1.10 Concepts 概念 - Coordinates 坐标

Origami Studio use pt/dp coordinates instead of pixels. Specify position or size in pt/dp, and Origami will handle rendering layers at the appropriate density. For instance an iPhone 7 is 375x667 in points, but 750x1334 in pixels.

Origami Studio使用pt / dp单位为坐标,不是像素。 用pt / dp指定位置和大小 (板栗:设计图的1倍值,Sketch里的内置的设备的尺寸) ,Origami将以合适的密度显示图层。 例如,iPhone 7的点数为375x667 (板栗:设计的1倍图) ,但像素为750x1334 (板栗:设计的2倍图) 。


By default, the origin (x: 0, y: 0) is in the center of the device screen. On the X axis, coordinates increase as you move right, and decrease as you move left. On the Y axis, coordinates increase as you move down, and decrease as you move up.

默认情况下,坐标原点(x:0,y:0)在屏幕的中心。 X轴坐标,原点向右为正数,向左为负数。Y轴坐标,原点向下为正数,向上为负数。

For illustration, below is a Layer Group of height 400 pixels and width 300 pixels:


1.10 Concepts 概念 - Coordinates 坐标_第1张图片

Anchor Point 坐标锚点

Anchor points change the origin of the coordinate system for that patch. Anchor points can be defined in the Patch Editor with a Point patch, where X and Y are any decimal 0-1.

更改锚点会改变模块的坐标原点位置。 锚点可以通过[Point]模块控制,X和Y的值可以是0~1之间的任何数。

1.10 Concepts 概念 - Coordinates 坐标_第2张图片

Here's an example of a Text Layer positioned from the "Top Left" Anchor Point:


1.10 Concepts 概念 - Coordinates 坐标_第3张图片

From the bottom right:


1.10 Concepts 概念 - Coordinates 坐标_第4张图片

If you want to inset it by 40 pixels, give it an X Position of -40 and a Y Position of -40.


1.10 Concepts 概念 - Coordinates 坐标_第5张图片

Pivot 图层中心点

The pivot port changes the point about which a layer scales and rotates, and can be controlled separately from anchor points. Pivots can be defined in the Patch Editor with a Point patch, where X and Y are any decimal 0-1.


1.10 Concepts 概念 - Coordinates 坐标_第6张图片

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