Cover Letter 46

Jan. 5, 2018

Mr. Rod Garcia
Senior Director of Admissions
MIT Solan School of Management

Dear Mr. Garcia,

I want to apply for the MBA program of Sloan in the fall of 2018. MIT is my dream school.

Drugs, Guns, Vengeance Service... These ads are posted on nearly every wall in my hometown, where is the poorest and the most remote minority mountainous area in China. Living in this closed countryside, from childhood I always have a dream -- enable all the people to see anywhere and anybody in the world. Hence, driven by my dream, I went out the big mountains, accepted the top computer education in university, established my tech company, and served more than 35 million users by improving their communication experience.

5 years ago, when I decided to use business to realize my dream, I transformed myself from a full-stack geek and an acute creator to a CEO of my company, which is composed of three parts: shares, career opportunities, and final services. What matters most to me is to establish a mechanism to have these three parts run efficiently and collaborate well. Through estimating the market, company's asset, and future value, I use shares to attract partners and investors. Through providing promising career planning, I use career opportunities to recruit talents. Through stunning product, I serve final users. Only both with a clear understanding of the whole picture and with a reasonable balance of the interests of all participants, can the company get all the power of all society to promote its development. So that my original dream will arrive at the final destination.

I hope to have a chance to grow up quickly through courses of Sloan and learn from communication of classmates. And I also desire to acquire the top resources world wide in Sloan.

Looking forward to your favorable reply.


Xilei Li


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