


1 配置

SQL 客户端启动时可以添加 CLI 选项,具体如下。


./bin/sql-client.sh embedded --help

Mode "embedded" submits Flink jobs from the local machine.

  Syntax: embedded [OPTIONS]
  "embedded" mode options:
     -d,--defaults       The environment properties with which
                                           every new session is initialized.
                                           Properties might be overwritten by
                                           session properties.
     -e,--environment    The environment properties to be
                                           imported into the session. It might
                                           overwrite default environment
     -h,--help                             Show the help message with
                                           descriptions of all options.
     -hist,--history    The file which you want to save the
                                           command history into. If not
                                           specified, we will auto-generate one
                                           under your user's home directory.
     -j,--jar                    A JAR file to be imported into the
                                           session. The file might contain
                                           user-defined classes needed for the
                                           execution of statements such as
                                           functions, table sources, or sinks.
                                           Can be used multiple times.
     -l,--library           A JAR file directory with which every
                                           new session is initialized. The files
                                           might contain user-defined classes
                                           needed for the execution of
                                           statements such as functions, table
                                           sources, or sinks. Can be used
                                           multiple times.
     -pyarch,--pyArchives             Add python archive files for job. The
                                           archive files will be extracted to
                                           the working directory of python UDF
                                           worker. Currently only zip-format is
                                           supported. For each archive file, a
                                           target directory be specified. If the
                                           target directory name is specified,
                                           the archive file will be extracted to
                                           a name can directory with the
                                           specified name. Otherwise, the
                                           archive file will be extracted to a
                                           directory with the same name of the
                                           archive file. The files uploaded via
                                           this option are accessible via
                                           relative path. '#' could be used as
                                           the separator of the archive file
                                           path and the target directory name.
                                           Comma (',') could be used as the
                                           separator to specify multiple archive
                                           files. This option can be used to
                                           upload the virtual environment, the
                                           data files used in Python UDF (e.g.:
                                           .zip#data --pyExecutable
                                           py37.zip/py37/bin/python). The data
                                           files could be accessed in Python
                                           UDF, e.g.: f = open('data/data.txt',
     -pyexec,--pyExecutable           Specify the path of the python
                                           interpreter used to execute the
                                           python UDF worker (e.g.:
                                           /usr/local/bin/python3). The python
                                           UDF worker depends on Python 3.5+,
                                           Apache Beam (version == 2.19.0), Pip
                                           (version >= 7.1.0) and SetupTools
                                           (version >= 37.0.0). Please ensure
                                           that the specified environment meets
                                           the above requirements.
     -pyfs,--pyFiles          Attach custom python files for job.
                                           These files will be added to the
                                           PYTHONPATH of both the local client
                                           and the remote python UDF worker. The
                                           standard python resource file
                                           suffixes such as .py/.egg/.zip or
                                           directory are all supported. Comma
                                           (',') could be used as the separator
                                           to specify multiple files (e.g.:
     -pyreq,--pyRequirements          Specify a requirements.txt file which
                                           defines the third-party dependencies.
                                           These dependencies will be installed
                                           and added to the PYTHONPATH of the
                                           python UDF worker. A directory which
                                           contains the installation packages of
                                           these dependencies could be specified
                                           optionally. Use '#' as the separator
                                           if the optional parameter exists
                                           (e.g.: --pyRequirements
     -s,--session      The identifier for a session.
                                           'default' is the default identifier.
     -u,--update     Experimental (for testing only!):
                                           Instructs the SQL Client to
                                           immediately execute the given update
                                           statement after starting up. The
                                           process is shut down after the
                                           statement has been submitted to the
                                           cluster and returns an appropriate
                                           return code. Currently, this feature
                                           is only supported for INSERT INTO
                                           statements that declare the target
                                           sink table.


1.1 环境配置文件

SQL 查询执行前需要配置相关环境变量。环境配置文件 定义了 catalog、table sources、table sinks、用户自定义函数和其他执行或部署所需属性。

每个环境配置文件是常规的 YAML 文件,例子如下。


# 定义表,如 source、sink、视图或临时表。

  - name: MyTableSource
    type: source-table
    update-mode: append
      type: filesystem
      path: "/path/to/something.csv"
      type: csv
        - name: MyField1
          data-type: INT
        - name: MyField2
          data-type: VARCHAR
      line-delimiter: "\n"
      comment-prefix: "#"
      - name: MyField1
        data-type: INT
      - name: MyField2
        data-type: VARCHAR
  - name: MyCustomView
    type: view
    query: "SELECT MyField2 FROM MyTableSource"

# 定义用户自定义函数

  - name: myUDF
    from: class
    class: foo.bar.AggregateUDF
      - 7.6
      - false

# 定义 catalogs

   - name: catalog_1
     type: hive
     property-version: 1
     hive-conf-dir: ...
   - name: catalog_2
     type: hive
     property-version: 1
     default-database: mydb2
     hive-conf-dir: ...

# 改变表程序基本的执行行为属性。

  planner: blink                    # 可选: 'blink' (默认)或 'old'
  type: streaming                   # 必选:执行模式为 'batch' 或 'streaming'
  result-mode: table                # 必选:'table' 或 'changelog'
  max-table-result-rows: 1000000    # 可选:'table' 模式下可维护的最大行数(默认为 1000000,小于 1 则表示无限制)
  time-characteristic: event-time   # 可选: 'processing-time' 或 'event-time' (默认)
  parallelism: 1                    # 可选:Flink 的并行数量(默认为 1)
  periodic-watermarks-interval: 200 # 可选:周期性 watermarks 的间隔时间(默认 200 ms)
  max-parallelism: 16               # 可选:Flink 的最大并行数量(默认 128)
  min-idle-state-retention: 0       # 可选:表程序的最小空闲状态时间
  max-idle-state-retention: 0       # 可选:表程序的最大空闲状态时间
  current-catalog: catalog_1        # 可选:当前会话 catalog 的名称(默认为 'default_catalog')
  current-database: mydb1           # 可选:当前 catalog 的当前数据库名称
                                    #   (默认为当前 catalog 的默认数据库)
  restart-strategy:                 # 可选:重启策略(restart-strategy)
    type: fallback                  #   默认情况下“回退”到全局重启策略

# 用于调整和调优表程序的配置选项。

# 在专用的”配置”页面上可以找到完整的选项列表及其默认值。
  table.optimizer.join-reorder-enabled: true
  table.exec.spill-compression.enabled: true
  table.exec.spill-compression.block-size: 128kb

# 描述表程序提交集群的属性。

  response-timeout: 5000



  • 定义一个从 CSV 文件中读取的 table source MyTableSource 所需的环境,
  • 定义了一个视图 MyCustomView ,该视图是用 SQL 查询声明的虚拟表,
  • 定义了一个用户自定义函数 myUDF,该函数可以使用类名和两个构造函数参数进行实例化,
  • 连接到两个 Hive catalogs 并用 catalog_1 来作为当前目录,用 mydb1 来作为该目录的当前数据库,
  • streaming 模式下用 blink planner 来运行时间特征为 event-time 和并行度为 1 的语句,
  • 在 table 结果模式下运行试探性的(exploratory)的查询,
  • 并通过配置选项对联结(join)重排序和溢出进行一些计划调整。

根据使用情况,配置可以被拆分为多个文件。因此,一般情况下(用 --defaults 指定默认环境配置文件)以及基于每个会话(用 --environment 指定会话环境配置文件)来创建环境配置文件。每个 CLI 会话均会被属于 session 属性的默认属性初始化。例如,默认环境配置文件可以指定在每个会话中都可用于查询的所有 table source,而会话环境配置文件仅声明特定的状态保留时间和并行性。启动 CLI 应用程序时,默认环境配置文件和会话环境配置文件都可以被指定。如果未指定默认环境配置文件,则 SQL 客户端将在 Flink 的配置目录中搜索 ./conf/sql-client-defaults.yaml

注意 在 CLI 会话中设置的属性(如 SET 命令)优先级最高:

CLI commands > session environment file > defaults environment file

重启策略(Restart Strategies)

重启策略控制 Flink 作业失败时的重启方式。与 Flink 集群的全局重启策略相似,更细精度的重启配置可以在环境配置文件中声明。

Flink 支持以下策略:


  # 退回到 flink-conf.yaml 中定义的全局策略
    type: fallback

  # 作业直接失败并且不尝试重启
    type: none

  # 最多重启作业的给定次数
    type: fixed-delay
    attempts: 3      # 作业被宣告失败前的重试次数(默认:Integer.MAX_VALUE)
    delay: 10000     # 重试之间的间隔时间,以毫秒为单位(默认:10 秒)

  # 只要不超过每个时间间隔的最大故障数就继续尝试
    type: failure-rate
    max-failures-per-interval: 1   # 每个间隔重试的最大次数(默认:1)
    failure-rate-interval: 60000   # 监测失败率的间隔时间,以毫秒为单位
    delay: 10000                   # 重试之间的间隔时间,以毫秒为单位(默认:10 秒)


1.2 依赖

SQL 客户端不要求用 Maven 或者 SBT 设置 Java 项目。相反,你可以以常规的 JAR 包给集群提交依赖项。你也可以分别(用 --jar)指定每一个 JAR 包或者(用 --library)定义整个 library 依赖库。为连接扩展系统(如 Apache Kafka)和相应的数据格式(如 JSON),Flink提供了开箱即用型 JAR 捆绑包(ready-to-use JAR bundles)。这些 JAR 包各个发行版都可以从 Maven 中央库中下载到。

提供的 SQL JARs 和使用文档的完整清单可以在连接扩展系统页面中找到。

如下例子展示了从 Apache Kafka 中读取 JSON 文件并作为 table source 的环境配置文件。


  - name: TaxiRides
    type: source-table
    update-mode: append
      property-version: 1
      type: kafka
      version: "0.11"
      topic: TaxiRides
      startup-mode: earliest-offset
        bootstrap.servers: localhost:9092
        group.id: testGroup
      property-version: 1
      type: json
      schema: "ROW"
      - name: rideId
        data-type: BIGINT
      - name: lon
        data-type: FLOAT
      - name: lat
        data-type: FLOAT
      - name: rowTime
        data-type: TIMESTAMP(3)
            type: "from-field"
            from: "rideTime"
            type: "periodic-bounded"
            delay: "60000"
      - name: procTime
        data-type: TIMESTAMP(3)
        proctime: true


TaxiRide 表的结果格式与绝大多数的 JSON 格式相似。此外,它还添加了 rowtime 属性 rowTime 和 processing-time 属性 procTime

connector 和 format 都允许定义属性版本(当前版本为 1 )以便将来向后兼容。

1.3 自定义函数(User-defined Functions)

SQL 客户端允许用户创建用户自定义的函数来进行 SQL 查询。当前,这些自定义函数仅限于 Java/Scala 编写的类以及 Python 文件。

为提供 Java/Scala 的自定义函数,你首先需要实现和编译函数类,该函数继承自 ScalarFunction、 AggregateFunction 或 TableFunction(见自定义函数)。一个或多个函数可以打包到 SQL 客户端的 JAR 依赖中。

为提供 Python 的自定义函数,你需要编写 Python 函数并且用装饰器 pyflink.table.udf.udf 或 pyflink.table.udf.udtf 来装饰(见 Python UDFs))。Python 文件中可以放置一个或多个函数。其Python 文件和相关依赖需要通过在环境配置文件中或命令行选项(见 命令行用法)配置中特别指定(见 Python 配置)。

所有函数在被调用之前,必须在环境配置文件中提前声明。functions 列表中每个函数类都必须指定

  • 用来注册函数的 name
  • 函数的来源 from(目前仅限于 class(Java/Scala UDF)或 python(Python UDF)),

Java/Scala UDF 必须指定:

  • 声明了全限定名的函数类 class 以及用于实例化的 constructor 参数的可选列表。

Python UDF 必须指定:

  • 声明全程名称的 fully-qualified-name,即函数的 “[module name].[object name]”


  - name: java_udf               # required: name of the function
    from: class                  # required: source of the function
    class: ...                   # required: fully qualified class name of the function
    constructor:                 # optional: constructor parameters of the function class
      - ...                      # optional: a literal parameter with implicit type
      - class: ...               # optional: full class name of the parameter
        constructor:             # optional: constructor parameters of the parameter's class
          - type: ...            # optional: type of the literal parameter
            value: ...           # optional: value of the literal parameter
  - name: python_udf             # required: name of the function
    from: python                 # required: source of the function 
    fully-qualified-name: ...    # required: fully qualified class name of the function      


对于 Java/Scala UDF,要确保函数类指定的构造参数顺序和类型都要严格匹配。


根据用户自定义函数可知,在用到 SQL 语句中之前,有必要将构造参数匹配对应的类型。


隐式类型的文本值:SQL 客户端将自动根据文本推导对应的类型。目前,只支持 BOOLEANINT、 DOUBLE 和 VARCHAR 。

如果自动推导的类型与期望不符(例如,你需要 VARCHAR 类型的 false),可以改用显式类型。

- true         # -> BOOLEAN (case sensitive)
- 42           # -> INT
- 1234.222     # -> DOUBLE
- foo          # -> VARCHAR

显式类型的文本值:为保证类型安全,需明确声明 type 和 value 属性的参数。

- type: DECIMAL
  value: 11111111111111111

下表列出支持的 Java 参数类型和与之相对应的 SQL 类型。

Java 类型 SQL 类型
java.math.BigDecimal DECIMAL
java.lang.Boolean BOOLEAN
java.lang.Byte TINYINT
java.lang.Double DOUBLE
java.lang.Float REALFLOAT
java.lang.Integer INTEGERINT
java.lang.Long BIGINT
java.lang.Short SMALLINT
java.lang.String VARCHAR

其他类型 (例如 TIMESTAMP 和 ARRAY)、原始类型和 null 目前还不支持。

(嵌套)类实例:除了文本值外,还可以通过指定构造参数的 class 和 constructor 属性来创建(嵌套)类实例。这个过程可以递归执行,直到最后的构造参数是用文本值来描述的。


- class: foo.bar.paramClass
    - StarryName
    - class: java.lang.Integer
        - class: java.lang.String
            - type: VARCHAR
              value: 3


 2 扩展



 **Table Sources**
 Define table sources here. See the Table API & SQL documentation for details.

  - name: Rides                         --表名                  
    type: source                        --表类型 soruce为读入型源表,sink为写入型目标表(source表不存储真实的数据,sink表存储真实数据存储在外部依赖如mysql,kafka等)    
    update-mode: append                 --更新方式 append 或者 update(Update 流只能写入支持更新的外部存储,如 MySQL, HBase。Append 流可以写入任意地存储,不过一般写入日志类型的系统,如 Kafka。)         
    schema:                             --映射 目标表的字段及类型,此处字段和类型与format处的字段对应
    - name: rideId                            
      type: LONG                            
    - name: taxiId                            
      type: LONG                            
    - name: isStart                            
      type: BOOLEAN                            
    - name: lon                            
      type: FLOAT                            
    - name: lat                            
      type: FLOAT                            
    - name: rideTime                    -- 输出字段由eventTime变更为rideTime ,依据timestamp类型字段将其设为时间属性rowTime          
      type: TIMESTAMP                            
          type: "from-field"            --时间戳字段获取方式 :来自源表字段                
          from: "eventTime"             --时间戳字段 :源表的时间戳字段               
        watermarks:                     --水印       
          type: "periodic-bounded"      --定义周期性水印                      
          delay: "60000"                --最大延迟            
    - name: psgCnt                            
      type: INT                            
    connector:                          --连接器  
      property-version: 1                            
      type: kafka                       --连接kafka     
      version: universal                --0.11版本以上选择 universal         
      topic: Rides                      --消费的topic名称      
      startup-mode: earliest-offset     --消费方式 earliest-offset从头开始消费数据 latest-offset消费最新数据                       
      properties:                       --设置zk,kafka端口及IP地址
      - key: zookeeper.connect                            
        value: zookeeper:2181                            
      - key: bootstrap.servers                            
        value: kafka:9092                            
      - key: group.id                   --设置消费者组              
        value: testGroup                            
    format:                             --解析数据格式化
      property-version: 1                            
      type: json                        --此处解析数据类型是json格式,与上面字段映射一样  
      schema: "ROW(rideId LONG, isStart BOOLEAN, eventTime TIMESTAMP, lon FLOAT, lat FLOAT, psgCnt INT, taxiId LONG)"
  - name: Fares
    type: source
    update-mode: append
    - name: rideId
      type: LONG
    - name: payTime
      type: TIMESTAMP
          type: "from-field"
          from: "eventTime"
          type: "periodic-bounded"
          delay: "60000"
    - name: payMethod
      type: STRING
    - name: tip
      type: FLOAT
    - name: toll
      type: FLOAT
    - name: fare
      type: FLOAT
      property-version: 1
      type: kafka
      version: universal
      topic: Fares
      startup-mode: earliest-offset
      - key: zookeeper.connect
        value: zookeeper:2181
      - key: bootstrap.servers
        value: kafka:9092
      - key: group.id
        value: testGroup
      property-version: 1
      type: json
      schema: "ROW(rideId LONG, eventTime TIMESTAMP, payMethod STRING, tip FLOAT, toll FLOAT, fare FLOAT)"
  - name: DriverChanges
    type: source
    update-mode: append
    - name: taxiId
      type: LONG
    - name: driverId
      type: LONG
    - name: usageStartTime
      type: TIMESTAMP
          type: "from-field"
          from: "eventTime"
          type: "periodic-bounded"
          delay: "60000"
      property-version: 1
      type: kafka
      version: universal
      topic: DriverChanges
      startup-mode: earliest-offset
      - key: zookeeper.connect
        value: zookeeper:2181
      - key: bootstrap.servers
        value: kafka:9092
      - key: group.id
        value: testGroup
      property-version: 1
      type: json
      schema: "ROW(eventTime TIMESTAMP, taxiId LONG, driverId LONG)"
  - name: Drivers
    type: temporal-table
    history-table: DriverChanges
    primary-key: taxiId
    time-attribute: usageStartTime 
  - name: Sink_TenMinPsgCnt                                 -- 表名(外部存储系统 如kakfa的topic,或者mysql的表名                      
    type: sink-table                                        -- 表类型 soruce为读入型源表,sink为写入型目标表              
    - name: cntStart                                        --要输出的目标字段名称 类型               
      type: STRING                                                       
    - name: cntEnd                                                       
      type: STRING                                                            
    - name: cnt                                                        
      type: INT                                                        
    update-mode: append                                                       
      property-version: 1                                                       
      type: kafka                                                       
      version: universal                                                       
      topic: Sink_TenMinPsgCnt                              -- 输出的topic名称                          
      - key: zookeeper.connect                                                         
        value: zookeeper:2181                                                       
      - key: bootstrap.servers                                                         
        value: kafka:9092                                                       
      - key: group.id                                                         
        value: testGroup                                                       
     property-version: 1                                                       
     type: json                                                           
     schema: "ROW(cntStart STRING,cntEnd STRING,cnt INT)"   -- 此处为输出的kafka的字段,中间的字段由sql加工别名转换为输出字段,注:字段个数,类型,顺序要与上面schema一摸一样                                                    
functions:                                                  -- 函数定义
- name: isInNYC
  from: class
  class: com.ververica.sql_training.udfs.IsInNYC
- name: toAreaId
  from: class
  class: com.ververica.sql_training.udfs.ToAreaId
- name: toCoords
  from: class
  class: com.ververica.sql_training.udfs.ToCoords

 **Execution properties**

 Execution properties allow for changing the behavior of a table program.

  planner: blink               # using the Blink planner
  type: streaming              # 'batch' or 'streaming' execution
  result-mode: table           # 'changelog' or 'table' presentation of results
  parallelism: 1               # parallelism of the program
  max-parallelism: 128         # maximum parallelism
  min-idle-state-retention: 0  # minimum idle state retention in ms
  max-idle-state-retention: 0  # maximum idle state retention in ms

 **Deployment properties**

 Deployment properties allow for describing the cluster to which table
 programs are submitted to.

  type: standalone             # only the 'standalone' deployment is supported
  response-timeout: 5000       # general cluster communication timeout in ms
  gateway-address: ""          # (optional) address from cluster to gateway
  gateway-port: 0              # (optional) port from cluster to gateway


