This Little Piggy

★ 歌词:(括号内容是对应的动作)

This little piggy went to market, (原地走动)

This little piggy stayed home, (交叉双臂,假装坐着)

This little piggy had roast beef, (假装在吃)

And this little piggy had none, (摊开双手,伴随伤心的表情)

And this little piggy went "Weee!" all the way home. (举高手臂,仿佛坐过山车一样)

★ 学习内容:

歌谣关键词: This little piggy      market      home      roast beef    none

★ 复习建议:

1.打开光盘音频听歌,鼓励孩子跟唱 (可以带U盘到校拷贝故事音频和视频)


3.练习册第29页涂色练习; 第28页描红练习 

This Little Piggy_第1张图片

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