
BBC英语六分钟(MP3+中英字幕) 第171期:社交媒体上的我_品牌英语听力 - 可可英语

This is a download from BBC Learning English. To find out more, visit our website 6 Minute English from the BBC Learning English. com.  本文来自BBC Learning English。如需获得更多内容请访问我们的网站BBC Learning English. com。

Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I'm Sophie… 大家好,欢迎收听英语六分钟,我是苏菲。

And I'm Neil. Oh, hang on… I've just got a new tweet here. Listen to this: "Hi Neil, about what you said the other day I…"  我是尼尔。哦,稍等一下,我收到了一条新推特消息。上面写的是:“嗨,尼尔,对于那天你说的,我……”

Oh, this is from a friend who doesn't realize that regular tweets are in the public domain— and that anyone in the world could read them if they wanted to.  噢,这条消息是我的一个朋友发的,她不知道普通的推特消息是在公共域显示的,也就是说任何想看的人都能看到这些消息。

I need to give her some lessons in cool — she just doesn't get it! 我需要给她上一课,让她跟上潮流,她真是一点都不懂!

Well, Mr. Cool, I don't get Twitter either — which means I don't understand why people like it. Why do you want to put tweets out there for everyone to read? 冷酷先生,我也不会用推特,我不明白为什么人们会喜欢它。你为什么想把推文发上去让大家看呢?

You'd love it if you tried it, Sophie.  如果你试过,你会喜欢的,苏菲。

I'm not so sure, Neil. Anyway, the subject of today's show is online identity.  这可不一定。总之,今天节目的主题是网络身份。

There are lots of social media platforms out there — Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram — and they're all different,  如今有很多社交媒体平台,如Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram,他们各不相同。

and the question is, do we use different identities when we are using different digital spaces?  问题是:当我们使用不同的数字平台时,我们是不是使用不同的身份?

And what's all this tweeting, posting, and hashtagging doing to our language and our psyche? 这些推文、贴子、热门标签对我们的语言和思想有什么影响?

And psyche means mind. Well, it's messed with my mind. I'm a total addict.  psyche是指思想。它与我的思想交织在一起。我十分沉溺于这些社交平台。

I check my accounts as soon as I get up in the morning — and sometimes in the night if I wake up. I couldn't get through the day without it.  我早上一起来就会翻一翻我的账号,有时半夜醒来也会看一看。没有它,我一天都过不下去。

Well, I'm the opposite — I'm totally unaddicted — and therefore don't need to worry about my psyche.  我却相反,我一点也不沉迷于这些社交平台,因此不用担心他们会对我的思想造成影响。

Now, before we explore this further, let's have today's quiz question.  在我们继续深入探讨之前,我们来看看今天的问题吧。

OK, here's one for you, Sophie. Can you tell me how many social media accounts the average person has? Is it…a) 3? b) 5? Or c) 8? 好的,我有一个问题要问你。你能告诉我平均每个人有多少个社交媒体账号吗?a) 3个?b) 5个?还是 c) 8个?

I'll say 3 — though that sounds like 3 too many to me.  我选3个,虽然对于我来说,3个已经很多了。

OK, we'll find out if you got the answer right later on in the show. I've got … 3… 5 no hang on. I've got 6… 好的,在节目的最后,我们再看你的回答是否正确。我有3个,5个,等等,我有6个社交媒体账号。

While you add up all your accounts, Neil, let's listen to Dr Aleks Krotoski, broadcaster, journalist and social psychologist.  你数着你的账号数量,我们来听听广播员、记者及社会心理学家亚历克斯·克洛托斯基博士的看法,

She's talking about the language we use to present ourselves online.  她讲述的是,我们在网络上用来表达自己的语言。

Online we have this extraordinary opportunity to explore different aspects of ourselves through primarily text-based communication, by manipulating language and becoming wordsmiths ourselves.  在网上,我们有绝佳的机会来探索自己的其他方面,你通过简单的文本交流、语言运用,把自己变成语言大师。

So for example, your Twitter handle will have a "you" that is probably different from a "you" that you share if, say, for example you have a Facebook account,  例如,你的推特用户名和Facebook的用户名不一样,

or is different from a "you" that you would share if you're on a particular forum of something that you like— some music that you like, or food that you like, or whatever it is.  在一个和你喜欢的音乐、食物等相关的论坛上,你又有另一个名字。

So we are wordsmiths with handles. What does that mean? 所以我们是有很多个名字的语言大师。这是什么意思?

A wordsmith is someone who is skilled at using words. And a handle means a name.  wordsmith是指擅长使用文字的人。 handle是指名字。

What's your Twitter handle, then? 你的推特名字是什么?

Well, you'll need to get a Twitter account to find out. But I have other handles for other social media.  你要想知道我的推特名字,你得开个推特账户。但是在其他社交媒体上,我有其他的名字。

So there are lots of yous out there, Neil? 所以有很多个你?

Yes. For example, I think I'm cooler on Twitter than on Facebook. I talk more, you know, street. "Check out my new creps — they're bangin".  没错,例如我觉得我在推特上比在Facebook上更酷。我再多说点街头用语。快来看看我的新鞋,这鞋超赞。

Yo — they're well sick. Street, by the way, refers to the language that goes with street — or urban — culture, where things like skate boarding and hip-hop are popular.  这话让人真不舒服。Street是指与街头文化或都市文化相关的语言。在该文化中,滑板和嘻哈很有名。

And I think creps are trainers — am I right, bruv? Creps是指运动鞋,是吗?

Yes, Sophie. I didn't know you could talk street! 没错,苏菲,没想到你还知道街头文化。

I have identities that you know nothing about, Neil!  在某些方面,你是不了解我的。

But getting back to Twitter and how big an audience there is, doesn't that huge audience worry you, Neil?  回到“推特”的话题上来,推特上有庞大的网友群体,这么大的群体不会让你感到担忧吗?

Aren't you scared of making a huge blooper online and becoming a laughing stock? 你不害怕在网上出了糗,成为笑柄吗?

OK, blooper means an embarrassing mistake— and being a laughing stock means looking very silly when you were trying to be serious.  blooper是指令人尴尬的错误,成为笑柄,是指在你想严肃点的时候,看起来却很傻。

Well, Sophie, I'm quite careful about how I manage my online identity. I take time to craft my words — just like I craft them for this show! 苏菲,我在网上确实很小心的经营自己的身份。我会花时间琢磨自己的语言,就像在节目上注意自己的表达一样。

Really? So no bloopers, on this show, then? I seem to remember one or two…  真的吗,你没在节目上出过糗吗?我记得有那么一两次。

Well, let's move on now and listen now to Dr Aleks Krotoski again, talking about what motivates us to put our thoughts and ideas out there online.  好了,我们继续说,再来听听亚历克斯·克洛托斯基博士的看法。她讲述的是,是什么促使我们把自己的想法公之于网络。

It's allowing us a platform for a potential audience that is massive, absolutely huge, so yeah, there is a lot of "look at me, look at me" online,  网络给我们提供了一个有庞大潜在听众的平台,所以,网络上很多人的心态是:“看我看我”,

but that's, I think, because we're trying to reach out to as much of the audience — we're trying to get as much attention as we possibly can, in order to get that tribe.  但我觉得,这是因为我们试图接触到更多的听众,我们想要获得尽可能多的关注,从而得到一群听众。

And, also, in order to basically reach out and tell people, "Hey we're around".  同时也是为了告诉人们,“嗨,我们在这。”

It's like having a telephone on all the time:"Hey, chat to me. I'm here. Anybody wanna hang out?" It's a big social playground.  这像是一直在打电话,“嘿,和我聊聊。我在这。有人想出去转转吗?”这真是个大型的社交天地。

Aleks Krotoski says we're all show offs who want attention. Am I a show off, Sophie? 亚历克斯·克洛托斯基说我们在炫耀,想要得到关注。我是爱炫耀的人吗?

Yes, you are, Neil. Though Aleks says it isn't just about showing off — it's also about connecting with people in our tribe — or social group.  你是,尼尔。但亚历克斯说这不仅仅和炫耀有关,这和我们想与社交群体联系有关。

But that tribe can be enormous because people are reading posts globally — not just in your own town or even your own country.  社交群体很庞大,因为人们在阅读全球的贴子,不仅仅局限于你自己所在城镇或者你所在的国家。

Hastag scarythought! Now, I think it's time for the answer to today's quiz question.  标签,恐怖的想法。我觉得是时候公布今天问题的答案了。

I asked: How many social media accounts does the average person have? Is it… a) 3, b) 5 or c) 8? 我问:平均每个人有几个社交媒体账号?a) 3个, b) 5个, 还是 c) 8个?

I said a) 3.  我选的是a) 3个。

And that is … not the right answer, Sophie.  这不是正确答案,苏菲。

The average person has 5 social media accounts and spends around 1 hour and 40 minutes browsing these networks every day, accounting for 28 percent of the total time spent on the internet.  平均每个人有5个社交媒体账号,平均每天花费1小时40分钟浏览这些社交媒体,这些时间占花费在网络上的总时间的百分之二十八。

Now, here are the words we heard today: 下面是我们今天听到的单词:

get something 弄清楚某事

psyche 思想

wordsmith 擅用文字的人

handle 名字

street 街头文化

blooper 出糗

laughing stock 笑柄

tribe 部落

And that's the end of today's 6 Minute English. Don't forget to join us again soon! 今天的六分钟英语就到这里了。欢迎继续收听我们下一期的BBC六分钟。

And remember you can tweet us @bbcle! 而且大家可以在推特上@bbcle给我们发消息。

Bye-bye! Goodbye! 再见!再见!

6 Minute English from the BBC.  BBC英语六分钟。
