大话单词 | Unit 2:What time do you usually get up?

1, get up 起床;站起

»They have to get up early in the morning.

2, dress /dres/ v.穿衣服 n.连衣裙

a long white dress/一条白色长裙

a wedding dress/婚纱裙

»get dressed/穿上衣服

»What time do they get dressed?


dress dream drink drive

ch + ess = chess → dr + ess = dress

3, brush /brʌʃ/ v.刷;刷净 n.刷子

»brush one's teeth/hair/shoes


»At ten thirty, I brush my teeth and then I go to bed.


ru + n = run

Engli + sh = English

b + ru + sh =brush

4, shower /ˈʃaʊə(r)/ n.&v.淋雨;n.淋浴器

»take a shower/淋浴

»She usually gets up at six thirty. Then she always takes a shower and eats a good breakfast.

»take a walk/散步

»The old man likes to take a walk after dinner./那位老人喜欢饭后散步。

5, forty /ˈfɔ:ti/ 四十



6, job /dʒɒb/ /dʒɑb/ n.工作;职业

»a part-time/full-time job


»Scott has an interesting job.


jo + in = join → jo + b = job

7, work /wɜ(r):k/ v.&n. 工作

»go to work

»When does Scott go to work?


wor + d =word → wor + k = work

8, station /ˈsteɪʃn/ n.电台;车站

a bus station/公交站

a train station/火车站

a subway station/地铁站

a police station/警察局

Scott works at a radio station.


sta + y = stay → sta + tion = station

9, night /naɪt/ n.晚上


daughter /ˈdɔ:tə(r)/ 女儿

right /raɪt/ 右方的;正确的


r + ight = right → n + ight = night


knight /naɪt/ 骑士,发音同night;


10, funny /ˈfʌni/ adj.奇怪的;滑稽好笑的

a funny story

»I eat breakfast at nine

-That's a funny time for breakfast!

»Peter always tells us funny stories.


a + ny = any → fun + ny = funny



»This game looks fun./这游戏看起来很有趣!

不要说:This game looks funny./这游戏看起来好滑稽...

»Peter is fun to be with./彼得这人很有趣(而不是很滑稽)。

【扩展2】have time for/is time for

»It's time for lunch/bed!


»I don't have much time for breakfast, so I usually eat very quickly.

11, exercise /ˈeksəsaɪz/ v.&n. 锻炼

»After that, I usually exercise at about ten twenty.

»Exercise is good for our health.

12, on weekends (在)周末

»When do your friends exercise?

-They usually exercise on weekends.

»I often go out with my friends on weekends.

on the weekend

Do you have time on the weekend?


week(一周) + end(末端) = weekend(一周的末端)

13, best /best/ adj.&adv. 最好的

»Tom is my best friend./汤姆是我最好的朋友

14, homework /ˈhəʊmwɜ:k/ n.家庭作业

»do (one's) homework

»When I get home, I always do my homework first.

»What time do you usually do your homework?

»Peter always help me with my homework after school.


home + work = homework


house + work = housework

15, clean /kli:n/ v.打扫;弄干净 adj.干净的

»clean my room

»I don't have time to clean my room from Monday to Friday. So I clean it on weekends.


lea + ve = leave → c + lea + n = clean



16, quickly /ˈkwɪkli/ adv.很快地

»I don't have much time for breakfast, so I usually eat very quickly.


quick + ly = quickly

quiet + ly = quietly/安静地

happy + ly = happily/快乐地

17, lot /lɒt/ pron.大量;许多;

lots of(非正式) = a lot of

»He drank lots of milk... ——不可数

»There are lots of people in the room. ——可数

18, taste /teist/ v.有...的味道;品尝 n.味道

»She knows it’s not good for her, but it tastes good!

»It tastes sweet.


be (not) good for sb/sth

»Too much sun isn't good for you.



be good with sb/sth:善于应付...;对...有办法

»She is good with her hands.


»He is very good with children.


be good at sth/doing sth:擅长...;精通...

»Mr. Gu is good at languages. He can speak eight languages.


»Mary is good at singing.




大话单词 | Unit 2:What time do you usually get up?_第1张图片

»They always go to school at eight o’clock.

»I usually get up at seven o’clock.

»He’s never late for class.

»2,区分a quarter to eight和a quarter past eight


大话单词 | Unit 2:What time do you usually get up?_第2张图片

大话单词 | Unit 2:What time do you usually get up?_第3张图片



»7:15 a quarter past seven

»7:45 a quarter to eight

»7:30 half past seven

»3,对What time问句通常要回答具体时刻,when问句的回答可具体可笼统:

»What time do you usually get up?

-I usually get up at six thirty.

»When does Scott go to work?

-He always goes to work at eleven o'clock. He's never late.

»When do your friends exercise?

-They usually exercise on weekends.

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