
1. This Is Us. S1E10 我们这一天 第一季第十集

Kate: Are you…Are you really here?


Toby: Well, I just spent six hours in a middle seat on something called Zoom Arilines. So I am as surprised as you are. Kate, I am here to take the first steps in overcoming our insanity one last time, for both of us. Because it’s Christmas. And because we’re good together. I’m back on the diet. Not for you, for me. But also for you, so that you’ll be with me. I can live without pizza and cookies and potato chips and whatever that brownie thing was that they were serving on the plane. The one thing I cannot live without is you. Six hours in a middle seat gives a guy plenty of time to prepare an entrance.


2.  Rick and Morty S2E3 瑞克和莫蒂 第二季第三集

Unity: Rick, forgive me for doing this in notes. I’m not strong enough to do it in persons. I realize now that I’m attracted to you for the same reason I can’t be with you. You can’t change. And I have no problem with that, but it clearly means I have a problem with myself. I’m sure there’s no perfect version of me. I’m sure I’ll just unify species after species. And never really be complete. But I know how it goes with us. I lose who I am and become part of you. Because in a strange way, you’re better at what I do without even trying. Yours, and nobody else’s, Unity.

联合体:原谅我Rick, 我只能留下字条。我没有和你当面告别的勇气。我现在懂了,你吸引我的地方正是我不能和你在一起的原因。你无法改变。这不是坏事。但是对我来说,却是无法迈过的一道坎。我知道完美的我并不存在。我知道我会同化一个接一个的种族。却永远无法真正的完美。但我知道我们的结局,我会失去自我,成为你的一部分。最为奇怪的就在于此,明明是我的专长,你毫不费力便胜过了我。永远独属于你的,联合体。

(Rick and Morty 少的不能再少的感情戏,这一段看的太心疼Rick了。这一集结尾的歌特别赞: Can you feel it)

3.  The Theory of Everything 万物理论

Jane: Stephen.


Stephen: You just missed him. He was here earlier.

斯蒂芬:他刚走。 之前还在这儿。

Jane: Don’t do this.


Stephen: Go!


Jane: Okay. Play a game with me.

简: 好吧。跟我打一场球吧。

Stephen: Go!


Jane:If you don't get up and play a game with me I won't come back here again...ever.


Stephen: Come on!



Stephen: You can leave me now!


Jane: Are you going to talk about this or not?


Stephen: Will you please just go?

斯蒂芬:  你能不能快点走?

Jane: Is that what you want?


Stephen: Yes, it is what I want, so, please, if you care about me all, then, please, just go!


Jane: I can’t.


Stephen: I have two years to live. I need to work.

斯蒂芬: 我只剩下两年可以活了。我还要工作。

Jane: I love you.


Stephen: You’ve...you’ve leapt to..that’s a false conclusion…

斯蒂芬: 你……你想到的……这是错误的结论……

Jane:I want us to be together, for as long as we've got, and if that's not very long then, well, that's just how it is...it'll have to do.简:我要和你在一起,有多久就是多久,时间不长的话,也没事,两年也够。

Stephen: You don’t know what’s coming. It’ll affect everything.



4. Sherlock S3E3 神探夏洛克 第三季第三集

Mary: So have you read it?


Watson: Would you come here a moment?


Mary: No, tell me, have you?


Watson: Just..Come here.


Mary: No, I’m fine.


Watson: I’ve thought long and hard about what I want to say to you. These are prepared words, Mary. I’ve chosen these words with care.


Mary: Ok.


Watson: The problems of your past are your business. The problems of your future...are my privilege. It’s all I have to say. It’s all I need to know. No I didn’t read it.

华生:你的过去我不愿过问,那是你自己的事情;你的未来我希望参与,这是我的荣幸。这就是所有我想说的。 这就是所有我需要知道的。我没有看过那个。


Mary: You don’t even know my name.


Watson: Is Mary Watson good enough for you?

华生:玛丽‘华生 对你来说不够好吗?

Mary: Yes! Oh my God, yes!


Watson: Then it’s good enough for me, too.


5. Modern Family S5E1 摩登家庭 第五季第一集

Phil: Hey, you remember the day I proposed to you?

菲尔:Hey, 还记得我向你求婚的那天吗?

Claire: Of course I do. I don’t the exact date, but, yes.


Phil: March 19, 1994


Claire: Oh, Yeah. I was in such a bad mood that afternoon. I was on day two of a St. Patricks hangover.


Phil: I don’t remember that. I just remember how crazy in love I was. I couldn’t wait to ask you. I even ran a red light on the way to pick you up. I still have the ticket.


Claire: No, you don’t. Why would you say something like that?


Phil: Are you kidding me? I was racing to my life. It’s in a box at my dad’s with a bunch of other stuff. The program from that concert where I met you. The matchbook with the fake number on it you gave me. The souvenir goblet from our first date. You really think I’d throw away all those beautiful memories, milagy? I haven’t seen that stuff for a long time. I have to dig it out when I see my dad.


Claire: Okay, stop. Sorry.


Phil: What?



Claire: I told your dad to call you because I wanted some time for myself. Yeah, couple of days away from my perfect, romantic husband, who is far too good for this cold-hearted, blood-less wife-bot.

克莱尔:是我让你爸爸找你的,因为我想有几天单独清静的时间,是的,几天远离我那完美的浪漫的丈夫, 我这个铁石心肠、冷血无情的机器人妻子根本配不上的好丈夫。

Phil: Hey hey hey hey. You have blood.


Claire: Honey, I just put the chairs in front of the fireplace. You made it romantic. Mitchell’s right, I’m a ghoul.


Phil: Come here. You’re romantic, too, in your own funny way. We’re just different. So what if I’m more sentimental?

