, I knew, with great effort—that I wanted to emulate, and whenever I began a new project I would first read some White to get his cadences into my ear.
(2) 字典解释:the way someone's voice rises and falls, especially when reading out loud
(3) 造句:During the speech, the cadences are conducive to expressing feelings.
2. upkeep
(1) 原文:E-mail is an impromptu medium, not conducive to slowing down or looking back. It’s ideal for the never-ending upkeep of daily life.
(2) 字典解释:the process of keeping something in good condition
(3) 造句:Soliloquizing is ideal for the upkeep of oral English.
3. bewildered
(1) 原文:As for the students, anyone might think we left them bewildered.
(2) 字典解释:totally confused
(3) 造句:During this class, there is a bewildered expression on Lily's face.
4. clutter
(1) 原文:Clutter is the disease of American writing. We are a society strangling in unnecessary words, circular constructions, pompous frills and meaningless jargon.
(2) 字典解释:
n. a large number of things that are scattered somewhere in an untidy way
vt. to fill your mind with a lot of different things
(3) 造句:When we express our point of view, we should try to avoid clutter.
5. verbiage
(1) 原文:Perhaps a sentence is so excessively cluttered that the reader, hacking through the verbiage, simply doesn’t know what it means.
(2) 字典解释:speech or writing that has many unnecessary words in it
(3) 造句:Rewriting is necessary, so that we can re-examine the article and slough off unimportant verbiage.
6. shoddily
(1) 原文:Perhaps a sentence has been so shoddily constructed that the reader could read it in several ways.
(2) 字典解释:made or done cheaply or carelessly
(3) 造句:These furniture is pretty shoddily made.