Deep Trouble

                              Deep trouble

 Bullying arouses the scale of the problem, but there is an unrecognized secret behind the bullies rather than victims. With the high rate of committing suicide, a flood of criticisms against bullies spring up. Thirteen Reasons Why in the best-seller lists, which slowly exudes the frustration, anger and desperation what the bullies bring to her, and that is why she approached to the death. So people start to think about should the bullies themselves in the school face the force of the law?

In this heated discussion, people who support the answer, asserted that they should be strictly punished no matter who they are. Because individuals should pay for their action, and should be held responsibility for the consequences as well. On top of that, considering the potential threats to the victims, including the physical and psychological harms, it leads to low-esteem, depression and even suicide. So the bullies should suffer the same pain, like the criminal law, so as to meet the psychological balance to the victims. While others deny this contention, they think it cannot be simply solved by the criminal law, and there still exist crowds of questions, like how to define the bullies. Because sometimes the eye rolling, making faces can also inflict serious harm to the victims, so it is almost impossible for us to distinguish bullies.

From my prospective, school should both give the high importance to the prosecution of bullies responsible for suicide, and improved safety in school. But before the punishments, we should know what suffering the bullies had in their early ages, because there must be some reasons for them to do such stupid stuff. So if the consequence is not serious, bullies can be given less harsh punishments, like community service, as well as some psychological counseling to show the love and care, in order to build a bright future for them. Therefore, our high priority now is to reduce the possibility of suicide, not to blame the bullies. Maybe there is something wrong with our parents or the teacher. But if it threats to the death, bullies still need to be subjected to justice.

From the above, we can draw the conclusion that we should shoulder the accountability on our own actions, as well as its consequences.

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