如何在Ubuntu 20.04上从源代码安装Git [快速入门]

介绍 (Introduction)

Version control systems help you collaborate on software development projects. Git is one of the most popular version control systems currently available.

版本控制系统可帮助您在软件开发项目上进行协作。 Git是当前最流行的版本控制系统之一。

This tutorial will walk you through installing and configuring Git from source on an Ubuntu 20.04 server. For a more detailed version of this tutorial, with more thorough explanations of each step, please refer to How To Install Git on Ubuntu 20.04.

本教程将引导您从Ubuntu 20.04服务器上的源代码安装和配置Git。 有关本教程的更详细版本,以及每个步骤的更详尽说明,请参阅如何在Ubuntu 20.04上安装Git 。

步骤1 —确认Git预安装 (Step 1 — Confirm Git Preinstallation)

Verify whether you have a version of Git currently installed on the server:


  • git --version

    git --version

If Git is installed, you’ll receive output similar to the following:


git version 2.25.1

Whether or not you have Git installed already, it is worth checking to make sure that you install a more recent version during this process.


步骤2 —更新和安装依赖项 (Step 2 — Update and Install Dependencies)

You’ll next need to install the software that Git depends on. This is all available in the default Ubuntu repositories, so we can update our local package index and then install the relevant packages.

接下来,您需要安装Git依赖的软件。 这在默认的Ubuntu存储库中都可用,因此我们可以更新本地软件包索引,然后安装相关软件包。

  • sudo apt update

    sudo apt更新
  • sudo apt install libz-dev libssl-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libexpat1-dev gettext cmake gcc

    sudo apt安装libz-dev libssl-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libexpat1-dev gettext cmake gcc

Press y to confirm if prompted. Necessary dependencies should now be installed.

y确认是否出现提示。 现在应安装必需的依赖项。

第3步-安装Tarball (Step 3 — Install Tarball)

Create a temporary directory to download our Git tarball and move into it.

创建一个临时目录以下载我们的Git tarball并移入该目录。

  • mkdir tmp

    mkdir tmp
  • cd /tmp

    cd / tmp

From the Git project website, we can navigate to the tarball list available at https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/ and download the version you would like. At the time of writing, the most recent version is 2.26.2, so we will download that for demonstration purposes. We’ll use curl and output the file we download to git.tar.gz.

在Git项目网站上 ,我们可以导航到https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/上的压缩包列表,然后下载所需的版本。 在撰写本文时,最新版本是2.26.2,因此我们将下载该版本以进行演示。 我们将使用curl并将下载的文件输出到git.tar.gz

  • curl -o git.tar.gz https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/git-2.26.2.tar.gz

    curl -o git.tar.gz https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/git- 2.26.2 .tar.gz

步骤4 —解压缩压缩文件并安装软件包 (Step 4 — Unpack Compressed File and Install the Package)

Unpack the compressed tarball file:


  • tar -zxf git.tar.gz

    tar -zxf git.tar.gz

Next, move into the new Git directory:


  • cd git-*

    cd git- *

Now, you can make the package and install it by typing these two commands:


  • make prefix=/usr/local all

    使prefix = / usr / local全部
  • sudo make prefix=/usr/local install

    sudo make prefix = / usr /本地安装

Now, replace the shell process so that the version of Git we just installed will be used:


  • exec bash


步骤5 —验证新版本的Git (Step 5 — Verify New Version of Git)

You can be sure that your install was successful by checking the version.


  • git --version

    git --version

git version 2.26.2

With Git successfully installed, you can now complete your setup.


步骤6 —设置Git (Step 6 — Set Up Git)

Now that you have Git installed and to prevent warnings, you should configure it with your information.


  • git config --global user.name "Your Name"

    git config --global user.name“ 您的名字 ”

  • git config --global user.email "[email protected]"

    git config --global user.email“ [email protected]

If you need to edit this file, you can use a text editor such as nano:


  • nano ~/.gitconfig

    纳米〜/ .gitconfig
~/.gitconfig contents
〜/ .gitconfig内容
  name = Your Name
  email = [email protected]

翻译自: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-git-from-source-on-ubuntu-20-04-quickstart
