Developing LP Costs 制定LP成本(2)





到目前为止,我们已经讨论了如何从经济角度计算稳态成本。通常情况下,1个MV的DMCplus应用对系统经济性能影响甚少。在这种情况下,无论动作向上或向下,通过惩罚该变量动作都是有利的。这要求将MV作为一个最小动作变量而非成本变量,正如我们迄今所讨论的一样。LP Criterion是用于指定变量被当做最小动作变量还是成本变量类型的一个整定参数。



在某些情况下,无论哪种方式设置稳态成本(动作惩罚)都可以应用。获取所希望性能的最好方法是使用DMCplus Simulate测试一系列真实场景,然后将这些模拟结果用于建立稳态参数。


All steady-state costs must be carefully calculated on the same time basis (for example, $/hr, K$/day) since the engineering units of the variables in the calculation can have dissimilar time units.As far as the steady-state optimization is concerned, only the relative magnitude of the steady-state costs is important; they can all be multiplied by the same number, without affecting the steady-state solution.

A positive steady-state cost implies that reducing the manipulated variable reduces cost, and therefore increases profit. A negative steady-state cost implies the opposite: the manipulated variable should be increased in order to increase profit.

For simple controllers with only a few manipulated variables, it is often the case that one or two manipulated variables dominate the economics.In this case,it may be possible to "make up" steady-state costs that have the desired effect.However, in more complex (andmore typical) applications there is no shortcut. The technique described previously must be used for obtaining the steady-state costs.

LP criterion

So far, we have discussed how the steady-state costs are calculated from an economic standpoint.Often, a manipulated variable in a DMCplus application has little or no economic impact on the system. In this case, it is advantageous to penalize movement in this variable, whether the movement is up or down.This requires that the manipulated variable be treated as aminimum movement variable rather than a cost variable, as we have discussed so far. The LP Criterion for a manipulated variable is a tuning parameter that specifies whether the variable is to be treated as a minimum movement variable or a cost variable.

The steady-state cost for aminimum movement variable is actually a "move penalty" and must havea positive value.The magnitude of the steady-state cost (move penalty) can affect the ability of the other manipulated variables to optimize the process. If the steady-state cost is set large, moving this variable may be so "costly" that it will not move,even though moving it would allow the other manipulated variables to move in a profitable direction.

If this steady-state cost (move penalty) is set to a small number, the other manipulated variables are free to move in a profitable direction, even though this may require that the Minimum Movement manipulated variable be moved.

In certain situations, either way of setting the steady-state cost (move penalty) can apply. The best way to assure the desired performance is to use DMCplus Simulate to test a series of real world scenarios, then use the results of these simulations to establish to steady-state parameters.


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