
昨日目标完成:实习上:battery report translation

1. gre writing argument
2. gre review screenshots
3. live lesson gre

阅读 冥想
the mind is so restless, agitated, wild, like a wild bull or elephant which creates havoc when it enters a human dwelling-place. if a wise person tames and trains the wild animal, then all its strength, which has been used for destructive purposes, now begins to serve society in constructive ways. similarly the mind, which is far more powerful and dangerous than a wild elephant must be tamed and trained. then its enormous strength will start to serve you. but you must work very patiently, persistently and continuously. continuity of practice is the secret of success.
you have to do he work. no-one else can do it for you. with all love and compassion an enlightened person shows the way to work. but he cannot carry anyone on his shoulders to the final goal. you must take steps yourself, fight your own battle and work out your own salvation. you have to walk the entire path yourself.


work patiently, persistently and continuously. continuity of practice is the secret of success.

you have to do the work. you must take steps yourself and walk the entire path yourself. once you start working, you receive the support of all the dhamma forces.
