标题:Cool Germany
副标题:Germany is becoming more open and diverse. With the right leadership, it could be a model for the West.
第一段首:Since the fall of the Berlin Wall the Ampelmannchen, the jaunty, behatted "little traffic-light man" of communist East Germany, has escaped his dictatorial roots to become a kooky icon of Germany's trendy capital.
第二段首:At first blush that seems a preposterous suggestion.
第三段首:But take the long view, and the Ampelmannchen captures how Germany is changing.
第四段首:The biggest change comes from Mrs Merkel's "open door" policy towards refugees, which brought in 1.2m new migrants in 2015-2016.
第五段首:This is shaking up a society that has long prized stability, opening cultural divides between those...
第六段首:The outcome will determine the future of Europe's biggest economy.
第七段首:At home, the new Germany has shed its post-reunification economic woes and it booming, but it is also aging fast; the largest age group is the 50-to-54s.
第八段首:Abroad, the new Germany could also become a different sort of power.
第九段首:Meanwhile, the refugee crisis is expanding German horizons.
第十段首:All of which makes the character of Mrs Merkel's successor pivotal.
第十一段首:With the right leadership, there is little doubt about the country's capability.
标题:Cool Germany
副标题:Germany is becoming more open and diverse. With the right leadership, it could be a model for the West. (看来是很正面的评价)
第一段首:Since the fall of the Berlin Wall the Ampelmannchen, the jaunty, behatted "little traffic-light man" of communist East Germany, has escaped his dictatorial roots to become a kooky icon of Germany's trendy capital. (hmmm,一堆不常用的词汇和陌生的背景知识。不过既然是背景介绍,我们抓重点就okay啦:德国统一后...the Ampelmannchen...become a icon of Germany,)
第二段首:At first blush that seems a preposterous suggestion. (尴尬,完全不知所云。没关系,"that" 提醒你是承上启下,那么回到上一段末尾,立马看到 "Germany is entering a new era. It is becoming more diverse, open, informal and hip"...但是preposterous是什么意思呢?先放一放,不过at first blush提醒我们,后面肯定会有转折)
第三段首:But take the long view, and the Ampelmannchen captures how Germany is changing. (果然转折就来了❤️ 但是这个转折似乎有点生硬?文章到此,我们回过头看副标题,都是在交代德国正在转变这个背景。揣摩一下,后面讨论the right leadership应该才是作者讨论的重点)
第四段首:The biggest change comes from Mrs Merkel's "open door" policy towards refugees, which brought in 1.2m new migrants in 2015-2016.
第五段首:This is shaking up a society that has long prized stability, opening cultural divides between those...(结合第四段,默克尔的难民政策撼动了这个长期以来比较和谐稳定的国家,造成了一些文化分歧,从而也就更diverse)
第六段首:The outcome will determine the future of Europe's biggest economy. (撼动的结果将决定欧洲第一大经济体德国的命运。再次联想到副标题,我们肯定想往好的方向发展,那么现在是不是到了讨论solution的阶段?)
第七段首:At home, the new Germany has shed its post-reunification economic woes and it booming, but it is also aging fast; the largest age group is the 50-to-54s. (国内的现状是:统一后经济增长,但是老龄化加剧)
第八段首:Abroad, the new Germany could also become a different sort of power.(国外地位。could also,暗示德国国内已经做的不错,在国际上还可以做的更好)
第九段首:Meanwhile, the refugee crisis is expanding German horizons. (Meanwhile在情绪上承上启下,暗示难民政策也有积极意义)
第十段首:All of which makes the character of Mrs Merkel's successor pivotal. (事在人为,《经济学人》作为think tank给出意见,最终也还要看未来领导人的性情)
第十一段首:With the right leadership, there is little doubt about the country's capability. (再次点题,看好德国)
- Ampelmannchen是大名鼎鼎的德国行人交通号志“小绿人”,统一之前东德使用的小绿人是带了帽子的男性,西德则是我们常见的中性标志。