译|比赛 - 里奥·巴伯塔的个人减肥计划(禅习惯)

My Personal Fat-Loss Plan BY LEO BABAUTA   译文BY刘安娜160802

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I think I’m not the only one among us who wants to lose fat. I’m embarking on a 2-month fat-loss plan, and I thought I’d share it with you in case you’re interested.


Some background: when I started this blog, almost 10 years ago, I was overweight but had already made a lot of progress in losing that weight. Changing my diet to a healthier, vegetable-based diet was a big part of it, and learning to exercise regularly was another. And learning not to overeat so much was also pretty huge.


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I lost 70 lbs. at one point (almost 32 kg, for you non-Americans), and all was great.However, I wasn’t that strong, so I started lifting weights. That helped me gain some of the weight back. Lately, I decided to intentionally eat more to gain more muscle, and it worked … except I also gained some fat. That was expected, and it’s not a problem. Now I’m going to try to lose most of that fat.


Finally, I should say that I’m not anti-fat. I prefer to be lean, because it helps me run better and move better, but having some fat on my body isn’t a big problem. I don’t think anyone should feel bad about having fat on their body, though I understand that feeling. In the end, it’s about moving towards a healthier lifestyle, and figuring out what works for you.


This planis what works for me.这计划就很适合我。

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Here’s the plan:这计划如下:

I eat a calorie deficit.

You can’t lose fat if you’re not in an energy deficit. So I first calculate my Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE), then subtract 500 calories. I suggest you start by subtracting 250 calories, and then adjust downward if that isn’t too hard or if you’re not losing enough fat after a few weeks. For me, I know that 500 calories is a good number for me.



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I plan out my daily diet.

Some people don’t like to eat the same thing every day, and don’t like to plan. I know I work best if I just figure out an eating plan and stick to it, without having to think about it every day. So I create a spreadsheet, and figure out how much I’m going to eat on training days and rest days (more calories on training days, though this isn’t absolutely necessary for everyone). I eat the same thing for breakfast every day, and eat the same thing for lunch and dinner. I don’t count greenveggies in my spreadsheet, though I eat a lot of them. As many of you know, Ialso eat a completely vegan diet, and really love this way of eating.



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I lift weights.

If you want to lose mostly fat, and not a lot of muscle, it’s essential that you do strength training. You probably won’t gain a lot of muscle on a calorie deficit (unless you’re new to strength training), but the idea is to retain the muscle you already have. For me, that means a simple plan: threefull-body workouts a week, focusing on just a handful of key lifts (squats,deadlifts, bench press, bent-over barbell rows, weighted chinups). See the planat the bottom of my spreadsheet. I try to add weight or reps to each liftevery workout, so I’m progressing each week.



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I keep protein high.

I’ve found that eating a good amount of protein helps you retain muscle while you’re on a calorie deficit. So I eat about 150 g of protein a day, which isn’t as ridiculously high as bodybuilders often go, but is good enough for my purposes (it’s about 1 g of protein per lb. of lean body mass). To do this, I eat seitan, which is a goodsource of vegan protein, along with PlantFusion protein powder and soymilk.



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I also go running,just for health and fun, and let myself eat out about once a week or so just so I’m not crazy strict on myself. If I’m hungry in between these meals, I’ll eatan apple or have some tea, and that helps tide me over.


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So I eat the same thing every day, which is a caloric deficit with high protein, and lift weights three times a week. That’s about it! I didn’t invent any of this(lots of it I got from Dick Talens), but it seems to work for me. I hope this was helpful to some of you.

所以我每天吃相同的东西,它们富含蛋白质、低卡路里,我每周举重三次。就是这样!这些不是我发明的(大部分来自dick talens网站),但它似乎对我有用。我希望这对你们中的一些人也管用。




由于我目前的目标只是减脂,所以不太注重增肌方面,因此不会特别输入蛋白质,不过我每天吃很多豆腐来代替肉。也吃很多蔬菜,不是水煮白菜那种,用很少的油炒出来,或者直接蒸出来放一点盐或者酱调味。运动方面也没有加入力量训练,只有每天早上会做50 – 100个各种花式卷腹,特意买的6磅重哑铃每天在角落哭泣。


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1. Seitan:面筋,具有的弹性与肉十分相似,与豆腐和天贝(tempeh)常在东南亚料理中被拿来替代肉。也常被素食健身者用来代替肉,大概有150卡路里,没有脂肪,没有钠,含有9克碳水化合物,27克蛋白质。

2. Deficit:赤字;逆差;亏损;不足额;网络释义:亏空;财政赤字;短缺;

3. Tide over:帮…度过难关,网络释义:渡过;克服;使度过。


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