Calling A Receive Pipeline Inside an Orchestration in BizTalk 2006


With the release of BizTalk 2006 Beta just around the corner, why not get a head start by seeing how to call a Receive Pipeline from within an Orchestration.


For starter, why would you want to call a Receive Pipeline from within an Orchestration?  I had to struggle for a bit to come up with a good reason… I can find it useful in debatching Scenarios that require mapping prior to debatching or for debatching into smaller batches using a map.  I could also find it useful when working with flat file.


Limitations: Calling a Receive Pipeline inside the Orchestration does not support recoverable interchanges (more on this later) and it must be run inside an Atomic Scope.


Super Cool: Supports receiving multiple messages returned from the pipeline and can use enumeration to process each message.


The sample shown below receives a message of type XmlDocument into the Orchestration.  A Receive Pipeline is called to Debatch the message using an Envelope Schema.  A loop shape is used to enumerate over the resulting messages and send each single message.  In addition, references are needed to Microsoft.XLANGs.Pipeline and



 Calling A Receive Pipeline Inside an Orchestration in BizTalk 2006

The CallPipeline Expression Shape contains the following line of code:

InputPipeline = Microsoft.XLANGs.Pipeline.




With InputPipeline defined as an Orchestration Variable of type Microsoft.XLANGs.Pipeline.ReceivePipelineOutputMessages

GetEachMessage will loop the collection using MoveNext like this:



Finally, the single messages are assigned inside the Message Assignment shape like this:

msgSingle = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();


With msgSingle defined as an Orchestration Message of a specific schema type.


It is that simple!  In about 5 lines of code the Receive Pipeline can be executed inside on Orchestration in BizTalk 2006!


Download: Sample Receive Pipeline in BT2006
Do not forget to view all my other samples at


Please note this sample is based on pre-beta code (CTP Build) of BizTalk Server 2006.  This may not work on other builds, RTM, etc.


If you do not have Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 and BizTalk 2006 installed you can still download and view the artifacts (like the Orchestration).  You will not be able to open the project or run the sample. 

