基于《懂你英语》Level 3 Unit 1 Part 4 Vocabulary-Things to Read
今天的主题是 A Lifelong reader is a lifelong Learner
There are two things we are going to discuss in today's lesson:
1.some common types of reading materies.
2.how to make reading a habit.
Part 1:常见的读物类型
categoize = 把XX分类
fiction = 虚构的文学作品
no-fiction = 非虚构的文学作品
novel = 长篇小说
short story = 短篇小说
play = 戏剧
We read fiction to enjoy stories of imagination and adventure.
No-fiction works include biographies and books about science and history.
The book Steve Job by Walter Isaacson is a biography.
Walter Isaacson写《史蒂夫乔布斯传》是一本人物传记。
biography = 人物传记
autobiography = 自传
self-improvement book = self-help book = 自我提升类的书
The book How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie is one of the most influcntial self-help books.
We read no-fiction to learn about different subjects and real people.
I highly recommend sth. = 我强烈推荐某物
classic = 经典的
masterpiece = 杰作
storyline = plot = 故事情节
grab = 抓住
For example:
This book grabs me from page one.
character = 人物,角色
be charmed by someone = 被某人吸引住
For example:
I'm totally charmed by her witty and independent spirt.
all-time favorite = 永远的最爱
For example:
I think this book will remain my all-time favorite.
We can learn about the latest scientific research in journals and academic papers.
journal = 学术期刊
academic paper = 学术论文
original research = 原创研究
review articles = 综述文章
book review = 书评
instruction manual = 使用说明书
install = 安装
For example:
Install an air conditioner
put together = 组装
For example:
put a bookshelf together
Part 2:如何让阅读成为一种习惯
New Year's resolution = 新年计划
book lover = 爱读书的人
bookworm = 书虫 / 爱读书的人
carry a book with you = take a book with you = 随身携带一本书
When you take a book with you wherever you go,you will realize there are a lot of hidden opportunities to read.
Paperback book = printed book = 纸质书
e-book = 电子书
portable = 便携的
audiobook = 有声书
charming voice = 动听的声音
join a book club = 参加书友会
commit to reading = 坚持阅读
Hearing opinions that are different from yours can make you more open-mide.
Three tips to make reading a habit:
1:Always carry a book with you.
2:Listen to audiobooks.
3:Join a book club.