《经济学人》 解读(3)Listen to the music of the traffic in the city.

《经济学人》 解读(3)Listen to the music of the traffic in the city._第1张图片
The Rockefeller Centre sprawls across 89,000 square metres  of midtown Manhattan.Curiously,Alcatraz, in San Francisco Bay, the island home  of America's most famous former prison,has exactly  the same area.


1.Rockefeller Centre 洛克菲勒中心(位于纽约曼哈顿,是个由19栋商业大楼组成的建筑群)



3.Manhattan 曼哈顿(纽约市五个行政区之一)

  San Francisco Bay 旧金山湾

4.midtown adj. 市中心的

For research  by Claudio Silva of New York University and his colleagues suggests that  the two have  a striking resemblance  when  it comes  to   the  daily   ebb  and flow of tourists, as judged from  the level of activity  on Flickr, a photo-hosting site.Dr Silva thinks  the peaks  and troughs of Flickr activity that  his research has discovered  in this and other cases  are  a measure of  an area' s "urban pulse" .

由纽约大学的Claudio Silva 和他同事的调查表明当涉及到每天的游客高峰和低谷时,这两者非常相似。就像图片分享网站 Flickr判断的游客活跃水平一样。

5.have  a striking resemblance 惊人地相似  「striking  adj. 惊人的,显著的」

6.when  it comes  to 当提到…的时候,就…而论

7.ebb  and flow 兴衰,起伏,涨落 ebb  n/ vi. 衰落,逐渐减少

8.Flickr 网络相簿(雅虎旗下图片分享网站)

9.peaks  and troughs 顶峰和低谷

Dr Silva's work  is part of  a broader trend, dubbed "smart cities" by some,towards using  the vast amounts  of data generated  by  the inhabitants  of urban areas  to make them better places  to live.Carlo Ratti and  his colleagues  in the Senseable City laboratory  at  the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT), for example,used mobile-phone records,and also  traffic data from 500 pressure sensors on roads,  to help guide construction of  the new metro system  in Saudi Arabia's capital,Riyadh.


10. dub 给…起绰号,把…戏称为

       eg.Mrs Thatcher  was dubbed “The Iron Lady”.  撒切尔夫人被人们称为铁娘子。

11.inhabitant n.居民  inhabit  v. 居住于

12.Senseable City laboratory 感知城市实验室

13.Massachusetts Institute of Technology 麻省理工学院

14.metro 地铁

15.Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯 Riyadh 利雅得

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