Mendeley word plugin安装问题:Uable to install the Microsoft Word Plugin.Please run word at least once...

    Mendeley word plugin安装问题

    今天在使用编辑word时,使用mendeley时发现Uable to install the Microsoft Word Plugin.Please run word at least once...



Mendeley word plugin安装问题:Uable to install the Microsoft Word Plugin.Please run word at least once..._第1张图片


Mendeley word plugin安装问题:Uable to install the Microsoft Word Plugin.Please run word at least once..._第2张图片

Mendeley word plugin安装问题:Uable to install the Microsoft Word Plugin.Please run word at least once..._第3张图片

3、关于其中主要问题:如何找到C盘中的Document and Settings文件夹?


Mendeley word plugin安装问题:Uable to install the Microsoft Word Plugin.Please run word at least once..._第4张图片

Mendeley word plugin安装问题:Uable to install the Microsoft Word Plugin.Please run word at least once..._第5张图片

Mendeley word plugin安装问题:Uable to install the Microsoft Word Plugin.Please run word at least once..._第6张图片

Mendeley word plugin安装问题:Uable to install the Microsoft Word Plugin.Please run word at least once..._第7张图片


Mendeley word plugin安装问题:Uable to install the Microsoft Word Plugin.Please run word at least once..._第8张图片

Mendeley word plugin安装问题:Uable to install the Microsoft Word Plugin.Please run word at least once..._第9张图片

Mendeley word plugin安装问题:Uable to install the Microsoft Word Plugin.Please run word at least once..._第10张图片


Mendeley word plugin安装问题:Uable to install the Microsoft Word Plugin.Please run word at least once..._第11张图片

找到Document and Settings文件夹,一般打不开,因为是系统文件,所以必须右键单击,选择取得管理员所有权,然后会跳出一个黑色框,不用管它,等它调完后就可以打开了!!!


