


What\'s the original name of Mark Twain?

What impresses Prof. Lv most in London?

为增强体质,脑血管患者适宜的运动有哪些( )


6. Professor English\'s attitude showed his care and concern. The students\' attitudes, on the other hand, were very nonchalant.\"nonchalant\" means ().

Prof. Lv suggested that if you go abroad, then you have to ().


According to the passage, which of the following is not the reason why \"the giant lady with the torch\" is used?

What does \"wing it\" usually imply?

It is hard for college students to be ______ independent.

想要选购健康的爱龟,要注意最好选购( )的龟。


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn tells the story of ().

One feature of cohesion is _____

What does \"wing it\" usually imply?


8. In many nations there are two financial extremes, from penury to great wealth.\"penury\" means ().

Shelly is the _______ of several successful films.

Which suggestion in the following is NOT put forward to deal with the anxiety when surrounded by some foreigners?

As a retired person, which city in UK does Prof. Lv like most?

At the end of their dialugue, Prof. Lv suggested Yu Zhou to ().

One feature of cohesion is _____

What\'s the original name of Mark Twain?

8. In many nations there are two financial extremes, from penury to great wealth.\"penury\" means ().

According to Eve, the best part of this novel is ()?

What does \"wing it\" usually imply?

They _______ on this island for five years.

2. The detectives were deluded by all the false evidence. They were completely deceived and they arrested the wrong person.\"deluded\" means ().

不稳定型心绞痛与心肌梗死的主要区别( )

3. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is the sequel (续篇)of ()?


想要选购健康的爱龟,要注意最好选购( )的龟。

Choose the correct word to fit into each sentence.

1.Marvin was too _______ to fall asleep.

One feature of cohesion is _____

They _______ on this island for five years.
