1. 写在最前面:给Mentor的话
To mentor: 这份文档仅仅是给与你参考所用,不能简单的复制文档然后丢给你的mentee,因为这样做不是一个很有效的沟通方式。沟通最有效的是面对面,其次是视频和电话,最低效的是文档、音频和纸张。
另外, 教就是最好的学:当你能准确简洁的把你的所知讲给你的mentee,才表示你真的理解了这些知识。
2. 什么是Timer
AS A TIMER, your role is to record, indicate and report the time for the speakers. You need to inform whether the speaker delivered their speech according to their project requirements or as per the agenda. Since our sense of timing is pretty poor (as scientifically proven), the timer’s report and time reminders (as in green, yellow and red indicators) are the guides for speakers to improve their time management when preparing their speech and getting a sense of it during their speaking.
3. 台词
3.1 时间规则介绍台词-版本1 (Timing Rule Introduction)
Dear Toastmasters and guest, good afternoon, I'm Sally. I'm very pleased to be today's Timer.
Generally, there are two different category/types in Toastmasters, one is short speech
, for example, table topic speaker, evaluator etc. Another is long speech
, it includes Prepared speech, Club officer, GE and so on.
For the long speech
, if I show the green card to you, that means you have 2 minutes left; if I show the yellow card, that means you have 1 minute left; and if I show the yellow card, that means your time is over, you should finish your speech within 30 seconds, Otherwise,I will ring the bell to remind you.
For the short speech
, if I show the green card, that means you have 1 minute left, yellow card, 30 seconds left, red card, time is up, you should conclude your speech within 30 seconds.
At the end of the meeting, I will give timing report to you, hope you enjoy today's meeting, thank you.
See below table as the Time Rules:
Type | Greed Card | Yellow Card | Red Card | Remark |
Long Speech |
2 minutes left | 1 minute left | Time is up | Qualified range: ±30s |
Short Speech |
1 minute left | 30 seconds | Time is up | Qualified range: +30s |
3.2 时间规则介绍台词 - 版本2
As a Timer, my role is to remind speakers on how much time they spent on their speech and how much time they have before they should finish their speech.
I will raise the Green card when the speech is long enough according to their project, usually 1.5 mins for table topics and 6 mins for prepared speech. Yellow card will raise when they should be aware of their time is up soon and Red card when the suggested time is finished. For Table Topics, you speak no more than 2 mins and for prepared speech, you speak no more than 7 mins. For other roles, the length of your speech is already mentioned in the agenda.
At the end of the meeting, I will present my report for everyone. For now, please enjoy the meeting! Back to you Toastmasters of the Evening!
3.3 时间官报告(Timing Report)
About time report, firstly you can point out who is unqualified; we have ±30 seconds for speech, for example, during the 5-7mins speech, 4′30″ is qualified(-30s), 7′30″ also unqualified(+30); we can apply this rule to most of the session.
Secondly, we can try to encourage speakers who are qualifiedbut less used the time. For example, if I used 1:00 or 40s during the table topic, maybe you can say"Lee, hope you can speake more on the stage, because you are welcome to go to the stage, this is your time, cherish your time"
if all speakers are qualified, you can say "All of you are qualified. There are four core values in Toastmasters:'Respect','Service','Excellent','Integrity'. Obeying the time means respecting other members and guests, respect is one of the TI's culture. I really appreciate you respect time "
4. 注意事项
这里面有很多是俱乐部会议过程的经验积累而已。 我们希望你能浏览完一遍,心里有个全境,知道时间官要怎么做才能更好支持整场会议。
- 卡片举起来最少10秒,确保speaker看到;
Hold the card at least 10s to make sure speakers notice it. (Hold 60s in the Contest)
中间环节Break之后(可能5分钟, 可能10分钟) 需要提前1分钟提醒SAA让大家坐好;
During the break, remind SAA to prepare for continuing meeting in advance ( advance 1minute)
- Table topic 需要注意2个时间,一个是总时间(18-22分钟),另一个是1-2分钟的选手上台时间;总时长你就大概估计下,比如是20:00开始的,那么大概是要在20:20分结束,到这时候,你需要面向TTS(Table Topic Master 即兴主持人)亮出卡片,提醒ta要注意时间了;
For table topic, beside the impromptu speaker's time, the whole session time also needs to be noticed. So you can check the time when the table topic begin. For example, if the whole session is 18-20 minutes, it began at 20:00, you can remember the number. As the time went by, you can rise the green card to Topic Masters ( toward her, not impromptu speaker) at 20:18.
- TME(主持人)正常上台时间是30秒-1分钟,但是由于场地有突发情况,比如有人迟到闯入,或者选手准备PPT出了故障,ta需要在台上打圆场,所以一般是一个老司机,我们不需要向ta亮卡片,时间由主持人自己把握;
We don't need to show the card to TME, we assume that TME is an experienced member, she need to handle unexceptional things, such as the speaker is opening PPT, and TME need to say more.
- 事前和TTM(table topic masters)沟通,让他帮忙把上台的选手的名字写在黑板上,等你到了Break休息的时候,上去把时间填充上去就好了;等下我会发图给你,怎么写;
Befor meeting, try asking Topice Masters to help you write down the impromptu speakers name on the white board, so that you can quickly fill the time-consumed for every speaker during the break.
Do not shake the card to attract the speaker attention to the card. It might distract the speaker, and it is the speaker's responsibility to check the time.
Don't say or apologize it's your first time to hold this role
5. 引用参考
- 联大国际演讲会(四川)
- 哈尔滨星期六俱乐部
6. 文章调整记录
版本号 | 变化状态 | 简要说明 | 日期 | 作者 |
V0.1 | 新建 | 初稿 | 2019-6-27 | Lee |
V0.2 | 增加 | 增加时间台词版本1描述 | 2019-6-29 | Lee |