最近一直在使用React + React Router(v4.1.1) + Mobx做项目开发,相比繁琐的React + React Rotuer + Redux方案,爽的不要不要的,当然前提你得忍受Object.defineProperty拦截getter/setter带来的各种黑魔法问题。咳咳,这里不是Mobx大战Redux,就此打住。想了解的人可以去看一下女神Preethi Kasireddy在React Conf 2017上的演讲。
问题页面如上,整个页面利用React Router做路由切换。当用户点击左边菜单栏进行进行路由切换的时候,虽然浏览器地址栏里URL信息已经发生变更, 但是页面并没有进行刷新。路由配置代码如下:
export default function RouterConfig() {
const homePath = '/home';
const getComponentRoutes = () => {
const routeArr = [];
const pushRoute = path => {
routeArr.push( );
for (const item of sideData.common) {
if (!_.isEmpty(item.children)) {
for (const childrenItem of item.children) {
} else {
return routeArr;
return (
想最终问题根源,想来了解一下React Route原理是不可避免的了。
history is a JavaScript library that lets you easily manage session history anywhere JavaScript runs. history abstracts away the differences in various environments and provides a minimal API that lets you manage the history stack, navigate, confirm navigation, and persist state between sessions.
简而言之,React Route核心就是利用History的replace/push和listen的能力在前端完成路由的切换。这里不做详细介绍,更多关于History的介绍,可以参考其官方文档。
Link, Router, Switch, Route是React-Route中最核心的几个API了。
其中Link能力类比html中的标签, 利用Link可以实现页面跳转。上图中侧边栏中所有可尽心页面跳转都利用了该组件,其实现原理想必所有做过前端开发的人应该都能想到:通过监听onClick事件,在listener中执行history.replace/push完成页面跳转。
Router组件的是整个路由结构中顶层组件,其主要作用是通过监听history.listen,捕获路由变换,并将其置于React Context中,其核心代码如下:
class Router extends React.Component {
getChildContext() {
return {
router: {
history: this.props.history,
route: {
location: this.props.history.location,
match: this.state.match
computeMatch(pathname) {
return {
path: '/',
url: '/',
params: {},
isExact: pathname === '/'
componentWillMount() {
this.unlisten = history.listen(() => {
match: this.computeMatch(history.location.pathname)
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
const { children } = this.props
return children ? React.Children.only(children) : null
这应该是整个React Router中最核心的功能了。基本作用就是从context中捞取pathname并与用户定义的path进行匹配,如果匹配成功,则渲染响应组件。
class Route extends React.Component {
getChildContext() {
return {
router: {
route: {
location: this.props.location || this.context.router.route.location,
match: this.state.match
computeMatch({ computedMatch, location, path, strict, exact }, router) {
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps, nextContext) {
match: this.computeMatch(nextProps, nextContext.router)
render() {
const props = { match, location, history, staticContext }
return (
component ? ( // component prop gets first priority, only called if there's a match
match ? React.createElement(component, props) : null
) : render ? ( // render prop is next, only called if there's a match
match ? render(props) : null
) : children ? ( // children come last, always called
typeof children === 'function' ? (
) : !isEmptyChildren(children) ? (
) : (
) : (
export default Route
class Switch extends React.Component {
render() {
React.Children.forEach(children, element => {
// 遍历子组件的props, 只渲染低一个匹配到pathname的Route
const { path: pathProp, exact, strict, from } = element.props
const path = pathProp || from
if (match == null) {
child = element
match = path ? matchPath(location.pathname, { path, exact, strict }) : route.match
return match ? React.cloneElement(child, { location, computedMatch: match }) : null
The observer function / decorator can be used to turn ReactJS components into reactive components. It wraps the component's render function in mobx.autorun to make sure that any data that is used during the rendering of a component forces a re-rendering upon change.
从代码层面来看, 主要针对ComponentDidMount, componentWillUnmount, componentDidUpdate(mixinLifecicleEvents)三个接口进行修改。同时如果用户没有重写shouldComponentUpdate, 也会优化shouldeComponentUpdate
export function observer(arg1, arg2) {
const target = componentClass.prototype || componentClass;
componentClass.isMobXReactObserver = true;
return componentClass;
function mixinLifecycleEvents(target) {
patch(target, "componentWillMount", true);
].forEach(function(funcName) {
patch(target, funcName)
if (!target.shouldComponentUpdate) {
// 如果没有重写, 则利用覆盖
target.shouldComponentUpdate = reactiveMixin.shouldComponentUpdate;
function patch(target, funcName, runMixinFirst = false) {
const base = target[funcName];
const mixinFunc = reactiveMixin[funcName];
const f = !base
? mixinFunc
: runMixinFirst === true
? function() {
mixinFunc.apply(this, arguments);
base.apply(this, arguments);
: function() {
base.apply(this, arguments);
mixinFunc.apply(this, arguments);
target[funcName] = f;
const reactiveMixin = {
componentWillMount: function() {
makePropertyObservableReference.call(this, "props")
makePropertyObservableReference.call(this, "state")
const initialRender = () => {
reaction = new Reaction(`${initialName}#${rootNodeID}.render()`, () => {});
reactiveRender.$mobx = reaction;
this.render = reactiveRender;
return reactiveRender();
const reactiveRender = () => {
reaction.track(() => {
rendering = extras.allowStateChanges(false, baseRender);
return rendering;
this.render = initialRender;
componentWillUnmount: function() {
this.render.$mobx && this.render.$mobx.dispose();
this.__$mobxIsUnmounted = true;
componentDidMount: function() {
if (isDevtoolsEnabled) {
componentDidUpdate: function() {
if (isDevtoolsEnabled) {
shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextProps, nextState) {
if (this.state !== nextState) {
return true;
return isObjectShallowModified(this.props, nextProps);
第一次 render 时:
首先我们通过history.listen(()=>{})观察发现,用户触发Link点击事件时,路由变化被我们的回调函数所捕获。问题并不可能出现在Link 和 listen过程。
那么React Router是在Router这个组件中创建history.listen回调的。当Url发生变化,触发history.listen注册的回调后,会通过修改state, 触发Router Render过程,默认情况下,会触发他的子组件Render过程。而当Route发生componentWillReceiveProps时,会通过Router的getChildContext方法,拿到变化的URL。
通过Debug我们发现,TopBar的render,Switch, Route的render过程都没有触发。而TopBar中有部分状态托管在mobx model中,所有问题差不多可以定位到:因为TopBar外层封装了observer,而observer又会重写shouldComponentUpdate,shouldComponentUpdate拦截了后续render过程,导致没有触发到后续Route组件的shouldComponentUpdate过程。
其实,用户在使用connect, observer这样会重写shouldComponentUpdate或者PureComponent都会遇到相同的问题,React Router Guide针对此问题做了详细描述。总体解法思路:通过传入props绕过shouldComponentUpdate触发render。
const TopBarWithRoute = () => (
return (
React Router提供了一个Hoc组件withRouter,利用此组件可以将location注入到TopBar中:
const TopBarWithRouter = withRouter(TopBar);
return (