TPO 17 Writing

Integrated Writing

Both the passage and the lecture have discussed wildlife in the Unite States, especially birds. The essay contends that the number of birds in the Unite States will necessarily decline because of activities of human being. Nevertheless, the lecturer disagrees and comes up with new explanations.
First, the professor thinks the explanation in reading that human population causes expanding of the urban area, which harms to birds and makes the number of birds decline is not convincing enough. The professor explains that although birds might become fewer in the urban area, the number of birds in suburban will increase at the same time because the environment in the suburban area will be protected to be suitable for birds.
Second, the reading believes that agricultural activities must increase and result in the further destruction of bird habitats. However, the professor in lecture disagrees with that. He thinks that truth is there will be less land for agriculture.
Third, unlike what the reading states, the professor believes that the use of chemical pesticides will increase, which will cause the number of birds declining. The professor states two reasons. The first one is that there will be new types of pesticides which develop to avoid harming birds. The second one is that there be new crops which are after genetical engineering.
Italics is the words in wrong grammar

Independent Writing

Advertising is one of the most effective ways to make products well-known. There are many advertisements proving this statement, and they also are good examples for the idea that most ads make products seem much better that they really are. There are three main aspects as following.
First, the most popular advertisement we can see in daily life is the picture in the newspapers or the GIF on websites or apps. The pictures usually from taking photos of the real products, but there are other processes to change light, color, the temperature of the pictures. Besides, using the software such as Photoshop (Adobe) is able to help to make the pictures seem more beautiful than the formers. So visual technology help the products seem much better than they really are.
Second, the video in TV or video website is also popular in the modern life. Those advertisements usually invite some celebrities to cast in the ads to increase the reputation of these advertisements. But this method also helps to make audience easily believe that the products are useful because they trust those celebrities. Besides, animations in the video ads also make ads seem extremely beautiful and magnificent. Therefore, with people trust of celebrities and technology of video technology, the products seem much better in video ads of TVs and websites.
Third, there are many advertisements in the radio program, such as wine or medicine. Not like the above two aspects, this one only depends on words in the radio program which is limited by the sound and lacking for pictures and* videos*. So it is hard to let customers know products really look like. But this is the point why some ads gained unbelievable achievement. Without visual perception, the customers have a great space to imagine how products look like. The words help people to imagine. So if the words are convincing and attractive, products will seem pretty good, even better than they really are.
Although there might be other types of advertising, advertising is always a way of making products seem much better than they really are expanding the reputation of those.

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