modern family S09E20

There's a box out here marked fruit of the month.

I'm assuming that means one of you won the contest.

barely cover

deranged 精神错乱的,疯狂的

have a terrible row 吵架

service revolver 佩枪

This place looks dynamite. 极好的


He's been such a dry spell creativity.创作进入瓶颈期

dry spell干旱期



You read a script I left out and you elbowed your way in.你读了我放在家的剧本然后就强势加入了。

elbow one's way  (用手肘)推挤出一条路来

elbow your way through the crowd.

In spite of 尽管

Nobody gets the lovelorn back on their feet.没谁能比我们更快劝好失恋的人。

lovelorn 失恋的

get back on their feet重新振作起来

It can be a bit unseemly.不得体的


The matter’s fortunately out of my league.幸亏这件事不归我管。


He was so sophisticated, just someone way out of her league.他是那么老于世故,跟她完全是两路人。

I'm not following.我不懂

bail on 失约

pull off努力实现

barge in闯入


stink on ice 烂透了(rotten as to reek even when frozen)

have a hit 成功

Love you to the moon and back.爱你直到永远 to the moon and back 很远

Don't sweat it. 别担心。

run off some rage发泄

have a bone to pick with =have a disagreement to discuss with someone;

put up with忍受

你可能感兴趣的:(modern family S09E20)