本人分步写的,中间有空行的话,代表上一步结束,转向下一步,一个题 由多步完成
create table test5_01 (
first_name varchar(4),
frequency numeric(4)
insert into test5_01(first_name,frequency)
select substr(name,2),count(*)
from pub.student
group by substr(name,2);
create table test5_02(
letter varchar(2),
frequency numeric(4));
insert into test5_02( letter, frequency)
select a ,count(a) b
(select substr(name,2,1) a
from pub.student)
union all
(select substr(name,3) a
from pub.student)
group by a;
insert into test5_02( letter, frequency)
select a ,count(*) b
(select substr(name,2,1) a
from pub.student)
union all
(select substr(name,3) a
from pub.student)
where a is not null//把空值去掉
group by a;
create table test5_03(
Dname varchar(30) ,
class varchar(10) ,
P_count1 int,
P_count2 int,
P_count int);
insert into test5_03(dname,class,P_count)
select dname,class,count(sid)
from pub.student
where dname is not null
group by dname,class
create table a1 as
select *
from pub.student;
alter table a1 add sum_credit numeric(5,1) ;
update a1
set sum_credit=(
select sum(credit)
from (
select cid ,sid,max(score) score_
from pub.student_course
group by sid,cid )
natural join pub.course
where a1.sid =sid and score_>=60
group by sid
update test5_03
set P_count1 =(
from a1
where test5_03.dname=a1.dname and test5_03.class=a2.class and
update test5_03
set P_count2 =(p_count-P_count1);//没选课的也算未达标,但是不能用sum_credit<10因为null无法比较
create table test5_04 (
Dname varchar(30) ,
class varchar(10) ,
P_count1 int,
P_count2 int ,
P_count int);
insert into test5_04(dname,class,P_count)
select dname,class,count(sid)
from pub.student
where dname is not null
group by dname,class;
update test5_04
set P_count1 =(
from a1
where( test5_04.dname=a1.dname and test5_04.class=a1.class and to_number(test5_04.class)<=2008 and sum_credit>=8)
update test5_04
set P_count1 =(
from a1
where( test5_04.dname=a1.dname and test5_04.class=a1.class and sum_credit>=10)
where p_count1=0;//在上一步后,class大于2008的自动没有合适的select与之匹配,自动补为0(若为char类型的话,自动补为null)
update test5_04
set P_count2 =(p_count-P_count1);
create table test5_05(
dname varchar(30),
avg_ds_score int,
Avg_os_score int);
insert into test5_05(dname, Avg_ds_score)
select dname,round(avg(a),0)
select max(score) a, dname,sid
from pub.student natural join pub.student_course
where dname is not null and cid=300002
group by sid,dname
group by dname;
update test5_05
set Avg_os_score=(
select round(avg (a),0)
select max(score) a,sid ,dname
from pub.student natural join pub.student_course
where dname is not null and cid=300005
group by sid,dname)
where dname=test5_05.dname);
create table test5_06 as(
(select sid,name,dname
from pub.student natural join pub.student_course
where dname='计算机科学与技术学院' and cid=300002)
(select sid,name,dname
from pub.student natural join pub.student_course
where dname='计算机科学与技术学院' and cid=300005));
alter table test5_06 add ds_score int;
alter table test5_06 add os_score int;
update test5_06
set ds_score=(
select max(score)//有可能一个学生有多个成绩,所以取最大成绩
from pub.student_course
where cid=300002 and test5_06.sid=sid )
update test5_06
set os_score=(
select max(score)
from pub.student_course
where cid=300005 and test5_06.sid=sid )
create table test5_07 as(
(select sid,name,dname
from pub.student natural join pub.student_course
where dname='计算机科学与技术学院' and cid=300002)
(select sid,name,dname
from pub.student natural join pub.student_course
where dname='计算机科学与技术学院' and cid=300005));
alter table test5_07 add ds_score int;
alter table test5_07 add os_score int;
update test5_07
set ds_score=(
select max(score)
from pub.student_course
where cid=300002 and test5_07.sid=sid );
update test5_07
set os_score=(
select max(score)
from pub.student_course
where cid=300005 and test5_07.sid=sid );
create table test5_08 as(
select sid,name,dname
from pub.student
where dname='计算机科学与技术学院');
alter table test5_08 add ds_score int;
alter table test5_08 add os_score int;
update test5_08
set ds_score=(
select max(score)
from pub.student_course
where cid=300002 and test5_08.sid=sid );
update test5_08
set os_score=(
select max(score)
from pub.student_course
where cid=300005 and test5_08.sid=sid );