In some specific types of environments, you might find it useful to add a static route to the routing table in Windows. Here’s how to go about it.
在某些特定类型的环境中,您可能会发现将静态路由添加到Windows中的路由表很有用。 这是解决方法。
A routing table dictates where all packets go when they leave a system—whether that system is a physical router or a PC. Most routers—including the one built into your Windows PC—use some form of dynamic routing, where the router is capable of selecting the best place to forward packets based on information it gets from other routers. You can see it at work if you use the traceroute command to watch the connections a packet makes as it reaches it’s final destination.
路由表规定了所有数据包离开系统后的去向,无论该系统是物理路由器还是PC。 大多数路由器(包括Windows PC内置的路由器)都使用某种形式的动态路由,其中路由器能够根据从其他路由器获得的信息来选择最佳的位置来转发数据包。 如果使用traceroute命令监视数据包到达最终目的地时建立的连接,则可以在工作中看到它。
Most routers also allow you to add a static route (one that doesn’t get dynamically updated) if you want to always forward certain traffic to a specific router or gateway. Why? Well, most people using Windows in their home or small business probably won’t—but this can be useful under certain circumstances, such as:
如果您想始终将某些流量转发到特定的路由器或网关,大多数路由器还允许您添加静态路由(不会动态更新的路由)。 为什么? 好吧,大多数人可能不会在家庭或小型企业中使用Windows,但这在某些情况下可能很有用,例如:
If any of those apply to you, read on. You’ll need to dive into the Command Prompt to add a static route to the Windows routing table, but it’s easy and we’ll walk you through the steps.
如果有任何适合您的内容,请继续阅读。 您需要深入研究命令提示符以将静态路由添加到Windows路由表,但这很简单,我们将逐步指导您。
Before you get started adding routes, it may be helpful to view the routing table first. Fire up Command Prompt by hitting Windows+X and then selecting “Command Prompt (Admin)” on the Power Users menu.
在开始添加路由之前,先查看路由表可能会有所帮助。 按下Windows + X,然后在“高级用户”菜单上选择“命令提示符(Admin)”,以启动命令提示符。
Note: If you see PowerShell instead of Command Prompt on the Power Users menu, that’s a switch that came about with the Creators Update for Windows 10. It’s very easy to switch back to showing the Command Prompt on the Power Users menu if you want, or you can give PowerShell a try. You can do pretty much everything in PowerShell that you can do in Command Prompt, plus a lot of other useful things.
注意 :如果您在Power Users菜单上看到PowerShell而不是Command Prompt,那是Windows 10的Creators Update附带的开关。 如果需要,可以很容易地切换回在“高级用户”菜单上显示命令提示符 ,或者可以尝试使用PowerShell。 您可以在PowerShell中完成几乎可以在命令提示符中执行的所有操作,以及许多其他有用的操作。
At the Command Prompt, type the following command and hit Enter:
route print
You’ll see a long list of network destinations and the gateways to which packets are forwarded when they are headed to that destination. Unless you’ve already added static routes to the table, everything you see here will be dynamically generated.
您会看到一长串的网络目标,以及将数据包发送到该目标时将其转发到的网关。 除非您已经向表中添加了静态路由,否则您在此处看到的所有内容都会动态生成。
To add a static route to the table, you’ll type a command using the following syntax:
route ADD destination_network MASK subnet_mask gateway_ip metric_cost
The subnet_mask
and metric_cost
components are optional to the command. If you don’t specify a subnet mask, will be used automatically. If you don’t specify a metric cost, a cost one greater than the destination entry will be used. The metric cost value is just a cost that is relative to other costs in the table and is used when Windows decides between multiple routes that could reach the same destination.
组件对于命令是可选的。 如果您未指定子网掩码,则会自动使用255.255.255.0。 如果未指定度量标准成本,则将使用比目标条目0.0.0.0大一个的成本。 度量成本值只是相对于表中其他成本的成本,当Windows在可能到达同一目的地的多个路由之间做出决定时使用该度量值。
So, for example, if you wanted to add a route specifying that all traffic bound for the subnet went to a gateway at and you just wanted to use the automatic metric cost, you would use the following command:
route ADD MASK
If you were to use the route print
command to look at the table now, you’d see your new static route.
如果现在要使用route print
That’s all easy enough, but there is one extra little catch. When you add a static route, by default it only lasts until the next time you start Windows. The reason for this is that many companies use a coordinated list of static routes that gets updated fairly often. Rather than adding and updating all those routes on every machine, they just distribute a batch script file that adds the newest routes during Windows startup. This keeps the routing table relatively uncluttered.
这很容易,但是还有一点不足。 添加静态路由时,默认情况下,它仅持续到下次启动Windows时为止。 原因是许多公司使用协调的静态路由列表,该列表经常更新。 他们只是分发一个批处理脚本文件,而不是在每台计算机上添加和更新所有这些路由,而是在Windows启动期间添加最新的路由。 这使路由表相对整洁。
You could certainly use the batch script method yourself. Writing batch scripts isn’t hard. But if you’re just adding one or two static routes that you don’t expect to change often, you can instead just add the -p
option to the command to make the route persistent. A persistent route stays in place even when Windows starts up. Using the same command we used earlier, you could make that route persistent with the following modification:
您当然可以自己使用批处理脚本方法。 编写批处理脚本并不难。 但是,如果您只是添加一条或两条不希望经常更改的静态路由,则可以在命令中添加-p
选项以使该路由持久化。 即使Windows启动,持久的路由也会保留在原位。 使用我们之前使用的相同命令,可以通过以下修改使该路由持久化:
route -p ADD MASK
Of course, there will come a time you might want to remove a static route from your table. All you have to do is type a command using the following syntax:
当然,有时候您可能想从表中删除静态路由。 您所要做的就是使用以下语法键入命令:
route delete destination_network
So, to delete the route we created earlier with the destination network, all we’d have to do is type this command and hit Enter:
route delete
Yes, using static routes is a bit esoteric when it comes to managing most home and small business networks. But if you do need to do it, it’s a pretty easy process. And if you don’t need to do it right now, at least you know it’s an option in the future.
是的,在管理大多数家庭和小型企业网络时,使用静态路由有些深奥。 但是,如果您确实需要这样做,这是一个非常简单的过程。 而且,如果您现在不需要这样做,至少您知道将来它是一个选择。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows/adding-a-tcpip-route-to-the-windows-routing-table/