
  1. 确认oracle中基础表jobs
[timesten@XAG816 ~]$ sqlplus ttuser/oracle@DG

SQL> desc jobs;
 Name                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 JOB_ID                    NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)
 JOB_TITLE                 NOT NULL VARCHAR2(35)
 MIN_SALARY                     NUMBER(6)
 MAX_SALARY                     NUMBER(6)

SQL> select count(1) from jobs;   

  1. 将基础表的读取权限赋予oracle的缓存管理用户
SQL> grant select on jobs to cacheadm;
  1. 使用缓存管理用户登录TimesTen,启动缓存代理并建立缓存组
[timesten@XAG816 oraclescripts]$ 
ttisql -connstr "dsn=cachedb1_1122; uid = cacheadm; pwd = timesten; oraclepwd = oracle" -e 'set prompt "CACHEADM>"'

CACHEADM>call ttcachestart;

[timesten@XAG816 ~]$ ttAdmin -query cachedb1_1122 | grep Started
Replication Manually Started    : False
Cache Agent Manually Started    : True

create readonly cache group "ro"
autorefresh mode incremental interval 5 seconds
state on
  "job_id"     VARCHAR2(10 byte) not null,
  "job_title"  VARCHAR2(35 byte) not null,
  "min_salary" NUMBER(6),
  "max_salary" NUMBER(6),
  primary key("job_id")


Cache Group CACHEADM.RO:

  Cache Group Type: Read Only
  Autorefresh: Yes
  Autorefresh Mode: Incremental
  Autorefresh State: On
  Autorefresh Interval: 5 Seconds
  Autorefresh Status: ok
  Aging: No aging defined

  Root Table: TTUSER.JOBS
  Table Type: Read Only

1 cache group found.

[timesten@XAG816 ~]$ 
ttisql -connstr "dsn=cachedb1_1122; uid = ttuser;pwd = timesten" -e 'set prompt "TTUSER>"'

TTUSER>select count(1) from jobs;
< 19 >
1 row found.

TTUSER>delete from jobs;
 8225: Table JOBS is read only
The command failed.

4.在oracle 端做测试数据验证

[oracle@XAG142 ~]$ sqlplus ttuser/oracle@DG

SQL> set autocommit on;

SQL> insert into jobs values('SA_EA','Enterprise Architect',10000,20000);
1 row created.
Commit complete.

TTUSER>select * from jobs where job_id='SA_EA';
< SA_EA, Enterprise Architect, 10000, 20000 >

SQL> update jobs set min_salary=12000 where job_id='SA_EA';
1 row updated.
Commit complete.

TTUSER>select * from jobs where job_id='SA_EA';
< SA_EA, Enterprise Architect, 12000, 20000 >

SQL> delete from jobs where job_id='SA_EA';
1 row deleted.
Commit complete.
SQL> set autocommit off;

TTUSER>select * from jobs where job_id='SA_EA';
0 rows found.
  1. 测试Unload
SQL> select job_id,min_salary from jobs where min_salary > 10000;

JOB_ID                 MIN_SALARY
------------------------------ ----------
AD_PRES                 20000
AD_VP                   15000

TTUSER>select job_id,min_salary from jobs where min_salary > 10000;
< AD_PRES, 20000 >
< AD_VP, 15000 >
2 rows found.

CACHEADM>unload cache group ro where  min_salary > 10000;
2 cache instances affected.

TTUSER>select job_id,min_salary from jobs where min_salary > 10000;
0 rows found.
  1. 测试Refresh (必须先将 autorefresh 状态设为 Paused)
#说明 手动Refresh  不能带where 条件
CACHEADM>alter cache group ro set autorefresh state paused;

CACHEADM>refresh cache group ro commit every 256 rows;
19 cache instances affected.

TTUSER>select job_id,min_salary from jobs where min_salary > 10000;
< AD_PRES, 20000 >
< AD_VP, 15000 >
2 rows found.
  1. 测试Load (预加载只读缓存组load操作有如下条件,动态加载如此条件)
    1:必须先将 autorefresh 状态设为 Paused,
CACHEADM>unload cache group ro;
19 cache instances affected.

TTUSER>select job_id,min_salary from jobs;
0 rows found.

CACHEADM>alter cache group ro set autorefresh state paused;

CACHEADM>load cache group ro commit every 256 rows;
19 cache instances affected.

TTUSER>select job_id,min_salary from jobs where min_salary > 10000;
< AD_PRES, 20000 >
< AD_VP, 15000 >
2 rows found.

7.1 测试Load (不符合3条件时的报错信息)

[timesten@XAG816 ~]$ ttAdmin -query cachedb1_1122 | grep Started
Replication Manually Started    : False
Cache Agent Manually Started    : False

[timesten@XAG816 ~]$ ttAdmin -cacheStart cachedb1_1122
*** [TimesTen][TimesTen ODBC Driver][TimesTen]TT20100: This connection required recovery due to an improper shutdown -- file "db.c", lineno 12986, procedure "sbDbConnect"
*** ODBC Warning = 01000, TimesTen Warning = 20100
RAM Residence Policy            : inUse
Replication Agent Policy        : manual
Replication Manually Started    : False
Cache Agent Policy              : manual
Cache Agent Manually Started    : True

[timesten@XAG816 ~]$ ttAdmin -query cachedb1_1122 | grep Started
Replication Manually Started    : False
Cache Agent Manually Started    : True

CACHEADM>cachegroups ro;

Cache Group CACHEADM.RO:

  Cache Group Type: Read Only
  Autorefresh: Yes
  Autorefresh Mode: Incremental
  Autorefresh State: On
  Autorefresh Interval: 5 Seconds
  Autorefresh Status: ok
  Aging: No aging defined

  Root Table: TTUSER.JOBS
  Table Type: Read Only

1 cache group found.

CACHEADM>alter cache group ro set autorefresh state paused;

CACHEADM>cachegroups ro;
Cache Group CACHEADM.RO:

  Cache Group Type: Read Only
  Autorefresh: Yes
  Autorefresh Mode: Incremental
  Autorefresh State: Paused
  Autorefresh Interval: 5 Seconds
  Autorefresh Status: ok
  Aging: No aging defined

  Root Table: TTUSER.JOBS
  Table Type: Read Only

1 cache group found

CACHEADM>load cache group ro commit every 256 rows;
 8288: Manual LOAD of cache group CACHEADM.RO is not allowed because it is specified as AUTOREFRESH and it is not empty
The command failed.

CACHEADM>unload cache group ro;
19 cache instances affected.

CACHEADM>load cache group ro where min_salary > 10000 commit every 256 rows;
 8287: Manual LOAD/REFRESH operations with WHERE or WITHID clauses are not allowed on cache group CACHEADM.RO because it is specified as AUTOREFRESH
The command failed.

CACHEADM>load cache group ro commit every 256 rows;
19 cache instances affected.
  1. 删除缓存组(相应的缓存表也一并删除)
CACHEADM>drop cache group ro;

TTUSER>select * from jobs;
 2206: Table TTUSER.JOBS not found
The command failed.
