AEE Episode 1201: What a Nightmare. How Do You Support Someone When They Complain?


Word forms: 3rd person singular present tense blames , present participle blaming , past tense, past participle blamed

  • (verb) If you blame a person or thing for something bad, you believe or say that they are responsible for it or that they cause it.
    If it wasn't Sam's fault, why was I blaming him?
  • (verb) If you say you don't blame someone for doing something, you mean that you consider it was a reasonable thing to do in the circumstances.
    I don't blame they for trying to make some money.


  • (verb) If you content yourself with something, you accept it and do not try to do or have other things[使自己满足于某事物].
    He wisely content himself with his family and hist love of nature.
  • (adj) If you are content, you are fairly happy or satisfied.[满足的]
    I'm content here.


  • (adj) If something is recurring, it happens at regularly occurring intervals.

touch wood/knock on wood

  • You can say "touch wood" in British English, or "knock on wood" in American English, to indicate that you hope to have good luck in something you are doing, usually after saying that you have been lucky with it so far.
    Touch wood, I've been lucky enough to avoid any other serious injuries.

so far

  • If you say something goes so far or can only go so far, you mean that its extent, effect, influence is limited.
    Their loyalty only went so far.
  • If you tell or ask someone what was happened so far, you are telling or asking them what has happened up until a present point in a situation or story, and often implying that something different might happen later.
    It's been quite so far.


Word forms: plural interjections

  • (countable noun) An interjection is something you say which interrupts someone else who is speaking.
  • (countable noun) In grammar, interjection is a word or expression which express a strong felling such as surprise, pain, or horror.
    And this would be a good interjection to use.


Word forms: plural pickpockets

  • (countable noun) A pickpocket is a person who steals things from people's pockets or bags in public place.


  • (adj) Someone who is vigilant gives careful attention to a particular problem or situation and concentrates in noticing any danger or trouble that there might be.
    He warned the public to be vigilant and report anything suspicious.
    (uncountable noun) Democracy is fragile and will not survive without constant vigilant.


  • A piece of writing or a drawing done in a hasty or illegible[不可辨认的] manner.
    The paper are random scribblings and nothing more.
  • (derogatory[贬义的] or facetious[乱开玩笑的]) A piece of creative writing.
    He filled his bureau with his impressive poetic[富有诗意的] scribblings/


A.transitive verb

▸ (throw around) to scatter (about or around);
撒 sǎ ‹sand, salt, ashes, seeds›

▸ (place haphazardly) to scatter (about or around);
随处放置 suíchù fàngzhì ‹papers, toys›
▸ clothes were scattered on every chair
③(cause to disperse) 驱散 qūsàn ‹crowd, birds, clouds›
④Physics 散射 sǎnshè ‹electrons, photons›
B.intransitive verb
散开 sànkāi
散落 sànluò
▸ a scatter of houses/rain drops
scattered | BrE ˈskatəd, AmE ˈskædərd |
分散的 fēnsàn de ‹villages, population›; 稀疏的 xīshū de ‹houses, audience›
▸ scattered showers

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