cocos 粒子编辑
From little motes of dust floating in the sunlight to the magnificence of a supernova, many magical little details of reality can be created with particle systems, the elegant, low-cost way to add detail and create visually compelling effects!
Particle systems are the primary rendering mechanism for simulating fire, gun effects, exploding barrels, fireworks, laser beams, bursts of energy, bursts of cartoon stars, shards of glass, shrapnel, magical spells and gory splashes of blood. When paired up with the right sound effects, the impact can be made even more immersive.
粒子系统是模拟火灾,枪支效果,爆炸的枪管,烟花,激光束,能量爆发,卡通明星爆发,玻璃碎片,弹片,魔法咒语和血腥飞溅的主要渲染机制。 与正确的声音效果搭配使用时, 效果可以更加身临其境。
At the core of a particle system is a gameobject with a particle emitter, a controller that allows you to design, configure, and control the particle effect. Many decisions need to be made in creating the perfect particle system. Should the particles be 2D textures or mesh? Should they face a specific camera? How quickly are they emitted, for how long, with what velocity? Do they change color, size, or opacity over time? Do they bounce off colliders? Do the particles fizzle and pop, then emit child particles?
粒子系统的核心是带有粒子发射器的游戏对象,粒子发射器是一个允许您设计,配置和控制粒子效果的控制器。 创建完美的粒子系统需要做出许多决定。 粒子应该是2D纹理还是网格? 他们应该面对特定的相机吗? 它们以多快的速度发射多长时间? 它们会随着时间改变颜色,大小或不透明度吗? 他们会撞到对撞机吗? 粒子会起毛并弹出,然后散发出子粒子吗?
It’s great fun to experiment with making particle systems from scratch, but it can also be time consuming and tricky to get just right. A solid particle system is a well-balanced cocktail combining beautiful artwork, masterfully tuned sets of behavioral properties and platform+performance considerations. You don’t have to be a particle systems scientist to get it right, because there are thousands of top-notch particle effects in the Asset Store. It’s stocked with ready-to-use particle systems capable of simulating almost any effect you need, designed by some of the best artists and technical directors in the industry. In addition to pre-configured prefabs, you’ll also find third party frameworks and tools for creating the perfect particle symphony.
尝试从头开始制作粒子系统非常有趣,但要正确设置它也很耗时且棘手。 固体颗粒系统是一种平衡的鸡尾酒,结合了精美的艺术品,精心调整的行为特性和平台+性能方面的考虑。 您不必是粒子系统科学家就可以正确地完成它,因为Asset Store中有成千上万的一流粒子效果。 它配备了现成的粒子系统,可以模拟几乎所需的任何效果,这些系统是由业内最好的艺术家和技术总监设计的。 除了预先配置的预制件外,您还将找到用于创建完美粒子交响乐的第三方框架和工具。
Grab your flame suit, ear protection, and tinted safety goggles! There’s no point denying it: blowing stuff up in video games is incredibly fun. Because you’re not constrained by the laws of nature (or your local fire marshall), you can have megatons of megafun creating the most earth-shaking, shrapnel-blasting, and brain-vaporizing explosions.
拿起您的火焰服,护耳器和有色安全护目镜! 无可否认:将视频游戏中的内容炸毁非常有趣。 因为您不受自然法则(或您当地的消防局)的束缚,所以您可以拥有数百万吨的巨无霸来创造最震撼人心,弹片爆炸和使人气化的爆炸。
My top pick: Flying Teapot from Japan is one of the best texture-sheet based particle smiths on the Asset Store. FT Explosion Master features twenty prefabs, each a master crafted explosion with beautiful smooth-flowing clouds of smoke, variable-sized ejecta and chunks of charred debris, and lovely dancing flames that would tickle the fancy of any pyromaniac.
我的首选:来自日本的Flying Teapot是Asset Store上最出色的基于纹理表的粒子铁匠之一。 FT爆炸大师拥有20个预制件,每一个预制件都是精心制作的爆炸,上面飘散着美丽的烟雾,可变大小的弹射物和大块烧焦的碎屑,还有可爱的舞动火焰,可让任何烈焰狂热的人发痒。
General feedback on the collection is positive, but there is a strong sprite-sheet aspect to parts of the system, so certain aspects of the package may not be as customizable as another solution. However, Flying Teapot pay close attention to detail and energy flow, and any of these effects will add AAA quality detail and impact to your game.
对馆藏的总体反馈是肯定的,但系统的各个部分都有很强的精灵表方面,因此包装的某些方面可能不像其他解决方案那样可定制。 但是,“飞行茶壶”会密切注意细节和能量流,这些效果中的任何一种都会增加AAA质量细节并影响您的游戏。
Although relatively new to the Asset Store, MASSIVEART brings what I personally think are the best standalone prefab explosions out there. Like Flying Teapot’s offering above, MASSIVEART’s solution is built around sprite-sheets, with the same benefit of being incredibly fluid and photorealistic, but at the expense of some customizability. Small explosions, huge thermonuclear ones, campfires, flame throwers, a variety of smoke, and firewalls, this package is a blast to play with.
虽然对于Asset Store来说相对较新,但MASSIVEART带来了我个人认为最好的独立式预制爆炸物。 像上面的Flying Teapot产品一样,MASSIVEART的解决方案是基于Sprite-sheets建立的,同样具有令人难以置信的流畅性和逼真的图像的优点,但要牺牲一些可定制性。 小型爆炸,巨大的热核爆炸,篝火,火焰喷射器,各种各样的烟雾和防火墙,这是一堆爆炸。
Asset Store publisher Unluck Software is one of the most prolific creators of content on the Asset Store. Their work includes models, particle systems, birds (and fish, bats, rats, butterflies..) with behavioral flocking, and audio. Not surprisingly, they’re the minds behind one of the most popular and beloved explosion and fire particle systems Fire FX. The package includes everything a firebug could desire in a cleanly-executed prefab form: realistic flames with sparks and smoke emission, explosions with shockwaves and backdraft, effects for flaming busted gas pipes, rings of fire, subterranean earth-scorching, as well as sizzling and searing flames with popping effects. Unlike some of the aforementioned packages, Unluck’s Fire FX doesn’t rely on sprite-sheets, making it a bit more flexible than others. If you’re really into customizing your explosions, it might be the right choice for you.
资产商店的发行商Unluck Software是资产商店中内容最多的创作者之一。 他们的工作包括模型,粒子系统,具有行为聚集的鸟类(和鱼,蝙蝠,老鼠,蝴蝶等)和音频。 毫不奇怪,它们是最受欢迎和最受欢迎的爆炸和火粒子系统Fire FX之一的思想 。 该软件包包括萤火虫以干净执行的预制形式可能需要的一切:带有火花和烟雾的逼真的火焰,冲击波和回风引起的爆炸,燃气管道破裂的火焰,火圈,地下大地的灼热以及嘶嘶声和灼热的火焰具有爆裂效果。 与上述某些软件包不同, Unluck的Fire FX不依赖于sprite-sheets,因此它比其他软件包更具灵活性。 如果您真的想自定义爆炸,那么它可能是您的正确选择。
While many designers see photo-realism as the holy grail of realtime CG, many of us see games as a means to simulate things that would be impossible in real life. The universe of cartoons is a great middle road between the real and the impossible, integrating the symbols and language of reality but caricaturized, stylized, and unfettered by its dull constraints. Although they weren’t the first to do it, Nintendo popularized beautiful, high-quality cartoon particle effects with Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker in 2002. The stylized particles of dust, sword strikes, flames, splashes of water, gusts of wind were so outstanding that they were perhaps more memorable than the gameplay itself. You can see the influence of Wind Waker in many of today’s games and similar stylized particles remain in demand to this day.
尽管许多设计师将写实主义视为实时CG的圣杯,但我们许多人却将游戏视为模拟现实生活中不可能实现的事物的一种手段。 卡通世界是介于现实与不可能之间的一条伟大的中间道路,融合了现实的符号和语言,但由于其呆板的限制而被漫画化,风格化且不受束缚。 尽管不是第一个这样做的人,但任天堂在2002年的《塞尔达传说:风之杖》中推广了精美,高质量的卡通粒子效果。尘埃,剑击,火焰,水溅,阵阵风的程式化粒子如此出色,以至于它们可能比游戏本身更令人难忘。 您可以看到Wind Waker在当今许多游戏中的影响力,直到今天,仍需要类似的风格化粒子。
The Asset Store is packed with equally notable cartoon effects, but the undisputed King of Cartoon Particles is Jean Moreno, an artist and developer from France who has taken the Asset Store by storm with his amazing Cartoon FX Pack Series.
Asset Store中挤满了同样引人注目的卡通效果,但无可争议的卡通粒子之王是来自法国的艺术家兼开发人员Jean Moreno,他以惊人的Cartoon FX Pack系列风靡了Asset Store。
Moreno’s first Cartoon FX Pack, Volume 1, was heavily influenced by the visual language of comic books, combining chains of complex particle sequences with comic book action words. KA-POW! Moreno also innovated by including his CartoonFX Easy Editor with his kits, custom in-editor windows that are used to refine and customize his complete library of effects without having to fuss around at a lower level.
莫雷诺的第一个卡通FX Pack,第1卷,受到漫画视觉语言的极大影响,将复杂的粒子序列链与漫画动作词结合在一起。 KA-POW! 莫雷诺还通过将自己的CartoonFX Easy Editor与工具包,自定义的编辑器内窗口结合在一起进行了创新,该窗口可用于完善和自定义完整的效果库,而不必在较低层次上大惊小怪。
Another popular offering is Unluck Software’s FX Megapack. This handy package is a great deal priced under $10 and includes over 125 particle prefabs in mostly cartoon style. The system allows you to customize your effects, so you can change or remove cartoon action words if you desire.
另一个受欢迎的产品是Unluck Software的FX Megapack 。 这个方便的套装价格不菲,不到10美元,包括125种以上以卡通风格制成的预制颗粒。 该系统允许您自定义效果,因此您可以根据需要更改或删除卡通动作词。
If you’re inspired by the Japanese RPG gaming genre, you probably should get your hands on FX Quest by G.E. TeamDev. They’ve invested a lot of skill, time and energy in creating a set of more than 187 particle prefabs which faithfully recreate the visual effects that so strikingly define the look of the genre: magical attacks and spells, high-energy fireballs, the forces of nature, all bold, vivid, and easily customizable. The set includes a smart scaling tool and 22 UI-specific particle effects to add extra charm and life to your user experience.
如果您受到日本RPG游戏类型的启发,则可能应该尝试GE TeamDev的FX Quest。 他们投入了大量的技巧,时间和精力,制作了超过187种粒子预制件,忠实地再现了视觉效果,从而惊人地定义了该类型的外观:魔术攻击和法术,高能火球,部队自然,大胆,生动,易于定制。 该套件包括一个智能缩放工具和22种特定于UI的粒子效果,可为您的用户体验增添更多魅力和生命。
I’ve just shown a couple of great particle system prefabs above, but what if you want to customize them further? Or create more sophisticated particle systems yourself? If you’re a DIY kind of particle expert, there’s a number of excellent frameworks and tools on the Asset Store which can help you do just that.
我刚刚在上面展示了几个很棒的粒子系统预制件,但是如果您想进一步定制它们呢? 还是自己创建更复杂的粒子系统? 如果您是DIY类粒子专家,那么Asset Store上有许多出色的框架和工具可以帮助您做到这一点。
Particle Playground 2 is an intuitive and easy-to-use particle editing framework which sits atop and extends Unity’s existing Shuriken particle system. Polyfied extends the system with new properties, such as turbulent forces and attraction & repulsion to other entities, along with the ability to communicate with other particle systems and the game logic system.
Particle Playground 2是一个直观且易于使用的粒子编辑框架,它位于顶部并扩展了Unity现有的Shuriken粒子系统。 Polyfied扩展了系统的新特性,例如湍流力,对其他实体的吸引和排斥以及与其他粒子系统和游戏逻辑系统进行通信的能力。
Particle Playground 2 makes it easy to snapshot your favorite creations and set and transition between particle states which you set. You can also export and redistribute your particle creations as you see fit. The system is written in c#, takes advantage of multithreading, comes with several starter scenes and is available for all platforms that Unity supports.
粒子游乐场2使您可以轻松快照自己喜欢的创作以及在所设置的粒子状态之间进行设置和转换。 您还可以根据需要导出和重新分配粒子创建。 该系统用c#编写,利用了多线程的优势,带有多个入门场景,并且可用于Unity支持的所有平台。
PopcornFX particles are an industry standard, but require a framework you’ll need to purchase separately.
While sniffing around the Asset Store for particle effects you may have encountered a number of products from PopcornFX. They make fantastic particles and a great set of tools for particle design, but there’s one thing you need to know: PopcornFX uses its own proprietary particle rendering technology, instead of the core system included with Unity.
在资产商店中搜寻颗粒效果时,您可能会遇到PopcornFX的许多产品。 它们可以制作出奇妙的粒子以及用于粒子设计的大量工具,但是您需要了解一件事: PopcornFX使用其自己的专有粒子渲染技术,而不是Unity随附的核心系统。
In order to use PopcornFX branded particles with Unity, you’ll need to first purchase the appropriate PopcornFX Particle Effects Plugin for each of your target platforms, such as desktop/console, Android or iOS. The cool thing about Popcorn is that you can author your effects in their own application custom-tailored for the design of particle systems. It’s pretty much the AAA industry standard tool for this kind of job, but the downside is the added expense. Personally, I think Unity’s own particle renderer is perfectly up to the job, although lots of folks feel the extra functionality is worth the higher price tag.
为了在Unity中使用PopcornFX品牌的粒子,您需要首先为每个目标平台(例如台式机/控制台,Android或iOS)购买合适的PopcornFX粒子效果插件。 “爆米花”的妙处在于,您可以在针对粒子系统设计而量身定制的应用程序中创作效果。 这几乎是用于此类工作的AAA行业标准工具,但缺点是增加了费用。 就个人而言,我认为Unity自己的粒子渲染器完全可以胜任工作,尽管很多人都认为额外的功能值得更高的价格。
Fundamentally, particle systems are representations of the forces of nature at work, expressed in the transformation of small entities. Although that nature can be unlike anything that occurs in our world, it is nonetheless consistently following a set of rules. It’s interesting to see how these rules can be used to represent phenomena that we might not normally consider particulate, like fluids. Fluid dynamics can be very complex, but can be simulated pretty efficiently through the clever use of particles.
从根本上说,粒子系统是工作中自然力的表示,以小实体的转变来表示。 尽管这种性质可能不同于我们世界上发生的任何事情,但它始终遵循一系列规则。 有趣的是,如何将这些规则用于表示我们通常不会考虑的微粒现象,例如流体。 流体动力学可能非常复杂,但是可以通过巧妙地使用粒子来非常有效地进行模拟。
Fluvio by Thinksquirrel is a beautiful water and fluid simulator. By fine tuning properties such as viscosity, turbulence, and surface tension, it’s possible to create a fluid simulation for any occasion: thick and heavy lava, gloppy paint, or roiling water. Fluvio is far more than your everyday particle system, as it is driven by a sophisticated fluid dynamics engine and comes with some very convincing liquid shaders. At its core, however, Fluvio demonstrates how powerful particles really can be. In addition to being visually striking, Fluvio’s physics simulations open up worlds of possibilities for fluid-driven gameplay mechanics, such as puzzles operated by pipes, sluices and valves, physically accurate water wheels, and the behavior of buoyant objects. The folks at Thinksquirrel have gone out of their way to provide extensive video tutorials and have a number of free example projects on the Asset Store which you can use, disassemble, and tweak as you see fit.
Thinksquirrel的Fluvio是一款漂亮的水和液体模拟器。 通过微调特性(例如粘度,湍流和表面张力),可以在任何情况下创建流体模拟:浓稠的熔岩,蓬松的油漆或沸水。 Fluvio不仅是您日常使用的粒子系统,还因为它由复杂的流体动力学引擎驱动,并带有一些非常令人信服的液体着色器。 但是,Fluvio的核心表现出真正强大的粒子。 除了在视觉上引人注目外,Fluvio的物理模拟还为流体驱动的游戏机制开辟了无限的可能性,例如由管道,水闸和阀门操纵的难题,物理上精确的水车以及有浮力的物体的行为。 Thinksquirrel的工作人员竭尽全力提供大量视频教程,并在Asset Store上提供了许多免费的示例项目,您可以根据需要使用,分解和调整它们。
For practicality’s sake, I’ve only demonstrated a few of the many exceptional particle systems in our Asset Store. Like lighting and audio, particle systems are detail-giving elements that can transform a boring or hollow-feeling level into something full of life and richness. A small puff of smoke coming from the chimney of an otherwise decorative building suggests someone is inside, living a life of their own. Fireflies buzzing around a forest suggest that nature is always going to run its course, regardless of your gameplay. While we may tune them out in reality, we subconsciously notice and accept these little processes in everyday life as part of the richness we expect in our perception. I strongly encourage you to experiment, have fun, and take advantage of the detail and impact particles can add to your level. They’re so much fun, I promise you will never become particle-bored.
出于实用性考虑,我仅在资源商店中展示了许多出色的粒子系统中的一些。 像照明和音频一样,粒子系统是赋予细节的元素,可以将无聊或中空的层次转变为充满生机和丰富感的事物。 一栋原本是装饰性建筑的烟囱冒出一小股烟雾,表明有人在里面,过着自己的生活。 萤火虫在森林中嗡嗡作响,这表明大自然总是会顺其自然,而不管您的游戏方式如何。 虽然我们可以将它们微调为现实,但我们在潜意识中注意到并接受了日常生活中的这些小过程,这是我们所期望的丰富感知的一部分。 我强烈建议您尝试一下,玩得开心,并利用细节和影响粒子可以增加您的水平。 他们是如此有趣,我保证您永远不会感到无聊。
cocos 粒子编辑