

主题/subject: 学习方法/Study Method


1. 构建知识树,分清主次

2. Copy-> Run->Modify->rewrite

3. 记录(Blog)

4. 动手 (这点比化学实验好,最差程序崩溃,而化学最差就是....)

Today is my first day in Jirengu. I have learned to programme (by C Language) since Mar. 2018. There are Two purposes for me to learn programming: 1. to find a decent job. 2. to get more skills. When I was writing this blog today, I realized a problem that there is more than 1 year since I wrote my last English paper or essay. I decide to practice both programming and English in the coming 6 months by using this blog. Good Luck and see you in December!
