PART 1 Expressions
1. All I wanted was a name for what I had, a shorthand for why I still found myself unable to type, chop vegetables for dinner, or at least fake a cartwheel on the beach.
shorthand: (n.) 速记;(对某事)简略的表达方式 SYN stenography
The reporter took notes in shorthand.
a secretary who takes shorthand
(OPP) longhand: (n.) 普通书写(非打字或速记)
2. I am an exceedingly loud eater and a consummate mouth breather.
consummate: [ˈkɒnsəmət] (a.) 完美的;技艺高超的 extremely skilled, perfect
She was a consummate performer.
He played the shot with consummate skill.
(v.) [ˈkɒnsəmeɪt] 1. 圆房;2. to make sth complete or perfect
Their marriage lasted only a week and was never consummated.
3. Failed prophecies are classified as fantasies or delusions.
prophecy: [ˈprɒfəsi] 1. a statement that sth will happen in the future, especially one made by sb with religious or magic powers 预言; phrase: to fulfill a prophecy
The prophecy that David would become king was fulfilled.
self-fulfilling prophecy
If you expect to fail, you will fail. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
2. 预言能力
She had the gift of prophecy.
4. I was tired of keeping my dreams on a tight leash.
leash:(n.) [li:ʃ](牵狗用的)皮带/链条
keep/ have sb on a leash: to control sb, used humorously
Marcus keeps you on a short leash, does he?
5. We'd stare at the botched drywall experiment that became the ceiling in the bungalow we rebuilt with our love and our religious determination that all construction work should be done by family members.
botch: [bɒtʃ] (n.) 拙劣的工作;粗制滥造的活儿
I've made a real botch of the decorating.
botch sth up (v.) to spoil sth by doing it badly
He completely botched up the interview.
bungalow: [ˈbʌŋgələʊ] 平房
6. It was the First Lady of the little prosperity church I studied, a slight woman who always sat in the front row, impassively fanning herself as her husband stirred up a fiery sermon.
slight: 形容人是指纤细的,瘦小的
impassive: not showing any emotion 面无表情的
her impassive expression/ faced
The children studied him impassively.
fan oneself: (v.) 扇风
He fanned himself with a newspaper to cool down.
7. I was lying on the floor, effectively barricading myself in with my feet against the door.
barricade: (n.) 路障;(v.) 设置路障
barricade oneself in/ inside sth: 躲在...里 to build a barricade in front of you in order to prevent anyone from coming in
He had barricaded himself in his room.
PART 2 Thoughts
在这里章节里,作者讲了自己备孕的一段经历。求子心切的Bowler在无数次地求医和无数次尝试之后很长一段时间仍然没有等来孩子的降临,而周围的朋友或者顺利地做出一番事业,或者生儿育女又或者顺利完成其他的人生计划,用她的原话说"I was surrounded by the world's luckiest people in a culture that doesn't believe in luck." 在别人的光环之下映衬出的落寞,以及那种假意而尴尬的道贺让Bowler感到透不过气来。"I reminded myself to pull out the statement 'I'm soooooooo happy for you.' It was deliciously insincere."