外刊精读01 新冠肺炎引发的思考

We're Not Ready for This      from businessweek

In the evolutionary arms race between humanity and the microbes,the bugs are making a comeback.Yes,we've conquered diseases suck as smallpox and polio,and deaths from communicable diseases have been falling worldwide.But since 1970,more than 1,500 new pathogens have been discovered,according to the World Health Organization,and "epidemics in the 21st century are spreading faster and father than ever.Outbreaks  that were previously localized can now become global very rapidly."

arms race  军备竞赛      bug 细菌、病毒     

comeback 卷土重来,复出    常用表达:make a comeback

第一句用来描述人类与微生物的长期关系:互相竞争,并指明微生物正在卷土重来;我们可以在表达人与自然关系、有竞争性质的事物时套用。比如:In the drastic arms race between humanity and nature,nature is making comeback

smallpox 天花  pilio 小儿麻痹症  pathogen 病原体

第二句以yes开头,先肯定了人类与微生物战争中取得的成绩,然后又用but引出了新的挑战,最后借用WHO之言引出当前面临的形势 “spreading faster,becoming global”



In late 2002 an airborne illness,dubbed severe acute respiratory syndrome,emerged in China's southern Guangdong province ,then quickly spread across the the border and killed 774 people from Asia to Canada. In 2009 a novel influenza virus, H1N1, advanced worldwide in nine weeks and may have resulted in as many as 575,000 fatalities. The new virus from central China that’s sparked global alarm, a coronavirus known as 2019-nCoV and a close cousin to SARS,reached four continents in about five weeks.

第二段由古到今,描写了几种流行病的发生。同位语+定语从句做后置定语+动词  来简洁描述事物的特点及发展变化。


As newer threats surface, such as Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) in 2012, older scourges like cholera, plague,and yellow fever flare up with disturbing regularity. Even worse, the antibiotics that revolutionized health care in the last century are losing their punch as new strains of infectious diseases, especially tuberculosis, become more resistant to multidrug treatments. “We’ve created an interconnected,dynamically changing world that provides innumerable opportunities to microbes,” says Richard Hatchett, a former U.S. adviser on public health emergencies and head of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations in Oslo. “If there’s weakness anywhere, there’s weakness everywhere.”

scourge:灾难,使陷于水生火热  cholera:霍乱   antibiotic  抗生素

flare up:(of flames,a fire,etc)to suddenly start burning more brightly;(of an illness,injury)suddenly start  again or become worse(强调 again)



lose one's punch:可以意译(体会意思)


翻译:在新的威胁暴露的同时,例如2012年的中东呼吸综合证,像霍乱、鼠疫以及黄热病等更老的灾祸随着监管混乱再一次爆发。更糟糕的是,随着新型传染性疾病,尤其是肺结核,对多药物疗法更有抗性,在上个世纪给健康带来彻底改革的抗生素正在失去作用。(职位略去)Richard Hatchett说“我们已经创造了一个相互连接,动态变化的世界,其为微生物带来了不计其数的机会,如果有一个地方有缺陷,每一个地方都会有缺陷”。

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