Mac OS AppKit文档翻译——NSTableView


A user interface object that displays data for a set of related records  with rows representing individual records and columns representing the attributes of those records.



Table views are displayed in scroll views. Beginning with macOS v10.7, you can use NSView objects (most commonly customized NSTableCellView objects) instead of cells for specifying rows and columns. You can still use NSCell objects for each row and column item if you prefer.

表视图是在scroll view里面显示的。从mac OS v10.7起,可以使用NSView对象(大多数情况下自定义NSTableCellView对象)代替cell来显示行和列。当然如果你偏爱用NSCell的话,也可以使用NSCell来代替使用行和列。

A table view does not store its own data; it retrieves data values as needed from a data source to which it has a weak reference. You should not, therefore, directly set data values programmatically in the table view; instead, modify the values in the data source and allow the changes to be reflected in the table view. To learn about the methods that an NSTableView object uses to provide and access the contents of its data source object, see NSTableViewDataSource.


To customize a table view's behavior without subclassing NSTableView, use the methods defined by the NSTableViewDelegate protocol. For example, the delegate supports table column management, type-to-select functionality, row selection and editing, custom tracking, and custom views for individual columns and rows. To learn more about the table view delegate, see NSTableViewDelegate.



It's possible that your data source methods for populating the table view may be called before awakeFromNib() is called if the data source is specified in Interface Builder. You should defend against this by having the data source's numberOfRows(in:) method return 0 for the number of rows when the data source has not yet been configured. In awakeFromNib(), when the data source is initialized you should always call reloadData on the table view.

如果数据源是在Interface Builder中处理的,那么处理表视图中数据源的方法可能会在awakeFromNib()方法之前被调用。为了防止这种现象发生,可以在配置数据源的方法numberOfRows(in:)里,在数据源还没有配置好之前,给行值返回0。在数据源初始化完了之后,在awakeFromNib()方法里,调用表视图的reloadData方法。


Subclassing NSTableView is usually not necessary. Instead, you customize the table view using a delegate object (an object conforming to the NSTableViewDelegate protocol) and a data source object (conforming to the NSTableViewDataSource protocol), or by subclassing one of the following subcomponents: cells  (when using NSCell- based table views), the row cell view or the row view (when using NSView-based table views), the table column class, or table column header classes.


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