20170316《光荣与梦想-The glory and the dream》

打卡 第17天,kindle的阅读进度是2780/29553(四本)。

intervention:the act or fact of interposing one thing between or among

others 干涉,干预; 介入:

stage an exercise,这个暂时不知道

spectacle:名词.精彩的表演,壮观的场面,壮观的景象,奇特的现象   网络.奇观,眼镜,景观


wretch:someone you feel sorry for ;performs some wicked deed

In Tokyo militant young officers drove Hirohito’s government toward expansionism and imperialism; when a Japanese soldier slipped across the Marco Polo Bridge to patronize a Chinese brothel, his officers accused the Chinese of kidnapping him and then attacked Peking and Tientsin. Amelia Earhart, America’s most celebrated aviatrix, is believed to have caught a glimpse of Japanese fortifications in the mandated Marianas. She was almost certainly forced down and murdered. Her fate was unknown at the time, but repeated provocations by the Japanese, all of them front-page news, seemed designed to determine whether or not America was chickenhearted.


Marco Polo Bridge卢沟桥(马可波罗桥)


chickenhearted:easily frightened

gangster:a criminal who is a member of gang



tribal ritual:部落仪式

innocuous:无恶意的;无意冒犯的 ;无危险的


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