




whatis command = man -f command







man [章节] keyword:查看man 手册

man –a keyword:列出所有帮助

[root@localhost ~]# man -k cd

tcdrain (3)          - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate

nscd.conf (5)        - name service cache daemon configuration file

cd (1)              - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)

cd (1p)              - change the working directory

cd-create-profile (1) - Color Manager Profile Creation Tool

cd-drive (1)        - show CD-ROM drive characteristics

cd-fix-profile (1)  - Color Manager Testing Tool

cd-info (1)          - shows Information about a CD or CD-image

cd-it8 (1)          - Color Manager Testing Tool

cd-paranoia (1)      - 9.8 (Paranoia release III via libcdio) - an audio CD reading utility whic...

cd-read (1)          - reads Information from a CD or CD-image

cdrecord (1)        - write data to optical disk media

ldns_pkt_cd (3)      - (unknown subject)

ldns_pkt_set_cd (3)  - (unknown subject)

mcd (1)              - change MSDOS directory

nscd (8)            - name service cache daemon

perlebcdic (1)      - Considerations for running Perl on EBCDIC platforms

pitchplay (1)        - wrapper script to play audio tracks with cdda2wav with different pitches ...

readcd (1)          - read or write data Compact Discs

readmult (1)        - a multitrack wrapper for cdda2wav

rpcdebug (8)        - set and clear NFS and RPC kernel debug flags

rsyncd.conf (5)      - configuration file for rsync in daemon mode

tcdrain (3p)        - wait for transmission of output

Unicode::UCD (3pm)  - Unicode character database

utf8 (3pm)          - Perl pragma to enable/disable UTF-8 (or UTF-EBCDIC) in source code

XkbAllocDeviceInfo (3) - Obtain an XkbDeviceInfoRec structure

XkbAllocDeviceLedInfo (3) - Obtain an XkbDeviceLedInfoRec structure

XwcDrawImageString (3) - draw image text using a single font set

XwcDrawString (3)    - draw text using a single font set

XwcDrawText (3)      - draw text using multiple font sets


相当于whatis = man –f keyword

[root@localhost ~]# man -f cd

cd (1)              - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)

cd (1p)              - change the working directory

打印man帮助文件的路径:man –w [章节] keyword(whereis keyword)

[root@localhost ~]# man -w cd


搜索man手册:man -k keyword,列出所有匹配的页面

[root@localhost ~]# man -k cd

tcdrain (3)          - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and set baud rate

nscd.conf (5)        - name service cache daemon configuration file

cd (1)              - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)

cd (1p)              - change the working directory

cd-create-profile (1) - Color Manager Profile Creation Tool

cd-drive (1)        - show CD-ROM drive characteristics

cd-fix-profile (1)  - Color Manager Testing Tool

cd-info (1)          - shows Information about a CD or CD-image

cd-it8 (1)          - Color Manager Testing Tool

cd-paranoia (1)      - 9.8 (Paranoia release III via libcdio) - an audio CD reading utility whic...

cd-read (1)          - reads Information from a CD or CD-image

cdrecord (1)        - write data to optical disk media

ldns_pkt_cd (3)      - (unknown subject)

ldns_pkt_set_cd (3)  - (unknown subject)

mcd (1)              - change MSDOS directory

nscd (8)            - name service cache daemon

perlebcdic (1)      - Considerations for running Perl on EBCDIC platforms

pitchplay (1)        - wrapper script to play audio tracks with cdda2wav with different pitches ...

readcd (1)          - read or write data Compact Discs

readmult (1)        - a multitrack wrapper for cdda2wav

rpcdebug (8)        - set and clear NFS and RPC kernel debug flags

rsyncd.conf (5)      - configuration file for rsync in daemon mode

tcdrain (3p)        - wait for transmission of output

Unicode::UCD (3pm)  - Unicode character database

utf8 (3pm)          - Perl pragma to enable/disable UTF-8 (or UTF-EBCDIC) in source code

XkbAllocDeviceInfo (3) - Obtain an XkbDeviceInfoRec structure

XkbAllocDeviceLedInfo (3) - Obtain an XkbDeviceLedInfoRec structure

XwcDrawImageString (3) - draw image text using a single font set

XwcDrawString (3)    - draw text using a single font set

XwcDrawText (3)      - draw text using multiple font sets
