Simon | Foreign Visitors

23. Foreign visitors should pay more than local visitors for cultural and historical attractions. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (外国游客付更高的景点门票费)

It is sometimes argued that tourists from overseas should be charged more than local residents to visit important sites and monuments. I completely disagree with this idea.

The argument in favour of higher prices for foreign tourists would be that cultural or historical attractions often depend on state subsidies to keep them going, which means that the resident population already pays money to these sites through the tax system. However, I believe this to be a very shortsighted view.Foreign tourists contribute to the economy of the host country with the money that spends on a wide range of goods and services, including food, souvenirs, accommodation and inhabitants of every country should be happy to subsidize important tourist sites and encourage people from the rest of the world to visit them.(景点所在国家)

If travelers realised that they would have to pay more to visit historical and cultural attractions in a particular nation, they would perhaps decide not to go to that country on holiday. To take the UK as an example, the tourism industry and many related jobs rely on visitors coming to the country to see places like Windsor Castle or Saint Paul's Cathedral. These two sites charge the same price regardless of nationality, and this helps to promote the nation's cultural heritage. If overseas tourists stopped coming due to higher prices, there would be a risk of insufficient funding for the maintenance of these important buildings.(外国游客角度)

In conclusion, I believe that every effort should be made to attract tourists from overseas, and it would be counterproductive to make them pay more than local residents.


关键词Foreign visitors, pay more,local visitors 的替换也很丰富。

观点也很好。1) 站在当地人的角度来看这个问题,当地人是通过税收补贴了景点,但是外国人来游览会贡献更多。2)站在外国游客的角度,如果他们知道了,他们就不来了。来了可以保持文化遗址,不来的话,景点不能得到很好的维护。


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