Stellar Operation Types

type type_i description
CREATE_ACCOUNT 0 Creates a new account in Stellar network.
PAYMENT 1 Sends a simple payment between two accounts in Stellar network.
PATH_PAYMENT 2 Sends a path payment between two accounts in the Stellar network.
MANAGE_OFFER 3 Creates, updates or deletes an offer in the Stellar network.
CREATE_PASSIVE_OFFER 4 Creates an offer that won’t consume a counter offer that exactly matches this offer.
SET_OPTIONS 5 Sets account options (inflation destination, adding signers, etc.)
CHANGE_TRUST 6 Creates, updates or deletes a trust line.
ALLOW_TRUST 7 Updates the “authorized” flag of an existing trust line this is called by the issuer of the related asset.
ACCOUNT_MERGE 8 Deletes account and transfers remaining balance to destination account.
INFLATION 9 Runs inflation.
MANAGE_DATA 10 Set, modify or delete a Data Entry (name/value pair) for an account.
BUMP_SEQUENCE 11 Bumps forward the sequence number of an account.

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