MapGuide中Ajax Viewer中通过双击打开打开超链接

大家知道在MapGuide Ajax viewer中,可以为要素设置超级链接,然后通过CTRL+Click来打开这个超级链接。相信很多人对这个CTRL+Click比较有意见,点击就行了呗,干嘛还非要按住CTRL键啊,不符合用户习惯,估计更好的办法就是双击打开了,这个有办法实现吗?答案是可以的。鉴于这个问题比较常见,我用E文写了篇文章发到ADN DevBlog上,大家可以到那边去看,因为基本上是代码也不难理解:

Activate hyperlink by double click in Ajax viewer of AIMS 2013

By Daniel Du

As you know, it is possible to set up a hyper link for features, and open a link by ctrl+click. For those who does not know, you can open a layer by double clicking the layer from Site Explorer of Infrastructure Studio, and click the … button to set a hyperlink expression for “URL activated for feature”:


With this setting, user can activate an URL by clicking one feature while pressing CTRL key.


