Janus(三)VideoRoom 文档

VideoRoom plugin documentation


room-: {
        description = This is my awesome room
        is_private = true|false (private rooms don't appear when you do a 'list' request)
        secret = 
        pin = 
        require_pvtid = true|false (whether subscriptions are required to provide a valid
                                 a valid private_id to associate with a publisher, default=false)
        publishers =  (e.g., 6 for a video
                                 conference or 1 for a webinar, default=3)
        bitrate =  (e.g., 128000)
        fir_freq =  (0=disable)
        audiocodec = opus|g722|pcmu|pcma|isac32|isac16 (audio codec to force on publishers, default=opus
                                can be a comma separated list in order of preference, e.g., opus,pcmu)
        videocodec = vp8|vp9|h264 (video codec to force on publishers, default=vp8
                                can be a comma separated list in order of preference, e.g., vp9,vp8,h264)
        opus_fec = true|false (whether inband FEC must be negotiated; only works for Opus, default=false)
        video_svc = true|false (whether SVC support must be enabled; only works for VP9, default=false)
        audiolevel_ext = true|false (whether the ssrc-audio-level RTP extension must be
                negotiated/used or not for new publishers, default=true)
        audiolevel_event = true|false (whether to emit event to other users or not)
        audio_active_packets = 100 (number of packets with audio level, default=100, 2 seconds)
        audio_level_average = 25 (average value of audio level, 127=muted, 0='too loud', default=25)
        videoorient_ext = true|false (whether the video-orientation RTP extension must be
                negotiated/used or not for new publishers, default=true)
        playoutdelay_ext = true|false (whether the playout-delay RTP extension must be
                negotiated/used or not for new publishers, default=true)
        transport_wide_cc_ext = true|false (whether the transport wide CC RTP extension must be
                negotiated/used or not for new publishers, default=true)
        record = true|false (whether this room should be recorded, default=false)
        rec_dir = 
        notify_joining = true|false (optional, whether to notify all participants when a new
                                participant joins the room. The Videoroom plugin by design only notifies
                                new feeds (publishers), and enabling this may result extra notification
                                traffic. This flag is particularly useful when enabled with \c require_pvtid
                                for admin to manage listening only participants. default=false)

API 分类

  • 同步请求:直接在事务(transacation)的上下文里获取响应,即直接响应(transaction绑定即可)
    • create:动态创建一个新的房间,作为使用配置文件的替代方法
    • destroy:移除并销毁房间,同时剔除房间里的所有用户
    • edit:动态修改一些房间属性
    • exists:查询是否存在指定的房间
    • list:列出所有可用的房间
    • allowed:配置观众进入房间权限
    • kick:管理员踢除用户操作
    • listparticipants:列出所有指定房间中活跃(比如当前正在发布)的参与者和他们的详细信息
  • 异步请求:在事件(event)通知中获取成功(success)与失败(failure)事件,先发一个ask后再发一个event进行响应(必须使用handle_id绑定)
    • join:加入指定的房间,并指定连接用于发布或观看音视频
    • joinandconfigure:对于发布者,将前两个请求合成一个
    • configure:修改一些参与者的设置,例如 bitrate cap
    • publish:开始发送媒体并广播给其他参与者
    • unpublish:停止发送媒体并广播给其他参与者
    • start:开始接收来自发布者的媒体数据
    • pause:停止传递媒体数据
    • switch:修改媒体连接的来源
    • leave:离开房间

Video Room

create - 创建房间

请求用 body

        "request" : "create",
        "room" : ,
        "permanent" : ,
        "description" : "",
        "secret" : "",
        "pin" : "",
        "is_private" : ,
        "allowed" : [ array of string tokens users can use to join this room, optional],


成功响应 created

        "videoroom" : "created",
        "room" : ,
        "permanent" : 

(通用)失败回调 event

        "videoroom" : "event",
        "error_code" : ,
        "error" : ""

Janus 中所有用户都可以创建房间,我们可以在插件中配置admin_key,只有在create携带了正确的admin_key才可以创建成功。


edit - 编辑房间

在房间被创建后,我们可以使用edit编辑房间的属性(例如room descriptionsecretpinprivate or not),但不能修改一些静态的属性(例如room IDsampling rate)。

请求用 body

        "request" : "edit",
        "room" : ,
        "secret" : "",
        "new_description" : "",
        "new_secret" : "",
        "new_pin" : "",
        "new_is_private" : ,
        "new_require_pvtid" : ,
        "new_bitrate" : ,
        "new_fir_freq" : ,
        "new_publishers" : ,
        "permanent" : 

成功响应 edited

        "videoroom" : "edited",
        "room" : 

destroy - 销毁房间


请求用 body

        "request" : "destroy",
        "room" : ,
        "secret" : "",
        "permanent" : 

成功响应 destoryed

        "videoroom" : "destroyed",
        "room" : 

房间用户接收的事件 event


        "videoroom" : "destroyed",
        "room" : 

exists - 房间是否存在

请求用 body

        "request" : "exists",
        "room" : 

成功响应 - success

        "videoroom" : "success",
        "room" : ,
        "exists" : 

allowed - 出入管理


请求用 body

        "request" : "allowed",
        "secret" : "",
        "action" : "enable|disable|add|remove",
        "room" : ,
        "allowed" : [
                // Array of strings (tokens users might pass in "join", only for add|remove)

成功响应 success

        "videoroom" : "success",
        "room" : ,
        "allowed" : [
                // Updated, complete, list of allowed tokens (only for enable|add|remove)

kick - 踢出房间


请求用 body

        "request" : "kick",
        "secret" : "",
        "room" : ,
        "id" : 

成功响应 - success

        "videoroom" : "success",

list - 房间列表


请求用 body

        "request" : "list"

成功响应 - success

        "videoroom" : "success",
        "rooms" : [             // Array of room objects
                {       // Room #1
                        "room" : ,
                        "description" : "",
                        "pin_required" : ,
                        "max_publishers" : ,
                        "bitrate" : ,
                        "bitrate_cap" : ,
                        "fir_freq" : ,
                        "audiocodec" : "",
                        "videocodec" : "",
                        "record" : ,
                        "record_dir" : "",
                        "num_participants" : 
                // Other rooms


请求用 body

        "request" : "listparticipants",
        "room" : 

成功响应 participants

        "videoroom" : "participants",
        "room" : ,
        "participants" : [              // Array of participant objects
                {       // Participant #1
                        "id" : ,
                        "display" : "",
                        "talking" : ,
                        "internal_audio_ssrc" : 



  • 发布者 Publisher
    • 活跃的发布者 active publisher
    • 不活跃的发布者 passive publisher
  • 订阅者 Subscriber

VideoRoom Publishers


join - 加入房间


  • 指定为publisher:Janus 会将指定用户添加到房间中的参与者列表(the list of participants)中,此后,参与者可以接受到房间中关于handle的一系列通知(包括流的可用与移除)。
  • 指定为subscriber

请求用 body

        "request" : "join",
        "ptype" : "publisher",
        "room" : ,
        "id" : ,
        "display" : "",
        "token" : ""

成功响应 joined


        "videoroom" : "joined",
        "room" : ,
        "description" : ,
        "id" : ,
        "private_id" : ,
        "publishers" : [
                        "id" : ,
                        "display" : "",
                        "audio_codec" : "





        "videoroom" : "event",
        "room" : ,
        "joining" : {
                "id" : ,
                "display" : ""

publish - 发布(开始发布1)

发布者带着 Offer 向 Janus 进行协商

publish请求必须携带着 JSEP SDP offer去协商一个新的 PeerConnection,即插件会检查编码器和码率是否是房间所支持的,之后将会回应一个 JSEP SDP acswer 来关闭循环并完成配置一个 PeerConnection。当指定的 PeerConnection 搭建好后,该指定的 publisher 才会变成一个活跃的 publisher,之后其他参与者才可以订阅它。

请求用 Body

        "request" : "publish",
        "audio" : ,
        "video" : ,
        "data" : ,
        "audiocodec" : "

成功响应 event

Janus 会在准备好 Answer 后进行响应,该 event 中也会带着 JSEP SDP answer

        "videoroom" : "event",
        "configured" : "ok"

configure - 配置(开始发布2)


请求用 body

        "request" : "configure",
        "audio" : ,
        "video" : ,
        "data" : ,
        "bitrate" : ,
        "keyframe" : ,
        "record" : ,
        "filename" : "",
        "display" : ""

成功响应 event

        "videoroom" : "event",
        "configured" : "ok"

joinandconfigure - 加入并配置(加入并且发布)


请求用 body

参考join请求用的 body,并且携带 JSEP SDP offer

成功响应 - joined

成功响应将是一个joined事件,并且携带 JSEP SDP answer。


当一个用户在房间中发布成功后,Janus 将会发送一个关于新对端的事件给所有参与者,事件如下:

        "videoroom" : "event",
        "room" : ,
        "publishers" : [
                        "id" : ,
                        "display" : "",
                        "audio_codec" : "

unpublish - 停止发布

unpublish请求用于停止发布并且销毁相关的 PeerConnection,并且将发布者从活跃流列表中移除。

请求用 body

        "request" : "unpublish"

成功响应 event

        "videoroom" : "event",
        "unpublished" : "ok"

其他成员通知 event


        "videoroom" : "event",
        "room" : ,
        "unpublished" : 

我们可以在同一个 handle 中多次发布和取消发布流

VideoRoom Subscribers

在 VideoRoom 中,订阅者(Subscriber)不是参与者,但是他可以准确接收指定发布者的媒体数据。通常发布者发布了媒体后,订阅者可以获取该流进行播放。当发布者取消发布后,订阅者 handle 也会随之被移除。除非给订阅者正确的信息,不然订阅者是不能单独存在的。

join - 加入房间

请求用 body

        "request" : "join",
        "ptype" : "subscriber",
        "room" : ,
        "feed" : ,
        "private_id" : ,
        "close_pc" : ,
        "audio" : ,
        "video" : ,
        "data" : ,
        "offer_audio" : ,
        "offer_video" : ,
        "offer_data" : ,
        "substream" : ,
        "temporal" : ,
        "spatial_layer" : ,
        "temporal_layer" : 


成功响应 attached(Offer)

订阅者成功加入房间并订阅指定feed成功后,Janus 会给予一个attached响应,并且在这个event中携带 JSEP SDP offer,用于进行媒体协商。

        "videoroom" : "attached",
        "room" : ,
        "feed" : ,
        "display" : ""

start - 开始订阅(Answer 对 attached 的订阅者响应)

订阅者接收到含有attachevent后,获取里面的 JSEP SDP offer 后,将其设置为远程 SDP 后,然后发送start请求并携带 JSEP SDP answer。

请求用 body

        "request" : "start"

成功响应 (event - started)

        "videoroom" : "event",
        "started" : "ok"

当订阅者与Janus媒体协商完毕后,双方就会建立一条新的 WebRTC PeerConnection。在这之后,Streaming插件将会开始将媒体转发到订阅者端。

Notice that the same exact steps we just went through (watch request, followed by JSEP offer by the plugin, followed by start request with JSEP answer by the viewer) is what you also use when renegotiations are needed, e.g., for the purpose of ICE restarts.

pause - 暂停订阅


此处的 start 不需要携带 JSEP SDP answer

请求用 body

        "request" : "pause"

成功响应(event - paused)

        "videoroom" : "event",
        "paused" : "ok"

用于恢复的start其用法和上面是一致的,注意他不用携带 JSEP 即可。

configure - 配置


请求用 body

        "request" : "configure",
        "audio" : ,
        "video" : ,
        "data" : ,
        "substream" : ,
        "temporal" : ,
        "spatial_layer" : ,
        "temporal_layer" : 
  • audiovideodata:可以在媒体层(media-level)上进行暂停与恢复,对比pausestart直接作用所有音视频流而言,它更加灵活。
  • substreamtemporal: The substream and temporal properties, instead, only make sense when the mountpoint is configured with video simulcasting support, and as such the viewer is interested in receiving a specific substream or temporal layer, rather than any other of the available ones.
  • spatial_layertemporal_layer:The spatial_layer and temporal_layer have exactly the same meaning, but within the context of VP9-SVC publishers, and will have no effect on subscriptions associated to regular publishers.

switch - 切换

switch适用于已经与 Janus 成功建立 PeerConnection 的订阅者,通过这个请求完成订阅的切换,就像看电视切换频道一样。这样做的好处就是能复用一条连接,在切换订阅目标的时候不需要重新建立连接,消耗不必要的资源。但是他也有以下的限制:

  • 不能只换音视频流的其中一个,要都换
  • 两个目标发布者必须使用一样的配置,比如一样的编码器、一样的数据格式(不一样的话会导致延迟甚至直接黑屏没声音)

请求用 body

        "request" : "switch",
        "feed" : ,
        "audio" : ,
        "video" : ,
        "data" : 

成功响应 event

        "videoroom" : "event",
        "switched" : "ok",
        "room" : ,
        "id" : 

leave - 离开房间

请求用 body

leave请求用于停止订阅并销毁相关的 PeerConnection,由于上下文是隐式的,所以不需要其他参数:

        "request" : "leave"

成功响应 - left event

        "videoroom" : "event",
        "left" : "ok",

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