springboot 分页_springboot+jpa+tymeleaf实现分页功能

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springboot 分页_springboot+jpa+tymeleaf实现分页功能_第1张图片

springboot 分页_springboot+jpa+tymeleaf实现分页功能_第2张图片







springboot 分页_springboot+jpa+tymeleaf实现分页功能_第3张图片





                     org.springframework.bootgroupId>            spring-boot-starter-data-jpaartifactId>        dependency>                            mysqlgroupId>            mysql-connector-javaartifactId>            runtimescope>        dependency>                            org.springframework.bootgroupId>            spring-boot-starter-thymeleafartifactId>        dependency>


DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `demo`;CREATE TABLE `demo` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,  `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,  `des` longtext,  `modify_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,  `name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,  `remark` varchar(1024) DEFAULT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=14 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;-- ------------------------------ Records of demo-- ----------------------------BEGIN;INSERT INTO `demo` VALUES (1, '2020-05-13 23:27:34', 'java是第一语言', '2020-05-13 23:28:14', 'java', '跟阿牛学java');INSERT INTO `demo` VALUES (2, '2020-05-13 23:27:34', 'javaee', '2020-05-13 23:28:14', '开发必备', '跟阿牛学java');INSERT INTO `demo` VALUES (3, '2020-05-13 23:27:34', 'javaee', '2020-05-13 23:28:14', '开发必备', '跟阿牛学java');INSERT INTO `demo` VALUES (6, '2020-05-13 23:27:34', 'javaee', '2020-05-13 23:28:14', '开发必备', '跟阿牛学java');INSERT INTO `demo` VALUES (10, '2020-05-13 23:27:34', 'javaee', '2020-05-13 23:28:14', '开发必备', '跟阿牛学java');INSERT INTO `demo` VALUES (11, '2020-05-13 23:27:34', 'javaee', '2020-05-13 23:28:14', '开发必备', '跟阿牛学java');INSERT INTO `demo` VALUES (13, '2020-05-13 23:27:34', 'javaee', '2020-05-13 23:28:14', '开发必备', '跟阿牛学java');COMMIT;


server:  port: 9080spring:  servlet:    multipart:      max-file-size: 100MB      max-request-size: 100MB  datasource:    driverClassName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver    url: jdbc:mysql://localhost/tests?characterEncoding=UTF8&useSSL=false    username: root    password: asdf678987  jpa:    database: MySQL    show-sql: true    hibernate:      ddl-auto: update    database-platform: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect    open-in-view: false  thymeleaf:    cache: false    prefix: classpath:/templates/    suffix: .html    servlet:      content-type: text/html    mode: HTML5    encoding: UTF-8    resources:      chain:        strategy:          content:            enabled: true            paths: /** 


package com.feige.tymeleaf.common;import java.io.Serializable;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;public class Pager implements Serializable {
          private static final long serialVersionUID = 4476276522269472300L;    /**     * currentPage 当前页     */    private int currentPage = 1;    /**     * pageSize 每页大小     */    private int pageSize = 20;    /**     * pageTotal 总页数     */    private int pageTotal;    /**     * recordTotal 总条数     */    private int recordTotal = 0;    /**     * firstPage 第一页     */    private int firstPage = 1;    /**     * content 每页的内容     */    private List content;    /**     * pager构造器     *     * @param content     */    public Pager(List content, int currentPage, int pageSize) {
              super();        this.content = content;        this.currentPage = currentPage;        this.pageSize = pageSize;        this.otherAttr();    }    public Pager(List content, int currentPage) {
              super();        this.content = content;        this.currentPage = currentPage;        this.otherAttr();    }    public Pager(List content) {
              super();        this.content = content;        this.otherAttr();    }    /**     * pager获取分好页的数据记录     *     * @return     */    public ListgetPageContent() {
              if (this.content == null || this.content.size() < 1)            return null;        List pageContent = new ArrayList();        //当前页的第一行为:(页码-1)x每页行数        int firstLine = (this.currentPage - 1) * this.pageSize;        //当前页的第最后行为:页码-x每页行数-1(如果最后一页为最大行数)        int lastLine = this.currentPage == this.pageTotal ? this.recordTotal : this.currentPage * this.pageSize;        for (int i = firstLine; i < lastLine; i++) {
                  pageContent.add(this.content.get(i));        }        return pageContent;    }    // 以下set方式是需要赋值的    /**     * 设置当前页      *     * @param currentPage     */    public void setCurrentPage(int currentPage) {
              this.currentPage = currentPage;    }    /**     * 设置每页大小,也可以不用赋值,默认大小为10条      *     * @param pageSize     */    public void setPageSize(int pageSize) {
              this.pageSize = pageSize;    }    /**     * 设置总条数,默认为0      *     * @param recordTotal     */    public void setRecordTotal(int recordTotal) {
              this.recordTotal = recordTotal;        otherAttr();    }    /**     * 设置分页内容      *     * @param content     */    public void setContent(List content) {
              this.content = content;    }    /**     * 设置其他参数     */    public void otherAttr() {
              if (this.content != null) {
                  // 总条数            this.recordTotal = this.content.size();            // 总页数            this.pageTotal = this.recordTotal % this.pageSize > 0 ? this.recordTotal / this.pageSize + 1 : this.recordTotal / this.pageSize;            // 设置并调整当前页            if (this.currentPage < 1)                this.currentPage = 1;            else if (this.currentPage > this.pageTotal)                this.currentPage = this.pageTotal;        }    }    /**     * @return the pageTotal     */    public int getPageTotal() {
              return pageTotal;    }    /**     * @param pageTotal the pageTotal to set     */    public void setPageTotal(int pageTotal) {
              this.pageTotal = pageTotal;    }    /**     * @return the firstPage     */    public int getFirstPage() {
              return firstPage;    }    /**     * @param firstPage the firstPage to set     */    public void setFirstPage(int firstPage) {
              this.firstPage = firstPage;    }    /**     * @return the serialversionuid     */    public static long getSerialversionuid() {
              return serialVersionUID;    }    /**     * @return the currentPage     */    public int getCurrentPage() {
              return currentPage;    }    /**     * @return the pageSize     */    public int getPageSize() {
              return pageSize;    }    /**     * @return the recordTotal     */    public int getRecordTotal() {
              return recordTotal;    }    /**     * @return the content     */    public ListgetContent() {
              return content;    }    /* (non-Javadoc)     * @see java.lang.Object#toString()     */    @Override    public String toString() {
              StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();        builder.append("Pager :{currentPage=");        builder.append(currentPage);        builder.append(", pageSize=");        builder.append(pageSize);        builder.append(", pageTotal=");        builder.append(pageTotal);        builder.append(", recordTotal=");        builder.append(recordTotal);        builder.append(", firstPage=");        builder.append(firstPage);        builder.append(", content=");        builder.append(content);        builder.append("}");        return builder.toString();    }}


package com.feige.tymeleaf.controller;import com.feige.tymeleaf.common.Pager;import com.feige.tymeleaf.common.Result;import com.feige.tymeleaf.common.StatusCode;import com.feige.tymeleaf.entity.Test;import com.feige.tymeleaf.service.TestService;import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;import java.util.Map;@RestController@RequestMapping("")public class TestController {
          @Autowired    TestService testServiceImpl;    @RequestMapping(value="")    public ModelAndView test(@RequestParam Map map) throws Exception {
              ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("index");        Pager pager = testServiceImpl.findAll(map,2);        mv.addObject("listAll", pager.getPageContent());        mv.addObject("pageTotal", pager.getPageTotal());        mv.addObject("page", pager.getCurrentPage());        mv.addObject("Result","查询成功!");        return mv;    }}


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