Fits –Cross Correlations


Fits –Cross Correlations_第1张图片

Cross tag(交互位号):所有可用于相关性分析的输出残差下拉列表。
Number of Lags(滞后数):为每个位号计算和绘图的相关系数数量。
Diff Data(差分数据):在计算相关系数之前,对数据进行差分以去除数据漂移。
Color(颜色):双击修改预测图的颜色;此线的颜色也对应于overlay和FIR fit窗口中线条的颜色。
你可以从 Tools(工具)菜单或通过鼠标右键单击树节点上的菜单生成Fit报告。生成的报告采用HTML格式,并包含:
•拟合组 InputsOutputs
•复制全部或部分报告内容,并将其粘贴到MS Word,Excel或PowerPoint中。
若要在FIR Fit,Parametric Fit(参数拟合),Overlay(层叠),Simulation和Cross Correlation(交互相关性)选项卡子窗口中生成包含拟合模型参数和阶跃响应图的HTML文件:
•打开File(文件)菜单并选择Print Current Screen to HTML(将当前屏幕打印为HTML)。
例如以下为从Fit Overlay选项卡窗口生成的HTML示例文件:

Fits –Cross Correlations_第2张图片

概述–Fit Analysis(拟合分析)
Fit Analysis(拟合分析)选项卡提供了分析和比较Fit Group(拟合组)内所有拟合的方法。 执行的分析是基于仿真,预测和误差的。 还有一个拟合选择/导出选项卡,在其中你可以选择最佳拟合结果以获得拟合组级别的模型,然后可以将其导出到模型。

Cross Correlations
Use this window to perform cross-correlation analysis between all the fit residuals and the inputs. The residuals correspond to the prediction horizon set on the predictions window.
**Cross Correlation Window Fields **
**Segments: **Drop down list with all the workspace segments.
Input: Drop-down list of all the inputs in the analysis available for cross-correlation analysis with the output residuals. Significant correlations between inputs and output residuals may indicate undermodeling or wrong model structures.
**Cross tag: **Drop-down list of all the output residuals available for cross-correlation analysis.
Number of Lags:Number of correlation coefficients calculated and plotted for each tag.
Diff Data: Difference the data to remove data drift before computing correlation coefficients.
**Legend Table **
**Show: **If checked, the corresponding model prediction is shown on the predictions plot.
Color: Double-click to modify the prediction plot line color; this line color also corresponds to the line colors in the overlay and FIR fit windows.
Name:Name of the tag/prediction model source.
**Description: Tag/model source description.
Units: Tag units.
Fit Reports and Printing **
You can generate a Fit Report from either the Tools menu or using the menu opened by clicking the right mouse button over the tree node. The generated report is in HTML format and contains:
•Summary workspace information.
•Summary fit group information.
•Fit group
•Fit group structure table.
With the report in HTML format you can:
•Save the report.
•Print the report.
•Copy all or parts of the report and paste it into MS Word, Excel, or PowerPoint.
To generate HTML files containing fit model parameters and step response plots on the FIR Fit, Parametric Fit, Overlay, Simulation and Cross Correlation tabbed subwindows:
•Open the File menu and select Print Current Screen to HTML.
Example HTML file produced from the Fit Overlay tabbed window:

Overview - Fit Analysis
The Fit Analysis tab provides ways to analyze and compare all the Fits within a Fit Group. The analysis is performed based on simulations, predictions and errors. There is also a fit select/export tab where you can select the best fit results to arrive at a fit group level model which can then be exported to a model.


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