jboss 7 as1 日志配置



The overall server logging configuration is represented by the logging subsystem. It consists of three notable parts: handler configurations, logger and the root logger declarations (aka log categories). Each logger does reference a handler (or set of handlers). Each handler declares the log format and output:

<subsystem xmlns= "urn:jboss:domain:logging:1.0" >
    <console-handler name= "CONSOLE" autoflush= "true" >
        <level name= "DEBUG" />
            <pattern-formatter pattern= "%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] (%t) %s%E%n" />
    <periodic-rotating-file-handler name= "FILE" autoflush= "true" >
            <pattern-formatter pattern= "%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] (%t) %s%E%n" />
        <file relative-to= "jboss.server.log.dir" path= "server.log" />
        <suffix value= ".yyyy-MM-dd" />
    <logger category= "com.arjuna" >
        <level name= "WARN" />
        <level name= "DEBUG" />
            <handler name= "CONSOLE" />
            <handler name= "FILE" />


Why is there a logging.properties file?

You may have noticed that there is a logging.properties file in the configuration directory. This logging configuration is used when the server boots up until the logging subsystem kicks in. If the logging subsystem is not included in your configuration, then this would act as the logging configuration for the entire server.

In the future this file may go away or be automatically generated from the logging subsystem. For most users this file should not be modified.

Note: If the logging.properties is not available during start there will be no logging until the logging subsystems kicks in, this is also the case if the configuration is damaged, the server might exit without any further message.


Default Log File Locations

Managed Domain

In a managed domain two types of log files do exist: Controller and server logs. The controller components govern the domain as whole. It's their responsibility to start/stop server instances and execute managed operations throughout the domain. Server logs contain the logging information for a particular server instance. They are co-located with the host the server is running on.

For the sake of simplicity we look at the default setup for managed domain. In this case, both the domain controller components and the servers are located on the same host:

Process Log File
Host Controller ./domain/log/host-controller/boot.log
Process Controller ./domain/log/process-controller/boot.log 
"Server One" ./domain/servers/server-one/log/boot.log 
"Server One" ./domain/servers/server-one/log/server.log 
"Server Three" ./domain/servers/server-three/log/boot.log 
"Server Three" ./domain/servers/server-three/log/server.log 


The server logs as you know it from previous JBoss AS versions are located in the servers subdirectory: I.e. ./domain/servers/server-three/log/server.log


Standalone Server 

The default log files for a standalone server can be found in the log subdirectory of the distribution:

Process Log File
Server ./standalone/log/boot.log
Server ./standalone/log/server.log
