〖菲切尔〗走进消防,防患于未“燃”Go into the fire protection, prevent from fire



1、逃生知识:用湿毛巾捂住口鼻,弯腰沿着驱散楼梯,在清晰的指令下跟着老师有秩序地从各楼层的安全出口向安全地带撤离。Escapeknowledgecover :Your mouth and nose with a wet towel, bend down and follow the evacuation staircase, follow the teacher's instructions in an orderly manner from the safety exit of each floor to the safety zone.


Rapid and orderly evacuation: according to the emergency evacuation plan of the fire, teachers lead the class and grade children to move quickly and orderly to the downstairs, and to the designated safe evacuation zone of the kindergarten playground.


After the evacuation of all the teachers and students to the playground, the head of each class immediately counted the number of the head of the general director huang reported the number of people, has ensured that all the staff. After that, huang made comments on the fire drill, strengthened the safety and knowledge of escape, and provided an effective guarantee for the fire safety work of the kindergarten.



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