Dear Tovah

Dear Tovah_第1张图片

"Love you Rita"是你唱给我的歌/ love you Rida is your anthem in my mind

脑海里浮现出我们一起载歌载舞的画面/ 在dancing and singing with you, my dear friend

那时我们唱的那么嗨/ we are all high at that time.

连舞蹈的步伐也是那般的肆无忌惮/ our dancing move are so fine

亲爱的 Tovah/ dear Tovah

我喜欢你睫毛长的好生漂亮/ i adore you with your pretty eyelashes

喜欢你眼睛美成浩瀚的海洋/ and the blue ocean in your eyes

但是亲爱的,but love,

我却是疯狂的爱上了你美妙的歌声 I’m falling crazy in your voice

那是我们初次相遇时就印在我脑海里的画面 that’s how we met at first

亲爱的 Tovah/ dear Tovah

你这个爱笑的姑娘/ I cherish your smile

任何时候都是未见其人先闻你爽朗笑声一串串/ your laughter echos in my brain even when you’re away

每每想起你,脑海便是第一时间跳出你美丽笑脸/ thinking of you, the smile on your face

那笑容是那么的美,那么的甜/ so beautiful, so sweet

亲爱的/dear Tovah,

亲爱的姐妹/dear sis,

还是那句老话,我们不说再见/ never say farewell,

也许从此以后,我们距离着万水千山/ even you’re in the other side of the world

但我会记着你直到永远/ you’re in my mind forever more.

"Love you Rita"是你唱给我的歌/love you Rida is your anthem in my mind

脑海里浮现出我们一起载歌载舞的画面/ dancing and singing with you, my dear friend

那时我们唱的那么嗨/we are all high at that time.

连舞蹈的步伐也是那般的肆无忌惮/ our dancing move are so fine

那首你送我的歌始终在脑海盘旋/ your anthem will always be with me

载着你爽朗的笑声漂浮在脑海里面/ with you smiling all the time 

一遍又一遍/ always and forever

你可能感兴趣的:(Dear Tovah)