

Even though a picture is worth a thousand words, as the English adage goes, it costs a pretty penny to store and deliver images online. Hence the common goal of many modern web-development tools to minimize the impact of images and other media assets on site performance.

即使一张图片价值一千个单词,按照英语谚语所说,在线存储和传送图像也要花费一分钱。 因此,许多现代Web开发工具的共同目标是最大程度地减少图像和其他媒体资产对站点性能的影响。

This post, part 1 of a three-part series, shows you how to build an optimized webpage by leveraging gatsby-transformer-cloudinary plugin and gatsby-image, ultimately sourcing and transforming responsive remote images in a GatsbyJS project.


Here are the steps:


  1. Install GatsbyJS and its dependencies.

  2. Set up the project configuration and layout.

  3. Handle single- or multiple-image queries from Cloudinary through gatsby-transformer-cloudinary.

  4. Optimize the sourced images with Cloudinary and lazy-load them with gatsby-image.

  5. Transform the images with Cloudinary.

  6. Design a responsive layout and typography with Chakra UI.

    使用Chakra UI设计响应式布局和版式。

Normally with gatsby-image, images are stored locally in the project and to utilize external images it has to come from a source, hence we use gatsby-transformer-cloudinary to fetch remote images.


At the end of this project, you will be able to:


  1. Source and lazy-load remote images with gatsby-image

  2. Transform images using gatsby-transformer-cloudinary

  3. Design a responsive app with Chakra UI

    使用Chakra UI设计响应式应用
  4. Add progressive web app (PWA) and offline support for the webpages

  5. Add Dark mode to your site with Chakra UI

    使用Chakra UI将深色模式添加到您的网站

The final app looks like this:


先决条件 ( Prerequisites )

This project requires knowledge of JavaScript, React, and basics of GatsbyJS. You install GatsbyJS and other packages with Node.js and its package manager npm, a viable alternative for which is Yarn.

这个项目需要JavaScript,React和GatsbyJS基础知识。 您可以使用Node.js及其软件包管理器npm安装GatsbyJS和其他软件包,Yarn是可行的替代选择。

安装 ( Installation )

Follow these steps:


  1. Verify that Node.js and npm have been installed in your system by typing this command:```bashnode -v && npm -v```

    通过键入以下命令来验证系统中是否已安装Node.js和npm:``bashnode -v && npm -v''
The output prints the version numbers of Node.js and npm. Otherwise, download and install both at [](
  1. Install GatsbyJS globally with npm. Type:```bashnpm install -g gatsby-cli```

    使用npm全局安装GatsbyJS。 类型:```bashnpm install -g gatsby-cli```

  2. Create a Gatsby project in a directory of your choice. Type:```bashgatsby new gtc-demo```The default GatsbyJS starter then creates the project.

    在您选择的目录中创建一个Gatsby项目。 类型:```bashgatsby new gtc-demo```然后默认的GatsbyJS启动器创建项目。

Note: To give you a jump-start, Gatsby scaffolds new projects with a starter, which comprises several pages and modules, which Gatsby then removes as the building process proceeds.

注意 :为了让您快速入门,Gatsby用一个启动器来搭建新项目,该启动器包括几个页面和模块,然后Gatsby会在构建过程中将其删除。

  1. Install these required packages:


  2. gatsby-transformer-cloudinary, a plugin that enables Cloudinary’s superb optimization and transformation capabilities in gatsby-image.

    gatsby-transformer-cloudinary ,一个插件,可在gatsby-image中启用Cloudinary的出色优化和转换功能。

  3. dotenv, a module that handles environment variables.

    dotenv ,一个处理环境变量的模块。

  4. chakra-ui, a UI library that efficiently builds React.js interfaces. Install gatsby-plugin-chakra-ui and its peer dependencies.

    chakra-ui ,一个可有效构建React.js接口的UI库。 安装gatsby-plugin-chakra-ui及其对等项依赖项。

  5. Gatsby-plugin-chakra-ui, a plugin that leverages Chakra UI in Gatsby projects.

    Gatsby-plugin-chakra-ui ,一个在Gatsby项目中利用Chakra UI的插件。

Type the following npm command line in the project directory:


cd gtc-demo && npm i --save gatsby-transformer-cloudinary dotenv gatsby-plugin-chakra-ui @chakra-ui/core @emotion/core @emotion/styled emotion-theming

设置项目配置 ( Setup of Project Configurations )

Perform the three steps below to configure the project.


1.创建一个Cloudinary帐户 (1. Create a Cloudinary account)

Sign up for a Cloudinary account. Cloudinary offers a free tier, which is more than adequate for small to medium projects.

注册一个Cloudinary帐户 。 Cloudinary提供了免费套餐,对于中小型项目来说已经足够了。

Afterwards, jot down your cloud name, API key, and API secret for later use. They are displayed on your Cloudinary dashboard, as in this example.

然后,记下您的云名称,API密钥和API机密以备后用。 如本例所示,它们显示在您的Cloudinary仪表板上。


2.设置gatsby-config.js (2. Set up gatsby-config.js)

Gatsby touts two types of plugins:


  • Source plugins, which fetch data from many sources into Gatsby projects.


  • Transformer plugins, which convert sourced data to usable formats.


As a start, gatsby-transformer-cloudinary uploads images from a local directory to Cloudinary, transforms them to a format usable by gatsby-image, and then returns them. Cloudinary serves as a drop-in replacement for gatsby-plugin-sharp for harnessing gatsby-image’s native image-processing capabilities.

首先,gatsby-transformer-cloudinary将图像从本地目录上载到Cloudinary,将其转换为gatsby-image可用的格式,然后返回它们。 Cloudinary可以替代gatsby-plugin-sharp,从而利用gatsby-image的本机图像处理功能。

Ultimately, Gatsby ships with a configuration file named gatsby-config.js in the root of the project, after which you can configure the installed plugins in that file.


To set up gatsby-transformer-cloudinary and gatsby-plugin-chakra-ui, update the array of plugins in gatsby-config.js, as follows:



module.exports = {
  siteMetadata: {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
      options: {
        name: `cloudinary-images`,
        path: `${
      resolve: 'gatsby-transformer-cloudinary',
      options: {
        cloudName: process.env.CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME,
        apiKey: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_KEY,
        apiSecret: process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET,
        uploadFolder: 'gtc-art-gallery',
      options: {
        isUsingColorMode: true,

In the configuration file, gatsby-source-filesystem, a source plugin, sources file nodes into the Gatsby data layer. Here, you’ve sourced in a folder all the images, which are uploaded once to Cloudinary on build.

在配置文件gatsby-source-filesystem(一个源插件)中,将文件节点源到Gatsby数据层。 在这里,您已经在所有文件夹中找到了所有图像,这些图像在构建时就被上传到Cloudinary。

To start, create a folder in the src directory of the project with this command:


mkdir cloudinary-images

Afterwards, upload all your media assets to that folder.


gatsby-plugin-chakra-ui contains the configuration option for color mode with two choices: true and false.

gatsby-plugin-chakra-ui包含彩色模式的配置选项,有两个选择: truefalse

3.添加环境变量 (3. Add environment variables)

In the gatsby-config.js file, gatsby-transformer-cloudinary contains options for adding your Cloudinary credentials as environment variables along with an upload folder. That folder could be an existing one on Cloudinary and, in case it doesn’t exist, the plugin creates it on Cloudinary during the app build.

gatsby-config.js文件中,gatsby-transformer-cloudinary包含用于将您的Cloudinary凭据作为环境变量以及上载文件夹添加的选项。 该文件夹可能是Cloudinary上的现有文件夹,如果不存在,则插件会在应用构建期间在Cloudinary上创建该文件夹。

To add environment variables:


  1. Create an environment file called .env in the root of your project for storing all the environment variables for security purposes. Since .env is specified in the .gitignore file, it’s not pushed to a remote repository using git.

    在项目的根目录中创建一个名为.env的环境文件,用于存储所有环境变量,以确保安全。 由于.env是在.gitignore文件中指定的,因此不会使用git将其推送到远程存储库。

  2. Add your Cloudinary credentials to .env:


# Find this at

# Generate an API key pair at

For the other options for gatsby-transformer-cloudinary, see its readme.

有关gatsby-transformer-cloudinary的其他选项,请参见其自述文件 。

gatsby-plugin-chakra-ui is included with the config option to use color mode. This config option is either true or false.

gatsby-plugin-chakra-ui包含在config选项中,以使用彩色模式。 此配置选项为truefalse

Next, create a development environment for leveraging Gatsby's development tools, including hot reloading and the GraphQL query builder, and for viewing the project in the browser at runtime. Type this command:

接下来,创建一个开发环境,以利用Gatsby的开发工具,包括热重载和GraphQL查询生成器,以及在运行时在浏览器中查看项目。 输入以下命令:

gatsby develop

Once created, the development server runs on http://localhost:8000/.

创建完成后,开发服务器将在http:// localhost:8000 /上运行 。

Here's what the project looks like for now:



页面布局设计 ( Design of Page Layout )

The layout.js file in the src/components directory specifies the design of the pages, which persists across the site and can contain headers and footers.


Currently, the layout contains a GatsbyJS useStaticQuery hook, which makes GraphQL queries in Gatsby components. You’ll fetch the site title from siteMetadata defined in gatsby-config.js with useStaticQuery.

当前,该布局包含一个GatsbyJS useStaticQuery挂钩,该挂钩在Gatsby组件中进行GraphQL查询。 从你会获取网站的标题siteMetadata在盖茨比-config.js与useStaticQuery定义。

Edit the layout to add a header, which is the navigation bar and body of the website, as follows:


import React from "react"
import PropTypes from "prop-types"
import {
       graphql, useStaticQuery} from "gatsby"
import Header from "./header"
import {
       Box, Text, Link} from "@chakra-ui/core/dist";

const Layout = ({
       children}) => {

    const data = useStaticQuery(graphql` `query SiteTitleQuery {
      site {
        siteMetadata {

    return (
            <Header siteTitle={}/>
            <Box width={
       ['90%', '90%', '80%']} mx={
                <Text mt={
       10}>For this demo, the amazing images here by great artists were all sourced from <Link href={
       ""} target={
       "_blank"} color="teal.500">Unsplash</Link></Text>

Layout.propTypes = {
    children: PropTypes.node.isRequired,

export default Layout

In the above code:


  • The

    custom component represents the navigation bar. Chakra UI styles the layout with different responsive widths and multiple breakpoints: 90 percent, 90 percent, and 80 percent for mobile, tablet, and desktop devices, respectively. Most properties of Chakra UI’s components follow that pattern in assigning values for various screen sizes.

    自定义组件代表导航栏。 Chakra UI使用不同的响应宽度和多个断点来设置布局样式:移动设备,平板电脑和台式设备分别为90%,90%和80%。 Chakra UI组件的大多数属性在为各种屏幕尺寸分配值时都遵循该模式。

  • The mx property sets the horizontal-margin property of the page to auto, centering the page content regardless of the width.

    mx属性将页面的水平边距属性设置为auto ,而不考虑宽度如何将页面内容居中。

Next, add the site title and the navigation bar’s dimensions by updating the Header functional component in src/components/header.js, as follows:


import {
       Box, Flex, Heading} from "@chakra-ui/core/dist";

const Header = ({
       siteTitle}) => {
    return (
       ["0.5em", "0.5em", "1.5em"]}
       ["1em", "1em", "1.5em"]}
            <Flex align="flex-start">
                <Heading as="h1">
                    <GatsbyLink to="/">
                        <Box color={
                            <Text fontSize={
       ["md", "md", "lg"]}>{
            <Flex align="flex-end">
                <Button variantColor={
       'blue'} mr={
       2} size={
                    <GatsbyLink to="/">Home</GatsbyLink>

As demonstrated above, Chakra UI components and styles are handy for building a simple navigation bar, accompanied by the site title and a button to return to the homepage on a click.

如上所述,Chakra UI组件和样式很容易构建一个简单的导航栏,并带有网站标题和一个单击即可返回首页的按钮。

页面创建 ( Creation of Pages )

Now create two pages, one to display a responsive banner image; and the other, multiple images in a responsive grid.

现在创建两个页面,一个页面显示一个响应式横幅图像;另一个页面显示一个页面。 另一个是响应式网格中的多个图像。

响应式横幅图像 (Responsive Banner Image)

Build the first page, which is the homepage, with these two steps:


  1. Query a single fluid banner image and apply a Cloudinary transformation.

  2. Render the banner.


Do the following:


1. Edit the file src/pages/index.js with the code below to import the required modules:


import React from "react"
import {
       graphql, Link, useStaticQuery} from "gatsby";
import Layout from "../components/layout"
import SEO from "../components/seo"
import Image from "gatsby-image"
import {
       Box, Button, Heading, Text} from "@chakra-ui/core/dist";

The useStaticQuery hook is for querying the images in this component. Alternatively, since this is a page component, you can use a page query to allow access to variables passed in pageContext. None of that is required, however; StaticQuery is much more straightforward.

useStaticQuery挂钩用于查询此组件中的图像。 另外,由于这是页面组件,因此可以使用页面查询来允许访问pageContext传递的变量。 但是,这些都不是必需的。 StaticQuery更直接。

2. Create and export a functional component called IndexPage. In that component, query the banner image with the query below and assign it to a variable called data.

2.创建并导出一个称为IndexPage的功能组件。 在该组件中,使用下面的查询查询横幅图像,并将其分配给名为data的变量。

const IndexPage = () => {
    // fetch images
    const data = useStaticQuery(graphqlquery BannerImage {
      bannerImage: file(name: {
        eq: "7" }) {
        cloudinary: childCloudinaryAsset {
          fluid(transformations:["e_grayscale"] maxWidth: 1500) {
    return (

export default IndexPage

3. Assign the returned image from the query into a variable in the component with this code:


const IndexPage = () => {
    // fetch images
    const data = useStaticQuery([...]);

    // Assign the returned images to variables.
    const bannerImage = data.bannerImage.cloudinary.fluid;

    return (

Returned is a fluid image that fits the entire width of its parent container.


With gatsby-transformer-cloudinary, Cloudinary transformations are passed to the queries and applied to the resulting image. Here, you want an image with a grayscale effect.

使用gatsby-transformer-cloudinary,Cloudinary转换将传递到查询并应用于结果图像。 在这里,您需要具有灰度效果的图像。

Note that you can pass multiple transformations, including chained ones, to the query. For more details, see Cloudinary’s reference documentation on image transformations.

请注意,您可以将多个转换(包括链接的转换)传递给查询。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅Cloudinary的有关图像转换的参考文档 。

The ...CloudinaryAssetFluid fragment contains aspectRatio, the base64 image, src, sizes, and srcSet of the returned image. Where those data fields must be specified in a query, fragments take the place of the GraphQL queries.

...CloudinaryAssetFluid片段包含返回的图像的AspectRatio,base64图像,src,大小和srcSet。 在查询中必须指定这些数据字段的地方,片段代替了GraphQL查询。

Here’s the original image on Cloudinary:


gatsby_使用gatsby-image提供远程优化的图像_第3张图片 Here's the transformed grayscale image:

gatsby_使用gatsby-image提供远程优化的图像_第4张图片 这是转换后的灰度图像:

By default, gatsyby-transformer-cloudinary optimizes the image quality and format


All the images for this project render using gatsby-image. This method provides all the native image processing and optimization capabilities of GatsbyJS including image responsiveness and lazy-loading.

该项目的所有图像均使用gatsby-image渲染。 此方法提供了GatsbyJS的所有本机图像处理和优化功能,包括图像响应能力和延迟加载。

Chakra UI builds minimalistic interfaces with no need for CSS. Box, Button, Heading, and Text are the required Chakra UI components for building the page.

Chakra UI无需CSS即可构建简约界面。 BoxButtonHeadingText是构建页面所需的Chakra UI组件。

The SEO component, which is shipped with the default starter, adds SEO properties to the page.


Once you’ve completed the queries, render the banner image in the component with this code:


const IndexPage = () => {
    return (
            <SEO title="Home"/>
            <Box mb={
       [10, 20, 100]}>
                <Heading size={
       'xl'} m={
       3} textAlign={
       "center"}>Responsive Banner Image</Heading>
                    <Image fluid={
            <Text my={
       5}>Click any of the buttons below to see the gallery or single Image with the <i>getFluidImageObject</i> API</Text>

                <Button variantColor={
       'teal'} mr={
       10} mb={
       [2, 0, 0]}>
                    <Link to="/gallery"> Gallery Images</Link>

By way of explanation:


  • As a supercharged div element, the Box component functions like a normal div and accepts properties, including their responsive breakpoints, for extended functionality.

    作为增强的div元素, Box组件的功能类似于普通的div,并接受属性(包括其响应断点)以扩展功能。

  • With the Chakra UI, you create responsive sizes by passing an array value to component properties. That array has sizes that represent mobile, desktop, and tablet, in that order.

    使用Chakra UI,您可以通过将数组值传递到组件属性来创建响应大小。 该阵列的大小分别代表移动设备,台式机和平板电脑。

  • The Text and Heading components implement responsive typography.


  • gatsby-image's component accepts a property to render either a defined fixed-width image or a responsive fluid image. This project displays a lazy-loaded fluid image with generated responsive versions.

    gatsby-image的组件接受一个属性以渲染定义的固定宽度图像或响应性流体图像。 该项目显示具有生成的响应版本的延迟加载的流体图像。

  • The Button component navigates to the gallery page through Gatsby's Link component.


Finally, restart the development server to view the homepage with the banner Image and drag the browser width to test the responsiveness. Also test the page in various mobile widths.

最后,重新启动开发服务器以查看带有横幅Image的主页,并拖动浏览器宽度以测试响应性。 还要测试各种移动宽度的页面。

To see the lazy loading in action, refresh the page or look in the browser’s network tab. Since subsequent refreshes returned cached image versions, you might have to do a hard refresh of the page to spot the lazy loading.

要查看正在执行的延迟加载,请刷新页面或查看浏览器的“网络”标签。 由于后续刷新返回了缓存的图像版本,因此您可能必须对页面进行硬刷新以发现延迟加载。

Just as you did with the single-banner image, make a query for fluid images and then load them into the gallery.


1. Create a file called gallery.js in the pages directory. Import the required dependencies into the file and then make a graphQL query for the first nine images with the ...CloudinaryAssetFluid fragment. Here’s the code:

1.在pages目录中创建一个名为gallery.js的文件。 将所需的依赖项导入文件,然后使用...CloudinaryAssetFluid片段对前九个图像进行graphQL查询。 这是代码:

import Image from "gatsby-image"
import {
       Box, Heading, SimpleGrid} from "@chakra-ui/core/dist";
import {
       graphql, useStaticQuery} from "gatsby";

const SinglePage = () => {
    const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`query GalleryImages{
      listImages: allCloudinaryAsset(limit: 9) {
        images: edges {
          node {
            fluid {

    const galleryImages = data.listImages.images;

    return (

export default SinglePage

2. Render the gallery in the component with the Chakra UI SimpleGrid component, as follows:

2.使用Chakra UI SimpleGrid组件在组件中渲染图库,如下所示:

const SinglePage = () => {
    const data = useStaticQuery([...]);

    const galleryImages = data.listImages.images;

    return (
            <SEO title={
            <Box mx={
       'auto'} my={
                <Heading textAlign={
       "center"} size={
       "xl"} mb={
       10}>Optimized Gallery Images</Heading>
                <SimpleGrid columns={
       [1, 2, 3]} spacing={
                    {, index) => (
                        <Box key={
       index} p={
       3} m={
       2} my={
       "auto"} shadow="md" borderWidth="1px" rounded={
                            <Image fluid={

export default SinglePage

You map through the array of returned images in the render function in a spaced grid with the gatsby-image component.

您可以使用gatsby-image 组件在render函数中的间隔网格中映射返回的图像数组。

Here's what the final grid gallery looks like:


Have a look at the project deployed on Netlify. For the complete code, see the GitHub repository.

看一下Netlify上部署的项目 。 有关完整的代码,请参见GitHub 存储库 。

摘要 ( Summary )

You’ve now learned how to fetch optimized Images from Cloudinary, render them as fluid images with gatsby-image, which offers all of GatsbyJS's native image-optimization and Cloudinary’s transformation capabilities.


Part 2 will describe how to fetch a single fluid image with the gatsby-transformer-cloudinary API with no need for graphQL queries for passing Cloudinary images into gatsby-image. It’s fun! Do stay tuned.

第2部分将描述如何使用gatsby-transformer-cloudinary API获取单个流体图像,而无需通过graphQL查询将Cloudinary图像传递到gatsby-image。 好有趣! 敬请期待。


