


Croatia大使已经经历过很多人生变革,致力于寻找人生意义,写了很多诗集,他说自己很shocked看到我自我邀请坚决进入只为他开放的博物馆,我说“There is no time to think我没时间浪费去想”。和我谈了很多巴西历史和文化,说如果对非洲文化尤其是condomble宗教仪式感兴趣建议我去Cachoeira,对他感兴趣就去Brazilian:首都!他在那生活工作,听起来是个新的无聊的城市。不管我对大使,尤其是还很Fit和浪漫大使多么感兴趣,巴西这个国家不能呆,我给了大使希望:来纽约工作找我啊,就飘回去了。但Salvador如此不安全,我必须去三线城市或乡镇,那里民风淳朴,也许安全一些。


急忙pack赶往轮渡,最后半小时上了一艘开往Valença的船,船上开始和别人用我蹩脚西班牙语聊天:一个律师放弃高薪回到家乡致力于教育,searching for meaning of life,和我们家大使一样啊,大使开始发信息给我;另外一对智利来的夫妇做义工,他们西语口音使我彻底失去自信,但不放弃搞清楚智利旅游tips。

海港小城Valença类似我之前潜水常去的菲利宾帕劳湾,干净的酒店面向大海,我立马跑出去看到海岸线长到我可以早晨跑步不重复,开心;好多渔民在捞龙虾,这要是中国游客在,非灭绝了不可;但当地没有亚洲人或美国人,比较authentic原汁原味;晚上酒店景色最好我还是跑到酒吧,不喝酒只喝papaya吃Acai写东西,用IPad不很安全哦,我鬼鬼祟祟遮遮掩掩写blog。早晨沿海岸线跑步到机场,感觉一切安全就放肆了,往树林里跑,一条小路上坡,我无法克制好奇心跑上去,又迂回曲折引导到另外一条小路,再一条...............最终我到达一个神奇的封闭区域,写着“One Love”,很多非洲派系涂鸦的墙圈起来一个很神秘的空间,我发挥想象一个国王这里色情泛滥,和若干恐怖片:自己可能被抓进去,肆意蹂躏后切割,赶紧跑出去,骂自己又犯傻,咋不长记性呢!

One love鬼地方

参加当地boat tour,除了一对西班牙Canary Island来的couple,还有一个意大利男人带着一个委内瑞拉大凶器:她的胸比我屁股都大,好大负担,她也习惯了,动作挺灵活的。委内瑞拉西班牙语超级正规,国家太穷无数变故,好多女人靠色情谋生,希望这一对是真爱;后来聊天知道是真爱,一天100美金,可以参考我之前文章“给钱才是真爱”。其他人都只讲葡萄牙语,我就和这两对couple混在一起,努力用西班牙语交流,彼此折磨。我们boat到了海中间一处浅滩,是个酒吧,of course;我穿上当地儿童部买的最小号bikini,喝着有机coconut,吃着椰肉;看周围人在这么纯洁环境下疯狂酗酒,一副酒精中毒的样子,感慨人和人差距太大了:这胸昨就这么大!吃啥吃出来的?




boat tour


我做了一个决定,如果安全回去纽约,就申请美国绿卡,不管多大代价。失去expatriate status外派待遇,代表收入至少减半和无数其它养尊处优的习惯,但人生就是要做大事!



In morro de Sao Paulo

Thursday 24th May hotel posada llha do sol 8.30pm

It raining really hard, but with tide noise even bigger and closer, reminds me the time in paulowan....the Korean hotel by the beach, with the open window and tide noise, a shining moon...

Quite a contrast comparing with Salvador old town, yesterday eve I was more concerned about safety than anthing else, can not find any fruit and only able to work around 200 square meters safe zone....of course I am doing all I can to enjoy every moment, eventually find a very pleasant upscale restaurant, had my lovely papaya and mango fruit with some exotic suco....locally term for juice, and quite a nice time to write my note...then having fun with the front desk guys, who are so eager to learn Chinese, amazing to see how much he is eager to learn all kinds of language, very progressing person...


Anyhow this morning I woke up early but wise to know that I should not do jogging outside, even walk before 7am is not encourged but I got to go out ...it is completley quite besides safety guards together to chat. I am able to take a few pictures with the phone hiding it in the map....amazing how my phone can cause attention here...walk again to the safe area of old town, it is pretty but sadly poor and dangerously silent....I have to watch out all the time, quite happy that eventually I able to back hotel for breakfast: a typical papaya breakfast but great to try cooked banana with skin togeher, even warm....this kind of thing charming me....different experience.

I finally decided what to do, bonfim first, it is much further than thought and ran through some very industrial areas, Salvador is big....church is nice but it is about it, I walk along the coast almost end up another deserted area then back searching for the forte Mont Serrat, quite some walk there, but it is a nice small museum with history of Portuguese occupant. I was in good energy level to walk along the beach, feel the wind and ocean, realize the much nicer part of Salvador, a normal life people live in rather than the dangerous old down....inheriting experience to stay one night there but that is about it...I was doing pretty well particular after a day without much work but my feet starts to hurt, and some area in olinda was not that interesting to see also. Hard to get taxi from Vermelho area, which is said to be one of happening neighborhood not for me...I did not find my longing for local speciality: acarajé...was so keen on trying it as it is highlight of Bahia...turns out I got on small bus, since big bus is on strike and it goes very far to Itapua....passing some nice beaches, in comparison term as now I see everything just normal much nicer after yesterday experience. Itapua is again a very busy area with a lot of small not elegant shops...but I got my bondage which supports me keep walking and most fascinating is I got my Acarajé, which is a fried doll  being cut in the middle, then filling some sauces and vege salad, most important meat or seafood and I just go for the simple version, it tastes delicious which I am so happy with it.....it is highlight of Itapua as later on I walk to the light house without being impressed, under a strong sun along the black lagoon beach, not many people only some fishmen with big lobsters, quite impressive! But nothing else to see and it is not the best beach also, I found a hotel but finally decide to check out the boat option: have to leave Salvador, not sure which option between Morro and Cachoeira? Was thinking again and again but turns out there is a boat leaving at 2.30pm which gives me half hour to pack and back, which I did even the hotel lady tries to stop me leaving by saying I should pay another day....maybe, I guess! Was a big guilty about agency girl who tried to book me for hiking in lençois, quited the idea of sitting in car for 6 hrs...l

Jut exactly the last minute to catch the boat, by knowing it is not going to morro Sao Paulo, but anyhow it will be there eventually, got an interesting discussion with a local guy who gave up his lawyer career to land in itaparica for culture foundation work, searching for meaning...these days I met quite a few, the croatia ambassador who is in contact with message now...we are all searching one way or another, better than not thinking about it anymore....

It is very turbulent in tide so we took 1.30 hrs to the city of Valença, with a chilean couple whom I practice my bad Spanish realized how poor it is...the view is nice very green and completely different than other part of brazil I been to....then another half hour boat with amazing cloudy sunset, create a phenomenal view...feel the wind and happy with it.

The landing on the port is nice again comparing with what I saw in Salvador, now my standard of nice life backs to pretty basic, realize by say all these love for local cultures I need some decency of life: nice and clean hotel, fruits and açai, now my new love!!!! And good cafe latte, not even have to be soy....hotel is nice enough, remind me the old good time in Capri or Asia islands, quickly settle in then walk along the beach, find even pont of açai, everything I want in life is there: Açai with mango and granola, unbelievable!!!! Always can find certain local things I love, with  the fact Brazilian food is so much to do with meat I actually live well here with all the fruit and dessert healthy options...if it ever exist..


Of course the sudden rain comes I got stuck then completely wet, with the fact it is a long coast line would be great to jog in the morning, I sense not much else to do either, but after quite some turbulent time in Brazil I got to relax and recover a bit before heading to another adventure! Still can not believe what happened in Sao paulo!!!

Evening was not very happening here during a raining night, got my decaf latte, god knows it is decaf or not as people here almost speak no English at all!!!

Feel today is a long day, been through quite some difference, which is great as a life experience! Four more days to go, enjoy the best!!!

Samba Beach Bar of Morro Sao Paulo

May 25, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012 5:01 PM

25th May in samba beach bar of Morro SP 8.15pm

It might be very stupid to use IPAD in the club but not much other things to see....do not want to stay in hotel room even with a nice ocean view and noises of tide, still prefer out sitting with others...

I was not sleeping very tight as clearly I hear the tides all the time, with the balcony opening all night. Morning run along the beach is nice, very empty and weather is agreeable...I was not in a rush but enjoying the view...it is tides up so I can not cross by close to the airport, go for the very forest route, in a small village Zimbo? Nice to see and remind me the village in India. Back to the center, decided to go to Ponte of San Cruz? Another side of center, curiosity is killing me as I see a route up in the hill stairs entrance is blocked but another way up took me into a private residence....then down to another side with the sign of One Love, follow down to the Oceanside with a small state and some big painted wall, it is a bi weird with the link to some movies horrors so I rushed back...sometimes just doing silly things!

Breakfast in the hotel is ok, tried some fired banana, egg is excellent. Since it might be the only one full day I decided to do the most recommend island tour. Got to use the swimming suit once! It takes long to book a simple tour. The group is all local besides an Italian guy with a very plump venezuela lady, something nice here is tourists are all local Brazilian,or from neighbor countries, completely no English almost, means something still reasonable authentic.

The boat is very turbulent, luckily I do not have sea sick. Realize the island is quite big, ridiculous that this morning I thought I have ran big part of island, it is just a tiny tiny part. The whole island is covered by deep woods and around it with open sea. First stop is in middle of sea with hollow water close to Garapua with natural pool. Water is not warm, but swim is ok and underwater life is so so. Then way to next stop we encounter some heavy rain, cold wind, tried to be optimistic with the weather which is ok when we arrive in Boca da Barra: a boat bar in middle of nowhere but hollow water, in a way it is funny experience as I was standing in the ocean to drink coconut juice and having the amazing coconut meat in the ocean, with some fishes around to seek food I guess! But meanwhile realize it is not good for the nature also...other people are drinking beer, even u are able to smoke, imagine! I did see quite some Brazilian starting with beer on the street in the morning:+)

Next stop is already island Boipera, said to be like original Morro without tourists much, luckily two non-Portuguese couples going to walk together. One couple from canary island, very active. I hardly understand the Spanish they talk, tried to listen but does not help much. Anyhow the walk is nice, good to observe them ans the Spanish woman is fit, active but smoke...enjoy the walk particular bare foot part, we encounter some rain, getting heavy when close to lunch place. Good that they all prefer walking in the village, which is indeed cute. Very clean, with a fiesta deco square. The church is very pretty, I was a bit hungry with only some pineapple from the couple. Got some small cute pastry in the local shop, we back to restaurant waiting for rain to stop, which is already close to 3pm we start journey again and I forgot my slippery on the island which is funny as I used to walk bare foo5 now?! Anyhow feel food with it even it means all the walk later on without shoes. Journey through Rio de inferno is river of hell, a long river to separate two islands... stop in an oyster bar, on a floating boat, I use the time to meditate and sunbath, if any sun in the day. cairu is a small village with one nice church, where I got my bananas, not best choice but only choice. Way back is quite amazing as weather in one moment becomes very stormy, I thought we are going to be really wet and cold, god is blessing if I may use this world, that we did not get the worst weather at all!

Booked my flight back to Sao Paulo with less idea choice and more expensive price, which is a way of penalty for me not to back to that nice girl in Salvador who helped me with the four, i felt a bit guilty about it...

Got to try fresh cacau drink by the beach, which I am curious for a while.

Açai with tropical fruit as dinner is just gorgeous...tomorrow going to try the bus to Cachoeira, let us see where I end up. Brazil travel is not very easy no matter logistic or safety...but happy having this opportunity to know it better...

