【汉化】Animated Pictures plugin for RPG Maker MV

【汉化】Animated Pictures plugin for RPG Maker MV_第1张图片

This is a RPG Maker MV plugin that gives functionality to Show Picture events to display animated pictures. Animated pictures are shown in a sprite sheet format. There are looping controls and speed controls that can be used with these animated pictures.
这是一个RPG Maker MV插件,为Show Pictures事件提供显示动画图片的功能。动画图片以精灵表格式显示。有循环控制和速度控制可以与这些动画图片一起使用。

Plugin Parameters

【汉化】Animated Pictures plugin for RPG Maker MV_第2张图片

Loop by Default: Animated pictures will loop back to beginning by default once it reaches the last frame.

【汉化】Animated Pictures plugin for RPG Maker MV_第3张图片

Wait Frames Default: Default number of frames to wait before moving to next picture cell. The lower the number, the faster it goes (1 is the fastest). The higher the number, the slower it goes.


Save your animated picture into your game project's img/pictures folder. The filename must be named with the following format:
将动画图片保存到游戏项目的img / pictures文件夹中。必须使用以下格式命名文件名:


Replace H in the filename with the number of horizontal cells it has. Replace Vin the filename with the number of vertical cells it has. The number of total cells it has available is equal the multiplicative product of the horizontal and vertical cells.

For example:

Parrot[3x2]will have 3 horizontal cells and 2 vertical cells. This means there are a total of 6 cells that will be used for this animated picture.
Parrot [3x2]将有3个水平单元和2个垂直单元。这意味着总共有6个单元格将用于此动画图片。

Animations will be played from left to right, then up to down so please arrange them as such. For example, 4x5 will play like this:

 1  2  3  4
 5  6  7  8
 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20

Keep this in mind as you format your animated pictures.

For a sample picture to try out, use this:

【汉化】Animated Pictures plugin for RPG Maker MV_第4张图片

Save it as Parrot[3x2].png in your img/pictures folder and use a Show Picture to display it in-game.
将它保存为 你的img / pictures文件夹中的Parrot [3x2] .png并使用显示图片在游戏中显示它。

Plugin Commands

If you want to change the settings of specific pictures like loop or speed, please use these plugin commands to change them:

AnimatedPicture id NoLoop

  • Replace id with the ID of the selected picture. The selected picture will not loop after this plugin command takes effect.

AnimatedPicture id Loop

  • Replace id with the ID of the selected picture. The selected picture will loop after this plugin command takes effect.

AnimatedPicture id Speed x

  • Replace id with the ID of the selected picture. Replace x with the number of frames to wait in between animated cells. The higher the number, the faster the picture will animate. The lower the number, the slower the picture will animate. The lowest the speed can go is 1.

AnimatedPicture id Reset

  • Replace id with the ID of the selected picture. This will reset the loop and speed settings for that picture to whatever the value is in the plugin parameters set for default.

Good Practices

The plugin will perform at near 60 FPS if you follow the 5 practices below:
如果您遵循以下5种做法,该插件将以接近60 FPS的速度运行:

  1. Use animated pictures sparingly if possible. RPG Maker MV's cache has a limited size to it, which means the more animated pictures you use, the faster it will fill up. And the faster it fills up, the more it needs to be emptied to allow other assets in your game to load at all.
    如果可能,请谨慎使用动画图片。RPG Maker MV的缓存尺寸有限,这意味着您使用的动画图片越多,填充的速度就越快。它填满的速度越快,就越需要清空它以允许游戏中的其他资产加载。

  2. If you do use animated pictures, trim down as much empty space as possible and keep picture cells to a minimum size to reduce bloating the cache.

  3. If it is practical, make your sprite sheet cells work towards a power of 2 (ie: sizes of 32x32, 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, etc). Bitmaps render best when it works in this cell range. This is not necessary, but it is a thing to keep in mind.

  4. Limit the amount of colors used in the animated picture to reduce the filesize of the image and reduce the strain on the cache. Use more flat colors instead of gradients. These work better for the engine.

  5. When you are done using the animated picture, use the Erase Picture command to clear the picture from use. This will stop the animation frame calculating and reduce strain on your game.


This plugin is made for RPG Maker MV versions 1.6.1 and below. If you update RPG Maker MV past that and this plugin breaks, I am NOT responsible for it.

Terms of Use

1. These plugins may be used in free or commercial games.

2. 'Fallen Angel Olivia' must be given credit in your games.

3. You are allowed to edit the code.

4. Do NOT change the filename, parameters, and information of the plugin.

5. You are NOT allowed to redistribute these Plugins.

6. You may NOT take code for your own released Plugins without credit.

Change Log History

  • None

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