光的勇士 1 感恩篇

A Warrior of the Light knows that he has much to be grateful for.

Angeles help him in his struggle; celestial forces place each thing its place, thus allowing him to give it his best.

His companions say: “He’s so lucky!” And the warrior does sometimes achieve things far beyond his capabilities.

That is why, at sunset, he kneel and gives thanks for the Protective Cloak surrounding him.

His gratitude, however, is not limited to the spiritual world; he never forgets his friends, for their blood, mingled with his on the battlefield.

A Warrior does not need to be reminded of the help given him by others. He is the first to remember and he makes sure to share with them any rewards he receives.


是天使们在他最艰难的时候支撑了他,是神灵在冥冥之中暗助有序地安排了一切, 让他有勇气和决心竭尽全力!

看着光的勇士取得了超乎他能力的成就时,和他同行的人们感叹: “他真幸运!’‘




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