
X年代 和 Y年代 -- 学习方式的区别


1.Traditionalists 传统年代


2.Baby Boomers 婴儿潮年代

1946 - 1964

3.Generation X / Gen X X年代

1965 - 1980

4.Generation Y / Gen Y / Millennials Y年代和千禧年代

1981 - 2000



1. Skeptical and Cynical. 对事物持有怀疑的态度

2. Independent and self-reliant 独立,自力更生

3. Entrepreneurial thinkers 创业家的思维

4. Resourceful / problem solvers 足智多谋,善于解决问题

5. Defy authority 抗拒权威

6. Reject the “pay your dues” mentality 抗拒“必须努力方有收获”的观念

7. Loyal to individuals, not organizations 忠诚于个人,而不是工作机构

8. Reality driven: how will a class help them in the real world? 动力来自课程的实际性:课程将如何帮助他们?

9. Have a distaste for “touchy feely” teaching methods 不喜欢教学夹杂情绪/情感

10. Competent with technology 掌握科技的能力

11. Intolerant of bureaucracy 不能忍受繁文缛节

12. Value freedom as the best reward 视自由为最好的奖赏

13. Multi-taskers / balance work and life 能同时执行多项任务,但追求平衡工作与生活


1. Offer direct / immediate communication (emails and phones) 提供直接/即时通信(电子邮件和电话)

2. Get to the point and provide clear instructions 直接指出要点,并提供明确的指示

3. Avoid micromanaging them 避免微观管理

4. Make assignments “real world” 实际/切实的作业

5. Provide opportunity for individual work 分发个人作业

6. Incorporate technology when possible 在适当时融入科技

7. Use games and case studies 使用游戏和案例研究


1. Tend to be optimists 往往是乐观主义

2. Expects immediate feedback 要求即时的反馈

3. Not accustomed to negative feedback 不习惯得到负面的反馈

4. Short attention span 欠缺注意力

5. Wired 24/7  24/7在线

6. More accepting of authority than Gen X 比X年代学员更能接受权威

7. Sheltered (by their helicopter parents and politically correct world) 在受庇护的环境下成长

8. Team oriented 团队至上的观念

9. Strong sense of entitlement 凡事都觉得是应享有的

10. Highly visual learners 高度依赖度视觉学习

11. Expects accommodations 要求别人配合/包容他

12. As digital natives, they expect technology 科技原生代,重视科技

13. Often concerned with style over substance 关注风格多于实质

14. Opinionated 很有主见


1. Gen Y likes to communicate through texting and social media Y世代喜欢通过短信和社交媒体沟通

2. Provide clear objectives and standards 提供明确的目标和准则

3. Develop self-assessment items 设置自我评估项目

4. Provide opportunities for group work 提供小组工作机会

5. Incorporate technology 容入技术

6. Create a multimedia environment 创建一个多媒体的环境

7. Offer chances to multi-task 提供机会让他们同步进行多项任务

8. Give them group projects to complete 提供小组项目让他们一起完成

9. Connect to learners through social media 通过社交媒体把他们联系起来

10. Include ways learners can customize the course but provide a very structured environment.


