jio tomcat_透过Jio Glass看

jio tomcat

The promise of Augmented Reality hardware has been immense, but so have been the number of misses. Can Jio’s next hardware play be any different?

增强现实硬件的承诺是巨大的,但是错过的机会也是如此。 Jio的下一个硬件玩法会有所不同吗?

Reliance has been on a tear in the last few months. Jio Platforms, has raised nearly $16B in four months. A company that was built on the core of oil & gas did not have those terms being uttered through their Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the first 60 minutes. The next bet, looking forward, among many things is a pair of mixed reality glasses called Jio Glass.

在过去的几个月里,依赖一直在流泪。 Jio Platforms在四个月内筹集了近$ 16B。 一家以石油和天然气为核心的公司在最初的60分钟之内没有通过年度股东大会(AGM)提出这些条款。 展望未来,下一个赌注是,一副名为Jio Glass的混合现实眼镜

基础知识:什么是Jio Glass? (The Basics: What is Jio Glass?)

Jio Glass launched as mixed-reality glasses that serve primarily for education & entertainment. The core tech specs and details about how the glass works are scarce during the launch. However, some of the underlying technologies, principles and potential paint for a very interesting picture on how a country with over a billion people could have access to consumer grade wearable computing.

Jio Glass以混合现实眼镜的形式推出,主要用于教育和娱乐。 在发布期间,关于玻璃如何工作的核心技术规格和细节很少。 然而,一些潜在的技术,原理和潜在的描绘非常有趣地描绘了一个拥有十亿人口的国家如何能够使用消费级可穿戴计算技术。

Reliance Jio’s foray into mixed reality started in 2019 when they acquired majority stake in deep-tech startup Tesseract which has a few hardware products in XR space. At their 42nd AGM in 2019, the company had showcased a ‘Holoboard AR headset’ made by Tesseract, but did not ship any to consumers; and this seems to be an iteration by them, over the last year.

Reliance Jio于2019年开始涉足混合现实,当时他们收购了深度技术创业公司Tesseract的多数股权,该公司在XR领域拥有一些硬件产品。 在2019年举行的第42届股东周年大会上,该公司展示了Tesseract生产的``Holoboard AR耳机'',但没有向消费者发货。 在过去的一年中,这似乎是他们的一次迭代。

消费者等级增强现实的剖析 (The Anatomy of Consumer Grade Augmented Reality)

For Jio Glass to be successful, when it launches, it has to not just be a good product but also build an ecosystem around it. Broadly, the important tiers are:

为了使Jio Glass成功, 推出时,它不仅必须是一个好的产品,而且还必须围绕它构建一个生态系统。 大致而言,重要的层次是:

  • Infrastructure: The data the connects your glass

    基础设施 :连接您的玻璃的数据

  • Hardware: Does the glass work?

    硬件 :玻璃工作吗?

  • Operating System: What does ambient computing look like?

    操作系统 :环境计算是什么样的?

  • Apps & services: Third-party developer adoption

    应用和服务 :采用第三方开发人员

  • Content: The things that keep you coming back for more

    内容 :让您回头的东西

How close are we to realizing this? We are not living in this future yet, but there is a strong case to be made that we are accelerating towards it, in 2020, faster than ever before.

我们离实现这一目标有多近? 我们不是生活在这个未来还没有 ,但要进行,我们正在加快实现它,在2020年,比以往更快了强有力的理由。

So how did we get here anyway? 那么我们如何到达这里?

九Glass玻璃五金 (The Jio Glass Hardware)

Before we get into the weeds about the device itself, it’s useful to rehash the spectrum of Augmented Reality / Mixed Reality. Hardware devices come in multiple shapes and forms, and can be categorized broadly into the following:

在深入了解有关设备本身的杂草之前,重新散布增强现实/混合现实的频谱很有用。 硬件设备有多种形状和形式,可以大致分为以下几类:

Jio Glass can be categorized into the Smart Glasses category, given what we know right now. During the launch, the following details were laid out by Jio:

鉴于我们现在所知道的,Jio Glass可以归为“智能眼镜”类别。 在发布期间,Jio列出了以下详细信息:

  • Focus on collaboration

  • Product weight of 75 grams

  • ‘Personalized’ audio features

  • Support for over 25 applications


A few other details emerged during the course of the event too.


它通过USB-C连接到您的手机 (It is connected to your phone via USB-C)

Smartphones have become processing powerhouses. Your average smartphone has a generous amount of computational headroom. Jio Glass and an emerging number of ‘XR Viewers’ tend to take advantage of tethering to your smartphone using a cable, and offload processing requirements to the phone. If you want to learn more about how this approach became popular over the others, I had previously written in-depth about the growing potential for smartphone tethered wearable computing you can read about here.

智能手机已成为处理能力的强国。 您的普通智能手机具有足够的计算余量。 Jio Glass和越来越多的“ XR Viewer”趋向于利用电缆来绑定到智能手机,并将处理要求转移到手机上。 如果您想了解更多关于这种方法如何比其他方法更受欢迎的信息,我以前曾写过一篇有关智能手机系绳可穿戴计算的增长潜力的文章,您可以在这里阅读。

Possible display technology: While details are light (ha), I suspect the device has a type of display that’s now fairly common in AR hardware, known as a BirdBath display. The birdbath combines two main optical components, a spherical mirror/combiner (part-mirror) and a beam splitter. The name “birdbath” comes from the spherical mirror/combiner looking like a typical birdbath. It is used because it generally is comparatively inexpensive while also being relatively small/compact while having good overall image quality.

可能的显示技术 :虽然细节很浅(ha),但我怀疑该设备具有一种在AR硬件中现在非常普遍的显示类型,称为BirdBath显示器。 鸟盆结合了两个主要的光学组件,一个球面镜/组合器(部分镜)和一个分束器。 “鸟盆”的名称来自球形镜/组合镜,看起来像是典型的鸟盆。 使用它是因为它通常比较便宜,同时又相对较小/紧凑,同时具有良好的整体图像质量。

This design has a medium FOV around 40-50 degree Field of View, so you’re still going to be seeing most of the mixed reality content through a narrow box in front of your vision.


The Problem? Light loss: In a 50/50 beamsplitter, there is a 50% light loss on the first bounce, additional loss when the light hits the combiner, and another 50% loss as the light rays travel back through the beamsplitter and are eventually projected onto the eye. To compensate for the significant loss of light the lenses are very dark, similar to wearing sunglasses indoors.

问题? 光损耗:在50/50分束器中,第一次反射时有50%的光损耗,当光入射到合束器时会产生额外的损耗,而当光线穿过分束器返回并最终投射到光束上时,还会损失50%眼睛。 为了弥补光线的大量损失,镜片非常黑,类似于在室内戴墨镜。

That’s not all. For a good Mixed Reality experience, the degree of immersion is key in making you believe what’s in front of you is the real deal. This has 3 main components to it, dictated by hardware:

那不是全部。 为了获得良好的混合现实体验,沉浸感的程度对于让您相信自己面前的东西是真正的交易至关重要。 它具有3个主要组件,由硬件决定:

等等,这与微软的Hololens有什么不同? (Wait, how is this different from things like Microsoft’s Hololens?)

Devices such as the Magic Leap and the Hololens rely on Waveguide optics. Waveguides represent a new form of optics technology, while still under development offers significant advantages in terms of form factor, clarity and ghosting. The display source is usually side mounted, using a Liquid Crystal on Silicon (LCOS) or DLP display. Both LCOS and DLP shoot collimated light rays through a diffraction grating that redirects light and eventually forms an expanded image, which is then projected it into the eye.

诸如Magic Leap和Hololens之类的设备都依赖于波导光学器件。 波导代表了光学技术的一种新形式,而仍在开发中的波导在形状因数,清晰度和重影方面具有明显的优势。 显示源通常是侧面安装的,使用硅上液晶(LCOS)或DLP显示器。 LCOS和DLP均通过衍射光栅射出准直的光线,该衍射光栅将光线重定向并最终形成扩展图像,然后将其投射到眼睛中。

While there is a lot of excitement to waveguide displays and the high-resolution AR experience, they are also the most expensive to manufacture and have significant reject rate. The prices of waveguides are expected to come down with better manufacturing processes, but today they are still a significant amount of cost for a high-end headset. Headsets with waveguides are retailing in the $3000 to $5000 range. However, current birdbath display XR viewers are in the $400 to $500 range.

虽然波导显示器和高分辨率的AR体验令人兴奋,但它们也是最昂贵的制造方法,并且具有很高的废品率。 预计波导的价格将随着更好的制造Craft.io而下降,但是今天,对于高端头戴式耳机而言,它们仍然是相当可观的成本。 带波导的耳机的零售价在3000到5000美元之间。 但是,当前的水盆显示XR观看器的价格在400美元到500美元之间。

那么,Jio Glass是第一个同类产品吗? (So, Jio Glass is the first of it’s kind?)

Qualcomm announced a strategic investment in Jio not too long ago, and have been shepherding the XR space with similar devices broadly labeled as ‘XR Viewers’

高通不久前宣布了一项对Jio的战略投资 ,并一直在使用XR Viewers广泛使用的类似设备来扩展XR领域。

There have been a robust line of devices that have launched under the Qualcomm XR Viewer program and operate under the same principles that Jio Glass aims to. Connect to your smartphone, with split rendering of visuals via an affordable, light weight wearable glass that’s on you.

在Qualcomm XR Viewer程序下已经推出了一系列强大的设备,并且它们的运行原理与Jio Glass的目标相同。 通过负担得起的轻巧可穿戴玻璃,连接到您的智能手机,并分别呈现视觉效果。

The XR visual processing pipeline is both compute intensive and latency sensitive. Splitting the processing correctly requires a system approach. To solve that, Qualcomm has a dedicated line of silicon to power these devices in conjunction to the smartphones in your pocket. They are known as the XR line of processors and the XR2 currently powers a few smart glasses in other markets such as China.

XR视觉处理管道既计算密集又对延迟敏感。 正确拆分处理需要系统方法。 为了解决这个问题,高通公司拥有专用的硅生产线,可为您口袋中的智能手机为这些设备供电。 它们被称为XR系列处理器,而XR2目前为中国等其他市场的一些智能眼镜提供动力。

The tiny chip has to perform a number of tasks parallelly with the smartphone to allow a smooth mixed reality experience. All of this, without thermal issues or rapid power drain as you don’t want your glasses getting hot or drain your phone through 30 minutes of usage. It’s one of the core reasons why the world of Augmented and Mixed Reality is as notoriously hard to crack, and some of these functions are:

该微型芯片必须与智能手机并行执行许多任务,以提供流畅的混合现实体验。 所有这些都没有散热问题或快速耗电,因为您不希望眼镜变热或在30分钟的使用过程中耗尽手机的电量。 这是众所周知的增强现实和混合现实世界很难破解的核心原因之一,其中一些功能是:

以前的AR硬件出了什么问题? (What went wrong with the previous AR hardware?)

We’re looking at you, Google Glass.

Google Glass正在寻找您。

Besides Google Glass, there have been plenty of venture backed companies promising to make consumer grade Augmented Reality come to life, only to realize the scale of the problem is larger than originally anticipated. The technology was almost there in a lot of cases, but the real issue was that the stakes to beat the major players to market were so high that many entrants pushed out boring, general consumer products. In a race to be everything for everybody, the industry relied on nascent developer platforms to do the dirty work of building their early use cases, which contributed heavily to nonexistent user adoption.

除了Google Glass之外,还有许多风险投资公司承诺使消费级的增强现实技术得以实现,只是意识到问题的规模比最初预期的要大。 在很多情况下,几乎都可以使用这项技术,但真正的问题是,要打败市场主要参与者的赌注如此之高,以至于许多进入者推出了无聊的普通消费类产品。 为了争取所有人的一切,该行业依靠新生的开发人员平台来完成构建早期用例的肮脏工作,这极大地促进了不存在的用户的采用。

A key error of this batch was thinking that an AR glasses company was hardware-first, when the reality is that the missing value is almost entirely centered on missing first-party software experiences. To succeed, the next generation of consumer AR glasses will have to nail this.

这一批的一个关键错误是认为AR眼镜公司是硬件优先的,而事实上,缺失的价值几乎完全集中在缺失的第一方软件体验上。 为了获得成功,下一代消费者AR眼镜将必须做到这一点。

操作系统 (Operating System)

While we know very little about Jio Glass or it’s underlying operating system, we can once again look towards similar XR Viewers and borrow possibilities on how Jio Glass might serve content to users. Specifically, has been one of the most anticipated devices to launch in the recent past. It currently sports an Android fork that they call Nebula UI. Nebula transforms your current environment into a user interface, enabling you to place persistent app screens within a physical space and interact with them at will. You can see it in action below:

尽管我们对Jio Glass或其底层操作系统了解甚少,但我们可以再次寻找类似的XR Viewer,并借用Jio Glass如何为用​​户提供内容的可能性。 具体来说, Nreal.ai一直是最近发布的最受期待的设备之一。 目前,它运行着一个名为Nebula UI的Android前叉。 Nebula将您当前的环境转换为用户界面,使您能够将持久的应用程序屏幕放置在物理空间中并随意与它们交互。 您可以在下面查看其运行情况:

Why build on Android? Besides the announced partnership with Google, this provides for easy developer support and backward compatibility for 2D apps to be ‘pinned’ to your peripheral vision. In addition, a tethered Android smartphone serves as a 3DoF controller to laser-point at icons and reposition app windows as you want them in 3D space.

为什么要在Android上构建? 除了与Google宣布的合作伙伴关系外,这还为2D应用提供了轻松的开发人员支持和向后兼容性,从而将2D应用“固定”在您的外围视觉上。 此外,受束缚的Android智能手机还可以用作3DoF控制器,以激光指向图标并根据需要在3D空间中重新定位应用程序窗口。

Going back to Jio Glass’s promotional material talking about placing 2D applications into your world, only strengthens the case for this approach.

回到Jio Glass的宣传材料,谈论将2D应用程序放入您的世界,只会增强这种方法的理由。

Critically, Jio Glass can potentially serve as a bridge between the host device’s OS (Android) and the glasses, enabling traditional Android apps to be accessed while wearing the Jio Glass— including tablet-class versions of Facebook, YouTube, and other apps that are displayed in wide rather than tall windows.

至关重要的是,Jio Glass可能会充当主机设备的OS(Android)与眼镜之间的桥梁,从而使得在佩戴Jio Glass时可以访问传统的Android应用程序-包括平板电脑类的Facebook,YouTube和其他显示在宽阔而不是高大的窗户中。

However, the biggest advantage with this approach might just be the fact that developers need to do no work / minimal work to make their applications 2D compatible with Jio Glass, and that brings me to the most important part of this category.

但是,这种方法的最大优势可能就是开发人员无需做任何工作/只需做最少的工作就可以使其应用程序2D与Jio Glass兼容,这使我成为该类别中最重要的部分。

应用与服务 (Applications & Services)

What if I told you that everything that went into making the Jio Glass or any other Augmetned Reality device till this step were actually the easy parts?

如果我告诉过您,制作Jio Glass或任何其他Augmetned Reality设备直到这一步骤之前实际上都是容易的零件?

The existence of first party software experiences, applications and services will single handedly decide the success of the Jio Glass or any other smart glass that becomes a consumer market success.

第一方软件经验,应用程序和服务的存在将一手决定Jio Glass或任何其他在消费者市场上取得成功的智能玻璃的成功。

AR含量鸡肉和鸡蛋 (The AR Content Chicken & Egg)

Building augmented reality or mixed reality content is hard. Very hard. It takes plenty of time, trial and working on game engines such as Unity & Unreal to get close to the fidelity that consumers have come to demand from even the most rudimentary smartphone apps. However, developers need to be incentivized to build atop new platforms because if there aren't any users for your cool new application in mixed reality, it doesn’t matter and vice-versa. If there are no applications for you to try out when your purchase your Jio Glass, it’s going to be stowed away and forgotten (remember Windows Phone?).

构建增强现实或混合现实内容很难。 辛苦 要接近消费者对最基本的智能手机应用程序所要求的保真度,需要花费大量时间,进行试用并在Unity和Unreal等游戏引擎上进行工作。 但是,需要激励开发人员在新平台上进行构建,因为如果在混合现实中没有任何用户使用您的酷炫新应用程序,那么这无关紧要,反之亦然。 如果购买Jio Glass时没有可供您试用的应用程序,它将被收起并遗忘(还记得Windows Phone吗?)。

Developer adoption is absolutely critical in making this new platform successful, and a step in the right direction is to seed applications and use cases out of the box when the device ships. Out of 25 such claimed applications, one such that was shown on stage was around collaboration.

开发人员的采用对于成功使这个新平台至关重要,朝着正确方向迈出的一步是在设备出厂时即刻为应用程序和用例提供种子。 在25个这样要求保护的申请中,其中一个在舞台上展示的是围绕协作的。

There are a million things that are unclear from these visuals, such as the full-passthrough backgrounds. However, an interesting part of the collaboration demo was the utilization of 3D avatars to help better showcase immersion and virtual embodiment. The visual language is very similar to a popular XR collaboration service called How similar? see below:

这些视觉效果中尚不清楚一百万个事物,例如完整的直通背景。 但是,协作演示的一个有趣的部分是3D化身的使用,以帮助更好地展示沉浸感和虚拟体现。 视觉语言与流行的XR协作服务Spatial.io非常相似。 有多相似? 见下文:

You upload a selfie to be converted to a 3D avatar 您上传自拍照以转换为3D头像
You then use your avatar to interact through AR calls and collaboration 然后,您可以使用头像通过AR呼叫和协作进行交互
Some of’s demos through a Microsoft Hololens 通过Microsoft Hololens进行的Spatial.io演示

Disruptive technologies, though they initially can only be used in small markets remote from the mainstream, are disruptive because they subsequently can become fully performance-competitive within the mainstream market against established products. This happens because the pace of technological progress in products frequently exceeds the rate of performance improvement that mainstream customers demand or can absorb. As a consequence, products whose features and functionality closely match market needs today often follow a trajectory of improvement by which they overshoot mainstream market needs tomorrow. And products that seriously underperform today, relative to customer expectations in mainstream markets, may become directly performance-competitive tomorrow

颠覆性技术尽管最初只能在远离主流的小型市场中使用,但却具有破坏性,因为它们随后可以在主流市场中与现有产品完全竞争。 发生这种情况是因为产品技术进步的步伐经常超过主流客户要求或可以吸收的性能提高速度。 结果,其特性和功能与当今市场需求紧密匹配的产品通常会遵循改进的轨迹,从而超越明天的主流市场需求。 相对于主流市场客户的期望,今天表现严重落后的产品明天可能会成为具有竞争力的产品

Hence, seeding content and selecting education and entertainment as beachheads can prove to be effective for Jio Glass to wedge it’s growth into markets that prize content at first, build a library of content before scaling. Whilst they attempt to solve for India, things are moving fast back in Silicon Valley.

因此,事实证明,播种内容并选择教育和娱乐作为滩头堡,对于Jio Glass而言,将其增长推向首先重视内容的市场,在扩展之前建立内容库是有效的。 在他们试图解决印度问题的同时,硅谷正在Swift发展。

苹果玻璃呢? (What about Apple Glass?)

Apple’s aggressiveness in areas like wearables and, at least from a software perspective, augmented reality, suggest the company will press its hardware advantage to get to the future before its rivals, establishing a beachhead that will be that much more difficult for superior services offerings to dislodge. The best way to think about Apple has always been as a personal computer company; the only difference over time is that computers have grown ever more personal, moving from the desk to the lap to the pocket and today to the wrist (and ears). The face is a logical next step, and no company has proven itself better at the sort of hardware engineering necessary to make it happen.

苹果在可穿戴设备等领域的进取心,至少从软件的角度来看,它增强了现实,这表明该公司将在竞争对手之前压榨其硬件优势,将其推向未来,这将使一流的服务产品难以为继。撤离。 考虑苹果的最佳方法一直是作为个人计算机公司。 随着时间的推移,唯一的区别是计算机变得越来越个人化,从桌子到笔记本电脑再到口袋,再到今天的手腕(和耳朵)。 面对问题是合乎逻辑的下一步,没有任何一家公司能够证明自己在实现这一目标所需的硬件工程方面做得更好。

Critically, Apple also has the right business model: it can sell barely good-enough devices at a premium to a userbase that will buy simply because they are from Apple, and from there figure out a use case without the need to reach everyone. I was very critical of this approach with the Apple Watch — it was clear from the launch keynote that Apple had no idea what this cool piece of hardware engineering would be used for — but, as the Apple Watch has settled into its niche as a health and fitness device and slowly expanded from there, I am more appreciative of the value of simply shipping a great piece of hardware and letting the real world figure it out.

至关重要的是,苹果公司还拥有正确的商业模式:它只能以仅来​​自苹果公司购买的用户群的价格出售勉强够用的设备,然后从那里找出用例,而无需接触所有人。 我对Apple Watch的使用方法非常挑剔-从发布主题演讲中可以很清楚地看出,Apple不知道这种酷炫的硬件工程将用于什么用途-但是,随着Apple Watch作为一种健康产品而进入其利基市场和健身设备,然后从那里慢慢扩展,我更欣赏仅运送一件出色的硬件并让现实世界弄清楚它的价值。

Moreover, there is evidence that Jio sees the value in Apple’s approach: the company’s push into hardware may in part be an attempt to find a new business model for Jio Platforms, but establishing the capabilities to compete in hardware beyond the smartphone is surely a goal as well. It is increasingly becoming evident that sheets of smartphone glass are simply no longer the most fertile ground for innovation.

此外,有证据表明Jio看到了Apple的方法的价值:公司进军硬件可能部分是为Jio Platforms寻找新的商业模式的尝试,但是建立超越智能手机的硬件竞争能力肯定是一个目标。也一样 越来越明显的是,智能手机玻璃板不再仅仅是创新的最沃土。

Other Jio patterners such as Facebook too, have been deeply invested in realizing VR/AR as the next computing platform. To quote Mark Zuckerberg from one of his keynotes:

其他Jio模式制作者(例如Facebook)也已投入大量资金,以将VR / AR实现为下一个计算平台。 引用马克·扎克伯格的主题演讲之一:

We experience the world through this feeling of presence and the interactions that we get with other people, which is why Facebook’s technology vision has always been about putting people at the center of your computing experience. We’ve mostly done that so far through building apps. I don’t think it’s an accident that a lot of the top-used and biggest apps that are out there are social experiences that put people at the center of the experience, because that’s how we process things.

我们通过这种存在感以及与其他人的互动来体验世界,这就是为什么Facebook的技术愿景始终是将人置于您的计算体验的中心。 到目前为止,我们大部分都是通过构建应用程序来完成的。 我不认为偶然出现的许多顶级应用和最大型应用程序都具有将人们置于体验中心的社交体验,因为这就是我们处理事物的方式。

But there is only so much you can do with apps, without also shaping and improving the underlying platform. I find it shocking that we’re here in 2019 and our phones and our computers are still organized around apps and tasks and not people that we are actually present with. I feel like we can help all of us together deliver a unique contribution to this field by helping to ensure that the next platform changes this.

但是,您只能对应用程序做很多事情,而无需塑造和改进基础平台。 我感到震惊的是,我们将在2019年来到这里,我们的手机和计算机仍然围绕应用程序和任务进行组织,而不是与我们实际在场的人在一起。 我觉得我们可以通过帮助确保下一个平台改变这一点,来帮助我们所有人共同为这一领域做出独特的贡献。

基础设施 (Infrastructure)

What’s in it for Jio in the long term?


During the AGM event, Jio’s 5G plans were outlined too, and this fits well with their bullish view on wearable computing and Jio Glass. Much like the headroom with smartphone processing, 5G creates infrastructure level headroom for data, throughput and lowers latency. AR/VR devices are one of the first new categories to leverage on the additional advantages 5G brings with it.

在AGM活动期间,也概述了Jio的5G计划,这与他们对可穿戴计算和Jio Glass的乐观看法非常吻合。 就像具有智能手机处理功能的净空一样,5G可以为数据,吞吐量和降低延迟创建基础设施级的净空。 AR / VR设备是最早利用5G带来的其他优势的新类别之一。

This helps set the stage for Jio’s network to expand aggressively. With this, Jio effectively looks to own the entire stack from the data that connects your devices, the very devices you use, the applications and services that power them, and now further into commerce and content as well.

这有助于为Jio的网络积极扩展奠定基础。 这样,Jio可以有效地从连接设备的数据,所使用的设备,为它们提供支持的应用程序和服务,以及现在进一步涉足商业和内容的数据中拥有整个堆栈。

This in crease in wireless capacity will be facilitated with Jio’s India-made 5G equipment and Edge capabilities. In the world of XR, one of the most talked about terms is called M2P or Motion to Photon latency. Motion-to-Photon latency is the time needed for a user movement to be fully reflected on a display screen. The smaller the M2P, the more immersive your experience.

Jio印度制造的5G设备和Edge功能将促进无线容量的增加。 在XR领域,最受关注的术语之一称为M2P或运动到光子延迟。 运动到光子的延迟是指用户移动完全反映在显示屏上所需的时间。 M2P越小,您的体验越沉浸。

Combine this with the larger Jio Platform’s goal of enabling Industrial IoT applications, critical services, SMB data connectivity and wearable computing — you now witness an ambitious 5G infrastructure that can power the next wave of devices in the country in the coming decade.

将其与更大的Jio Platform的目标结合起来,以实现工业物联网应用,关键服务,SMB数据连接和可穿戴计算的目标–您现在见证了雄心勃勃的5G基础架构,可以为该国在未来十年的下一波设备提供动力。

The curious case of two industries that face the same existential question: “what’s the killer application?”. We do not yet know the killer application for XR or mixed reality. We do not yet know the killer application for 5G. Now, does putting these two industries together for a country that has typically not been a very early adopter of new technologies going to work? We are yet to see. However, if we cease to take a short term view and rather view into the sunset to see how the decade might unfurl, it is compelling to see why these industries might lead to profound impact, if they work out. VR/AR have probably had more false starts as an industry than most other spaces; and anybody who’s been around long enough breeds cautious optimism on if/when it is the right time to consider it akin to the next smartphone revolution. We might very well have to wait for Apple to reveal what thousands of engineers have been working on over years in their Augmented Reality plans. Till then, the Jio Glass serves as a glimpse into a future that promises much.

两个行业面临着相同的生存问题的奇怪案例:“杀手级应用是什么?”。 我们还不知道XR或混合现实的杀手级应用。 我们尚不了解5G的杀手级应用。 现在,是否将这两个行业整合在一起,成为一个通常不是很早就采用新技术的国家? 我们还没有看到。 但是,如果我们不再以短期的眼光看待日落,来看看十年如何消退,那么,如果这些行业奏效的话,那么为什么这些行业可能会带来深远的影响是令人信服的。 与大多数其他领域相比,VR / AR作为一个行业可能有更多错误的开始。 并且已经存在足够长的时间的人都会对是否/何时将其视为类似于下一次智能手机革命的时候抱有谨慎的乐观态度。 我们可能非常需要等待苹果公司透露其增强现实计划中数以千计的工程师多年来从事的工作。 到那时为止,Jio Glass可以窥见一个充满希望的未来。

结论 (Conclusion)

AR is the next mobile computing platform. It is here today, but still in fancy. We need to make a lot of progress before AR can be optimally immersive, intelligent and connected. The Jio Glass is perhaps a bold attempt in the right direction to help kickstart the consumer adoption of smart glasses in India. That sentence comes in the backdrop of other significantly sized AR hardware companies who’ve taken some ambitious swings at making consumer AR happen before.

AR是下一个移动计算平台。 今天在这里,但仍在幻想中。 在使AR达到最佳沉浸式,智能化和连接性之前,我们需要取得很大进展。 Jio Glass可能是朝正确方向进行的大胆尝试,以帮助启动印度消费者对智能眼镜的采用。 这句话是在其他大型AR硬件公司的背景下进行的,这些公司之前曾做出过雄心勃勃的变动,以使消费者AR成为现实。

I am unsure if at all the Jio Glass will ship to consumers in the near future. Even if it does, there is much for the first time user of Augmented Reality or Mixed Reality to come to terms with. Tempering expectations is an inevitable part of the XR space now, as we wait for hardware and content to catch up with sci-fi. Jio might rather be playing the long term game with Glass. A decade’s view into the future and what makes wearable computing an important part of their plans moving forward.

我不确定Jio Glass是否会在不久的将来交付给消费者。 即使是这样,增强现实或混合现实的用户还是有很多初次接触。 现在,在我们等待硬件和内容赶上科幻小说之际,不断提高期望是XR空间中不可避免的一部分。 Jio可能更愿意与Glass长期合作。 十年的未来展望以及使可穿戴计算成为未来计划的重要组成部分的原因。

Would consumer Augmented Reality be different this time around? There is but one way to know, and that is to try. Technology, much like it always has, will iterate itself to the ideal format that consumers want it to be. We lose the inherent magic if we stop taking the swing. Put those goggles back on, the next few years promise to have plenty in store for the space. Build. Learn. Repeat.

这次消费者增强现实会有所不同吗? 只有一种知道的方法,那就是尝试。 技术,就像它一直拥有的一样,将使自己迭代为消费者希望成为的理想格式。 如果我们停止挥杆,我们将失去固有的魔力。 放下这些护目镜,未来几年有望为该领域留出足够的空间。 建立。 学习。 重复。


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