最近想写一个网络服务器端的程序,想看看在大量客户端数下程序的运行情况。于是对.net 的Socket编程进行了一些研究,发现.net 3.5 里SocketAsyncEventArgs 是基于IOCP实现。MSDN上有相关的示例,但它是基于TCP协议的,而我想要的是基于UDP协议的。网上很难找到基于UDP协议的SocketAsyncEventArgs示例(UDP需要用IOCP吗?),于是决定自己写一个基于UDP协议的SocketAsyncEventArgs示例,看看它在和大量客户端通讯时的运行情况。
public class UdpReceiveSocket
/// <summary>
/// 接收用Socket;
/// </summary>
private Socket receiveSocket;
private SocketAsyncEventArgs receiveSocketArgs;
private IPEndPoint localEndPoint;
private byte [] receivebuffer;
/// <summary>
/// 接收到数据包时触发
/// </summary>
public event EventHandler < SocketAsyncEventArgs > OnDataReceived;
/// <summary>
/// 初始化Socket 和 地址。
/// </summary>
/// <param name="port"> 端口 </param>
/// <param name="socket"></param>
public UdpReceiveSocket( int port)
receiveSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port);
receivebuffer = new byte [ 1024 ];
receiveSocketArgs = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
receiveSocketArgs.RemoteEndPoint = localEndPoint;
receiveSocketArgs .Completed += new EventHandler < SocketAsyncEventArgs > (receiveSocketArgs_Completed);
receiveSocketArgs.SetBuffer(receivebuffer, 0 , receivebuffer.Length);
/// <summary>
/// 开始接收数据
/// </summary>
public void StartReceive()
if ( ! receiveSocket.ReceiveFromAsync(receiveSocketArgs ))
void receiveSocketArgs_Completed( object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
switch (e.LastOperation)
case SocketAsyncOperation.ReceiveFrom:
this .processReceived(e);
break ;
default :
throw new ArgumentException( " The last operation completed on the socket was not a receive " );
/// <summary>
/// 接收完成时处理请求。
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
void processReceived( SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
if (e.BytesTransferred > 0 && e.SocketError == SocketError.Success)
if (OnDataReceived != null )
// 不要进行耗时操作
OnDataReceived(receiveSocket , e);
用StartReceive()方法启动接收。根据Socket类的 ReceiveFromAsync()方法返回值判断操作是异步还是同步,如果返回值为False 时说明是同步的操作(说明在运行ReceiveFromAsync方法前数据已经准备好了,即已接收到客户端发来的数据包,并且放在了通知队列中),需要直接调用processReceived方法处理。在processReceived方法里又调用了StartReceive:处理完接收后再次进行数据接收,形成一个循环。注:一个Socket中的 receive 和send 最好分别对应一个SocketAsyncEventArgs,当同一个SocketAsyncEventArgs挂起后再调用receiveAsync 或者 SendAsync方法时会抛出异常。
public class UdpSendSocket
private SocketAsyncEventArgsPool socketArgsPool;
private BufferManager bfManager;
private Socket socket;
private SocketAsyncEventArgs socketArgs;
private int numClient;
public event EventHandler < SocketAsyncEventArgs > DataSent;
private static readonly object asyncLock = new object ();
/// <summary>
/// 最大客户端数
/// </summary>
/// <param name="numClient"></param>
public UdpSendSocket( int numClient)
socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
this .numClient = numClient;
int bufferSize = 1024 ;
bfManager = new BufferManager(numClient * bufferSize * 2 , bufferSize);
socketArgsPool = new SocketAsyncEventArgsPool(numClient);
/// <summary>
/// 初始化
/// </summary>
public void Init()
// 初始化数据池
// 生成一定数量的对象池
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numClient; i ++ )
socketArgs = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
socketArgs .Completed += new EventHandler < SocketAsyncEventArgs > (socketArgs_Completed);
// 设置SocketAsyncEventArgs的Buffer
/// <summary>
/// 发送数据包
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data"> 要发送的数据包 </param>
public void Send(EndPoint remoteEndPoint)
// 每次发送前都取一个新的SocketAsyncEventArgs对象。
socketArgs = socketArgsPool.Pop();
socketArgs.RemoteEndPoint = remoteEndPoint;
if (socketArgs.RemoteEndPoint != null )
if ( ! socket.SendToAsync(socketArgs))
public void Send( byte [] content, EndPoint remoteEndPoint)
socketArgs = socketArgsPool.Pop();
socketArgs.RemoteEndPoint = remoteEndPoint;
// 设置发送的内容
bfManager.SetBufferValue(socketArgs, content);
if (socketArgs.RemoteEndPoint != null )
if ( ! socket.SendToAsync(socketArgs))
private void socketArgs_Completed( object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
switch (e.LastOperation)
case SocketAsyncOperation.SendTo:
this .ProcessSent(e);
break ;
default :
throw new ArgumentException( " The last operation completed on the socket was not a send " );
private void ProcessSent(SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
if (e.BytesTransferred > 0 && e.SocketError == SocketError.Success)
if (DataSent != null )
// 用于统计发送了多少数据
DataSent(socket, e);
// 发送完成后将SocketAsyncEventArgs对象放回对象池中
SocketAsyncEventArgsPool和BufferManager 是MSDN上的示例。在Init()方法里初始化一定数量的SocketAsyncEventArgs对象,发送数据时从对象池中取出一个SocketAsyncEventArgs完成发送后再将其放回池中。使用对象池的好处就是不用反复创建SocketAsyncEventArgs对象减少消耗。
public class UdpServer
/// <summary>
/// 接收新客户端的端口
/// </summary>
private int listenPort;
/// <summary>
/// 数据通讯的端口
/// </summary>
private int CommunicationPort;
/// <summary>
/// 最大的客户端数
/// </summary>
private int numClient;
/// <summary>
/// 负责接收新的客户端的数据
/// </summary>
private UdpReceiveSocket listen;
/// <summary>
/// 负责接收旧客户端的数据
/// </summary>
private UdpReceiveSocket communicationRec;
/// <summary>
/// 负责向客户端发送数据
/// </summary>
private UdpSendSocket communicationSend;
private bool isStartSend;
public event EventHandler < SocketAsyncEventArgs > OnNewClient;
public event EventHandler < SocketAsyncEventArgs > OnReceivedData;
public event EventHandler < SocketAsyncEventArgs > OnSentData;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="acceptPort"> 新客户端接收端口 </param>
/// <param name="dataComPort"> 数据通讯端口 </param>
/// <param name="maxNumClient"> 最大客户端数 </param>
public UdpServer( int acceptPort, int dataComPort, int maxNumClient)
listenPort = acceptPort;
CommunicationPort = dataComPort;
numClient = maxNumClient;
isStartSend = false ;
listen = new UdpReceiveSocket(listenPort);
listen.OnDataReceived += new EventHandler < SocketAsyncEventArgs > (listen_OnDataReceived);
communicationRec = new UdpReceiveSocket(CommunicationPort);
communicationRec.OnDataReceived += new EventHandler < SocketAsyncEventArgs > (communicationRec_OnDataReceived);
communicationSend = new UdpSendSocket(numClient);
communicationSend.DataSent += new EventHandler < SocketAsyncEventArgs > (communicationSend_DataSent);
public void Start()
// 接收新的客户端
// 接收数据
#region 事件
void communicationRec_OnDataReceived( object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
if (OnReceivedData != null )
OnReceivedData(sender, e);
// 向客户端发送数据
void listen_OnDataReceived( object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
if (OnNewClient != null )
OnNewClient(sender, e);
void communicationSend_DataSent( object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
if (OnSentData != null )
OnSentData(sender, e);
在communicationRec_OnDataReceived事件里,接收到客户端的数据后立刻向数据的发送数据。其实可以将数据的发送独立开来,在listen_OnDataReceived里记录远程的客户端信息(例如:EndPoint队列),然后通过 communicationSend.Send()进行数据的发送出去。
class Program
/// <summary>
/// 当前通信中的客户端
/// </summary>
static Int32 numClient = 0 ;
/// <summary>
/// 当前收到的新客户端
/// </summary>
static Int32 client = 0 ;
/// <summary>
/// 即时收到消息数
/// </summary>
static Int32 receivedMessages = 0 ;
/// <summary>
/// 即时发送消息数
/// </summary>
static Int32 sentMessages = 0 ;
/// <summary>
/// 即时收到字节
/// </summary>
static Int32 receivedBytes = 0 ;
/// <summary>
/// 即时发送消息数
/// </summary>
static Int32 sentBytes = 0 ;
static void Main( string [] args)
Console.WriteLine( " 输入监听端口号 " );
int listenPort = int .Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine( " 输入通讯端口号 " );
int port = int .Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine( " 最大允许的客户端数 " );
int numClient = int .Parse(Console.ReadLine());
UdpServer server = new UdpServer(listenPort, port, numClient);
server.OnNewClient += new EventHandler < SocketAsyncEventArgs > (server_OnNewClientAccept);
server.OnReceivedData += new EventHandler < SocketAsyncEventArgs > (server_OnDataReceived);
server.OnSentData += new EventHandler < SocketAsyncEventArgs > (server_OnDataSending);
Timer timer = new Timer( new TimerCallback(DrawDisplay), null , 200 , 1000 );
#region 事件处理
static void server_OnDataReceived( object sender, EventArgs e)
receivedMessages = Interlocked.Increment( ref receivedMessages);
receivedBytes = Interlocked.Add( ref receivedBytes, (e as SocketAsyncEventArgs).BytesTransferred);
static void server_OnNewClientAccept( object sender, EventArgs e)
numClient = Interlocked.Increment( ref numClient);
client = Interlocked.Increment( ref client);
static void server_OnDataSending( object sender, EventArgs e)
sentMessages = Interlocked.Increment( ref sentMessages);
sentBytes = Interlocked.Add( ref sentBytes, (e as SocketAsyncEventArgs).BytesTransferred);
static void DrawDisplay(Object obj)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format( " 服务器 运行中...\n\n " +
" 新客户端数:{0}\n " +
" 当前客户端数: {1}\n\n " +
" 当前每秒收到消息: {2}\n " +
" 当前每秒发送消息:{3}\n\n " +
" 当前每秒收到字节:{4}\n " +
" 当前每秒发送字节:{5}\n\n " +
" 按任意键结束。。。。。。。。。。。 " ,client, numClient , receivedMessages ,sentMessages,receivedBytes ,sentBytes));
receivedBytes = 0 ;
receivedMessages = 0 ;
sentBytes = 0 ;
sentMessages = 0 ;
client = 0 ;
Interlocked.Increment以原子的方式进行递增操作,这样我们就可知道当前每秒的新客户连接数和收发数据数了。定期执行 DrawDisplay方法,显示数据信息。
class Program
static string serverIp;
static string name = string .Empty;
static IPEndPoint ipe;
static Socket server;
static int port;
static int port2;
static Mutex mutex = new Mutex();
static void Main( string [] args)
Console.WriteLine( " 输入服务器IP地址 " );
serverIp = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine( " 输入端口 " );
port = int .Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine( " 输入传输端口 " );
port2 = int .Parse(Console.ReadLine());
ipe = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(serverIp), port);
while (run()) ;
// 循环测试,如果输入连接数小于0将退出
static bool run()
int txtNum;
Console.WriteLine( " 输入最大连接数 " );
txtNum = int .Parse(Console.ReadLine());
for ( int i = 0 ; i < txtNum; i ++ )
return txtNum > 0 ;
/// <summary>
/// 创建一个新的Socket 和SocketAsyncEventArgs 对象,并开始向服务器端发送数据
/// </summary>
/// <param name="txtNum"></param>
static void StartSend( int txtNum)
server = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
SocketAsyncEventArgs socketAsyncEventArgs = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
string welcome = " 测试 " + " ,申请链接, " ;
byte [] data = new byte [ 1024 ];
data = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(welcome);
socketAsyncEventArgs.SetBuffer(data, 0 , data.Length);
socketAsyncEventArgs.UserToken = server;
socketAsyncEventArgs.Completed += new EventHandler < SocketAsyncEventArgs > (socketAsyncEventArgs_Completed);
// 向服务器端发送第一个数据包,相当于申请链接
server.SendTo(data,ipe );
// 向服务器进行异步的数据发送
Thread.Sleep( 20 );
static void Send(SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
Socket s = e.UserToken as Socket;
e.RemoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(serverIp), port2);
static void socketAsyncEventArgs_Completed( object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
Thread.Sleep( 3000 );
// 循环的发送数据